Will you share one magic moment of your Life?
Asked by
WhyNow (
June 5th, 2022
A kiss, a concert, a song, a sunny afternoon… something you will
never forget but don’t often share… I need a smile.
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32 Answers
Well… It’s been a whole nano second and still no answer so I’ll go first.
Driving south on the west side highway into NYC. It was a beautiful Sunday morning
I heard it first but looked to see what was a seemingly expensive convertible zooming
past… with a beautiful lady, hair in a handkerchief driving… as I approached at
a stoplight I could see the car’s license plate and it said ‘WAS HIS.’
The day after my divorce where my ex drove away and the kids and I sat on the front porch waving goodbye. That was a magic moment. About 2 hours later her mom called me to apologize to me for how her daughter treated me and the kids. That was the subsequent magic moment.
Sitting alone at an outdoor cafe in Montmartre, Paris, drinking a glass of white wine and eating some cheese while waiting to meet my son.
Meeting my dad as an adult after decades of no contact. It should have been awkward but I hugged him and he hugged me back, and I felt a tremendous rush of compassion. He’s a messed up Vietnam vet but not a bad man.
Coming back from a school trip, and finding my apartment empty, because the parents decided to move without telling me. Betrayal is magical, right?
I’ve told this before, but I feel it’s worth repeating.
I was at the grocery store with my mom. She was in a wheelchair with one of those baskets that come over the side and over her lap. Pretty much blocking the person in. We check out and get about half way to the car when it started pouring down the rain. She said just go for it! I ran with her to the car and was slinging bags inside as fast as I could, not looking at her. I get done and turn around to get her out. There’s a man standing beside her with an umbrella, keeping her dry. He was soaked. She was just sitting there smiling. It reminded me there are still good people around.
Being in the middle of the Atlantic ocean with no moonlight.
You can see every star, satellite, milky way etc.
Sorry, I overslept & just found this…
I was working with a guy whose brother had his own “chat group”. They ranted & raved about everything under the sun. Still, he’d share some of the funniest things that they had said to each other & they always seemed to show up at a time I most needed them!!! So, I followed them for a while & eventually joined the group. One member of the group had just received a brain cancer diagnosis & he needed a lot of attention due to his search for finding his peace with the situation. One day when he showed up, he was going on & on about a new site that he had discovered & he kept saying over & over that everybody needed to check out his new site. He was so adamant about the great site that I decided to visit & see what he found so exciting. It was one of those old social chat sites, but it was MORE interesting than the local chat group. My first night as an interested member, I met a man that intrigued me to no end. After talking to him for maybe a half hour, I found him to be charming, intelligent, funny, & he made my hard, cold heart go pitter patter…something that I thought had died years earlier. As he excused himself saying he had to leave because he had to go to work, he poofed off. I excitedly thought…I’m going to marry that man!!! Then I laughed at myself thinking You’ll NEVER meet him so you can’t marry him.
We continued to bump into each other over the next few weeks…getting to know each other better. Over the next year we became very emotionally involved. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to totally trust someone that I’ve never seen. I had been honest about the state I lived in always omitting the town I live in because, IF he made it to my town, it’s a short step to standing on my front porch!!!
I worked in a different state in a rather large city for this area. I go to lunch one day & I hear a familiar voice call out my name. I turned around & there he stood. The company he worked for was in the process of closing & they were offering jobs at various locations throughout the country & he had accepted a job in the same city where I worked not knowing that I worked there as well. We started out having lunches together & moved into having dinners together. Then we started finding activities over the weekends that we both enjoyed. We found that we had a LOT more in common as we got to know each other better!!! We eventually fell in love & got married. My first husband had been extremely abusive & his first wife treated him much the same, so we were BOTH pleased to be treated with RESPECT!!! Things were WONDERFUL for years…until he went to bed one night & didn’t wake up the next morning. He’s been gone for 15 years & I can still feel him & his love here with me!!! At the time that I met him, I had given up on the idea of “true love” & I still have “his love” with me although he no longer is!!! I have found PEACE in my life where there used to be nothing but PAIN!!! IF I were to die today, I’d die HAPPY!!!
My magic moment was being in the right place at the right time in order to be lead to the happiest moment in my life!!!
@Blackberry‘s story reminded me of one from my memories. I was visiting my uncle in Colorado. He lived WAY OUT there in the bush. This happened to coincide with the Hale–Bopp comet passing by. That thing took up half the sky at night. It really was magical, and I’ve never since seen a night’s sky so clear and bright.
When H R Clinton lost the 2016 election was one magic moment for me.
A few days after Christmas, I took my girlfriend to Pier 39 (a shamelessly tourist spot in San Francisco), and we sat in a small nightclub, listening to an old time jazz band fronted by an old newspaper reporter. The music was great, my girlfriend was beautiful, and I knew in that moment she was the woman I wanted to marry.
Forty-two years ago, when the world was a little younger and a little more hopeful than it is today, as we were about to enter Glasgow Cathedral for the midnight Christmas service I slipped a diamond ring on the finger of the woman I loved.
@filmfann I see the word was… but what happened?
A magical moment for me was when my parents disowned me because I’m gay.
Several magic moments, all related:
1. The day I received a letter from a judge saying he would allow my adoption files to be opened. The secretary in the office said I was lucky that I just happened to get that judge on that day. The only other judge in that district didn’t believe in allowing adoptees to see their files and would have rejected my request.
2. The day I received my files in the mail and found out my mother’s name and my story.
3. The day I found her on a genealogy site through her nephew. He called her and asked if she wanted to talk to me and she did, so we phoned.
4. The day a couple of months later that we met in person. (around 2012)
@filmfann I have a crazy idea… go back to the pier with… a small boombox loaded with
jazz… two folding chairs… a couple take out cups of coffee… pack Hostess Twinkies (optional)
Find a corner… put the boombox under the chair… listen to music, watch the sun go
down, chat, hold hands (optional) How romantic is that!!! If you get lost in a crowd with
her… keep her. If she calls you cheap dump her!!
Most important… report back. Unless you’re in jail.
@WhyNow Since @filmfann isn’t here to finish his magic moment, I’ll do my best to fill you in…
He married her & they are still living their happily ever after!!! He took her on a romantic cruise & it was one of the cruise liners fraught with Covid & she didn’t leave him…so, I think they are BOTH keepers!!!
@filmfann Did I leave anything out???
@LadyMarissa I love love a happily ever after!!
I’m getting these vibes… Are you Lady M and filmfan…?
Please forgive my forwardness.
I never kiss and tell. One moment I will share is one sunny afternoon at an Austin concert with my girlfriend and her Sis and I spaced out from drinking to much. I wasn’t real sure how she felt about me at the time. Soon corrected. I came to and they had left, and I was on the verge of hitching a ride back to my apt. They suddenly reappeared and Laura had a thermos of coffee and a big old sandwich she had made and brought me. Asked if I was mad at her and I said no, I honestly didn’t notice you all had gone ‘till maybe ten minutes ago. They had gone to their parents house and Laura had insisted on hooking me up with food. And coffee. “Because I love you you dumb ass”. Pretty magical thing to hear and experience, but not very nice to say. Oh well…
My beautiful girlfriend became my beautiful wife. We have been married nearly 38 years.
Following the covid cruise, my wife became semi famous for being the Quarantined Quilter
We are now on another cruise, and yes, she brought her sewing machine.
^^ I was totally impressed with her quilting ability!!! After hearing her story, I bought my own sewing machine with a cute little carrying case & I don’t leave home without it!!! Just hope that I’ll NEVER need to become an expert on making a quilt!! ;}
So… Lady Marissa… I know a perfect place… we can sit… have coffee… watch
the sunset… hold hands (optional)
^^Lady Marissa… thank you for making me smile… and for being a good sport.
The look on my children’s faces when they do something that makes me gleeful. I instantly see the joy on their faces when they see I am extremely happy even though they are in their 30’s. Like when my son took me to the Vatican and he remembered it was always my life dream to see it in person. It was better than I could ever imagine. Or when my kids took me and my husband parasailing. I can’t help but feel like it’s a magical moment to see how much it means to them to see us happy.
My husband and I were alone at a resort in the Santa Cruz mountains, off season. We passed a romantic evening.
Later I went outside barefoot and wrapped in a blanket. I spun around on the soft grassy spot in front of the cottage. Everything was quiet. The moon was glowing full and silver through the redwoods.
I dropped the blanket and stood there in the cool night air wearing nothing but the moonlight.
I can still feel it on my skin.
These ‘moments’ are making me feel… connected and human… again!
Wait wait… no… I am still an evil conservative.
^^ Even evil conservatives have their fun, liberal moments…it won’t last…you’ll be OK!!! :’[ ;}
The day Mrs Squeeky came into my life!
Leaving on a bus from a major city of which I grew up all my life to arrive to a Tourist Town in a National Park system of 5000 people with fresh clean ari, water,and lovely people.
I learned then at that one moment entering the Gates that I have truely come to my forever home!
Also that after living her and contemplating on it that I discovered that actually I like the country rather than the noisey city life.
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