Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How does society teach those who take pride in being hated?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25195points) June 5th, 2022

Like, but not limited to internet trolling?

We can’t name Jellies so I can’t give examples.

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14 Answers

snowberry's avatar

I think there are a few folks here who like me but lots of them don’t, and some of them seem to actually despise me.

I don’t take pride in being hated; that sounds pretty stupid. But have learned to endure.

However there are other social groups where I am liked and even appreciated for who I am.

So it really depends on who your community is. Bottom line, my identity does not depend on somebody’s opinion of me or what I stand for.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I am just me & I DON’T give anybody else power over who I am!!! Don’t like me, I’m NOT changing so you will find a way to like me. Life is too short to waste my time worry about what others like. I don’t take pride in being hated…I just don’t worry about it!!! I’ve NEVER paid attention as to how society treats those who take pride in being hated…Sorry!!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Edit redacted.

kritiper's avatar

You can’t teach them, only eliminate them. A sure-fire fix.

JLoon's avatar

Try spanking.

It probably won’t change me, but I might like it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

U make me laugh @JLoon!

JLoon's avatar

@Dutchess_III – You can hate me later ;)

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@JLoon So, sticks and stones can break your bones but whips and chains excite you? ; )

JLoon's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums – It’s all about teaching ;D

Entropy's avatar

I honestly don’t understand what you’re asking. Are you asking how/why internet trolls happen? Bullies happen in real life. Pranksters happen in real life. Giving them anonymity makes the MORE likely to do those things. That doesn’t seem complex. But is that what you’re asking?

LostInParadise's avatar

I don’t think anyone feels pride in being hated. Maybe pride in causing damage or getting attention or being feared.

seawulf575's avatar

Taking pride in being hated? Hhmmm…that doesn’t sound like anyone I know. Not caring if they are hated? Yeah, I’m there! If you are asking how to change someone that becomes a bit more problematic. First off you have to understand that person. Not superficially and not with your own opinions laid on them. You actually have to understand them. Then you would need to think about what makes them tick…what motivates them to act/think the way they do. Then you would need to offer correction for that thinking that makes sense to them.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Troublemakers may have good reasons for an online persona and/or rattling cages. I am intrigued by a few who poke the bear for fun.

I PM’d recently with a jelly to see why they did that and the person said it was just fun. I explained that if they wanted to stay and make friends, that may not be the best approach. That’s really all you can do.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Do you mean the ones that like to piss off others for game only?

Because they have nothing to lose, they are disappointed in life and thus hurt others to make them feel less.
A power trip that alienates them more so.

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