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Pandora's avatar

What do you eat when you aren't in the mood to eat anything but you are hungry?

Asked by Pandora (32629points) June 6th, 2022

Every once in a while, I’m not in the mood to eat fruits, veggies, meat, fish, or even starches no matter how hungry I feel. But eventually, I eat to just shut my stomach up. I’ll make something quick like a hot pocket with a salad and maybe some fruit or a tuna or ham sandwich or hot dog.
What is your go-to hunger squelcher when you are just eating to eat?
Do you eat just to eat, or do you try to at least get some nutrients of value even though you are not in the mood?

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31 Answers

Demosthenes's avatar

Usually snack things, like nuts or baby carrots. I eat those sometimes when my stomach is bugging me but I’m not in the mood to eat (say, if I have to eat something early in the morning before an appointment or it’s late at night and it’s too late for a full-on meal but I need to stop feeling hungry).

gondwanalon's avatar

I eat to fill my stomach when I know that it is appropriate. Try to avoid junk foods.
Sometimes my body will lie to me by telling me that I’m hungry when I know that I just ate 2 hours ago. I just ignore it and drive on. Eventually it will cut the crap and shut up.

cookieman's avatar

Cereal. Trader Joe’s has a pecan granola one I like.

rockfan's avatar

When I’m not in the mood to eat anything, I usually don’t eat anything lol

jca2's avatar

It depends on what I have. Maybe popcorn or cheese and crackers, or a piece of fruit.

Jeruba's avatar

These are options, not a menu. The only (occasional) combinations here are 1 & 2 or 4 & 5.

1. Hershey’s kisses
2. Doritos
3. cheese & crackers
4. cup of tea
5. ice cream

or (once in a while, and dependent on prior planning)
6. hard-boiled egg

Some of these go down better with a glass of cranberry juice.

And there’s always:
7. nothing

@gondwanalon, a trainer told me that when you imagine you’re hungry after you just ate, you’re actually thirsty. Drink some water and you’ll feel fuller. Does this work for you?

ImmaKnew's avatar

Peanut butter toast

raum's avatar

Banana, boiled egg or nuts.

JLeslie's avatar

I haven’t had it in a while, but I used to make a toasted cheese sandwich a lot of the time in that sort of situation.

Brian1946's avatar

Paradox potatoes.

gorillapaws's avatar

Baby carrots are satisfyingly crunchy, filling and healthy. The downside is the need to floss after you’ve snarfed a bunch.

Pandora's avatar

I think some people are not getting the point. I’m not talking about munchies. Like you need to eat even though it’s not time to eat. Like most days I eat twice a day. Breakfast and then an early dinner. But sometimes I could be hungry for hours and just ignore it because I can’t bring myself to eat anything. Not because I don’t like it. Just that I’m not in the mood for anything. After 61 years of living, I’ve eaten the same foods hundreds of times. It’s not even about the dish. To me meat is meat, starches are starches, seasonings are seasoning, and junk food is just different types of sweet or sour. None of it thrills me much anymore. So I eat to just survive some days. Once in a while, I may actually want something I haven’t had in a while and eat it with pleasure, but most days I just eat because starving sucks.

It’s like when you were a kid and can ravioli was a treat to have, then you grow up and realize it was crap. Not that everything is crap now. It just is different variations of the same basic foods. Protein, starches, veggies, fruits, fish.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie Actually I forget about grill cheese sandwiches.
@Jeruba Oh, I also tend to forget cheese and crackers. Both of these things are filling and tasty enough for those I just have to eat something, moments.
@raum, my husbands go to is nuts when he also isn’t in a mood to eat. I will go for a banana if I have one or scrabble eggs. I use to just have cold cereal, or cream of wheat or oatmeal, but I’ve grown bored of them as well.

SnipSnip's avatar

I just experienced that and opted for a toasted flour tortilla with white cheddar.

Pandora's avatar

Cheese seems to be the most common choice.

Samantha4One's avatar

Well, I don’t know about you but the thing is, when someone is real hungry, they can eat just about anything, whether they like it or not. Even nasty things tastes nice when hungry. Mood has nothing to do with it when someone’s actually hungry. It’s probably not the answer you’re looking for though.

ragingloli's avatar

Cold chicken nuggets straight from the package.

YARNLADY's avatar

I just tell myself I’m not really hungry and sip water for a while.

KNOWITALL's avatar

A glass of milk is my filler when I’m not hungry.

WhyNow's avatar

@Pandora I am sensing a deeper issue here… I could be wring… But I say

See life thru younger eyes… I forget which song.

kritiper's avatar

Whoppers from Burger King.

raum's avatar

@Pandora When I’m not in the mood to eat, I’m not looking for anything exciting.

Mostly sticking with food that’s boring, single-ingredient, filling, and something I can grab on the run.

Are you asking for ideas that you could both eat when your husband is in that mood?

Caravanfan's avatar

An apple or a piece of cheese.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’ve been thinking about this question since it was posted yesterday. It baffles me completely. I have never once in my entire life been hungry but not in the mood to eat. I can’t wrap my head around that. It seems impossible to my way of thinking based on my own experience of living inside my body. If I’m hungry, I’m in the mood to eat.


JLeslie's avatar

^^For me It’s being hungry but nothing really sounds good at the time. No food is sounding very appealing. That’s how I think about it anyway.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^ I think it has to do with the fact I’m not a picky eater. I will eat just about anything, so it doesn’t take much for me to think of something as appetizing.

raum's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Do you ever feel like eating something, but you’re not actually hungry? It’s like that, but in reverse. Food as sensory entertainment vs food as necessity.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I can understand that a little.

Pandora's avatar

@WhyNow I’m not a foodie or something like that. I don’t eat because of emotional issues. I do have acid reflux and ideally eating more frequent smaller meals is best but I don’t like to eat if I’m not hungry and if I let myself go over 14 hours without eating I can get a headache.

I don’t have a food disorder of any kind. It’s just I sometimes have gone over 10 hours without eating all because I can’t decide what to eat because everything bores me. By that time I grab something quick to eat because I’m not going through the trouble of making anything that will take over 15 minutes to prepare, especially if I know I won’t enjoy it and I have to give myself some time to digest the food before bed time so I won’t suffer from acid reflux by letting undigested food sit in my stomach. That is a recipe for a bad night. An empty stomach just filled with water would do the same.
It could also be my taste buds have diminished a bit. It happens as you get older. Some sweets are too sweet some days and some foods require more seasoning that before.

WhyNow's avatar

@Pandora Well… I see the issue! I stand corrected… but my advice still holds

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have a glass of something to drink. Like water, milk, or juice.

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