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filmfann's avatar

Will things go back to normal now?

Asked by filmfann (52610points) June 7th, 2022

A little more than 2 years ago, my wife and I joined a couple of friends on the cruise ship that was quarantined. After we were released, everything seemed upside down.
Now my friends and my wife and I are on an Alaskan cruise. One of my friends and I have just tested positive for Covid.
I’m thinking about movies like Final Destination or Donnie Darko.
Does our finally getting Covid fix reality?

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37 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well…hell! How do you feel?

rebbel's avatar

No, I’m afraid not.
We’ll get new waves after the summer, possibly.
Numbers in the Netherlands are rising again (no rules anymore in affect).

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am so very sorry to hear you caught it. I pray it’s mild.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I sure hope the hell so!!! Please let us know how this turns out for you!!!

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, @filmfann, oh dear. I hope you guys feel OK…

chyna's avatar

I hope you have no symptoms or side effects! Hugs!

janbb's avatar

Oh what a shame! Unfortunately, there is a tear in the space-time continuum and normality is a dead concept.

But feel better soon!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Seriously? Wow, are you restricted to your cabin?

filmfann's avatar

We both are quarantined to our cabins. Both our mates test negative, and can wander the ship after 24 hours.
I have a dry cough, and general weakness, but I feel better each day.

canidmajor's avatar

And keep us apprised on the reset thing. I’ll watch for alleviation.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann Hey – if you “have the power” He-Man, maybe concentrate it on the Supreme Court this month!

And think negative!

filmfann's avatar

“By Grabthar’s hammer, by the suns of Worvan, I will focus on it!”

raum's avatar

Oh man. Hope it’s a mild case for you both!

I think this is the new normal, moving into the endemic part of this whole thing. :/

Caravanfan's avatar

I think you have shown exactly why things aren’t going back to normal probably ever. Sorry you got the bug.

Jeruba's avatar

What a shame for you and your wife and friends, @filmfann. I’m so sorry it turned out like that.

I agree with @janbb, there’s no such thing as normality any more. There’s only what we can get used to, if not recover from. I do wish you a quick recovery from this setback and hope your cruise can still be enjoyable.

filmfann's avatar

We are quarantined to our room, but we have a balcony, which is nice.
The TV doesn’t show the news, and that sucks.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann You’re probably being spared not having the news!

SnipSnip's avatar

No. Not unless the citizenry gets active by communicating what they want and what they don’t with their Congressional reps and Senators. Right now the politicians are working for themselves, not the citizens.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann Maybe you need to take a third cruise to repair normality? ~ Actually, I think camping in a forest might be a better bet next time.

Hope you feel better soon.

JLeslie's avatar

Supposedly, you can catch covid again, so as long as there are rules about having to isolate when you are sick on a ship, that won’t change. I’m pretty sure cruise ships have all sick people isolate, not just people with covid.

When I took a cruise before covid on Holland America there were multiple signs about having cold or flu symptoms, we couldn’t serve ourselves at the buffet for the first 48 hours, and hand sanitizer was at every elevator lobby. It’s well known flus and other illnesses come to America via cruise ships and flights.

Eventually, there might be zero covid specific precautions if hospitalizations and deaths get low enough, but there will still be places that care about controlling the spread of illness like cruises.

I personally don’t know anyone who has had covid AND is vaccinated who has had covid twice. That would be interesting to find out if that is happening. Let’s say your chances of getting covid again are now extremely close to zero. Then your life will become much more normal than mine. I still am concerned about catching it even though I’m vaccinated.

Covid cases are way up. The positivity rate in my area is 18% now.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie It’s amazing how at least half the people that I know have had it (the Omicron).

Demosthenes's avatar

I would love to go on a cruise again, but this just confirms that it’s still too early to “go back to normal”. I wore a mask on two recent cross-country flights even though around 50% of people weren’t. Cruises and planes have always been disease-spreaders, and with COVID running rampant, it’s a risk. I totally get wanting to live life as normal again, and for the most part, I am. But I guess there are some things that might not be worth it yet.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I know a lot of people too. I’m pretty sure almost all of them went back to normal, everything is like pre-covid where I live except some medical offices still require a mask, so they put themselves in situations where there was no precautions being taken at all. I was actually going to ask in my Facebook covid group if anyone who caught it recently had a mask on when they caught it.

Although, I do know another person who caught it on a cruise besides the OP, and I think cruises still require a negative test, so that would be a precaution, but aren’t the people on the ships going into ports and having contact with others? Are passengers asked to mask in port?

I was in a clothing store yesterday, I had a KN95 mask on. In the distance in the store, maybe 80–100 feet away, there was someone sneezing and coughing, and in my opinion definitely sick, not allergies, she sounded sick. Did my mask help not catch it? Hopefully, I wasn’t close enough to even worry, but her sneezes and coughs were probably floating around in the air. I hope I don’t have it. I think anyone who was near her without a mask really ran a risk.

jca2's avatar

I was tempted to fly this year for vacation, but between the Covid still being an issue and lots of flights being cancelled due to pilot shortages, it’s not happening. We’re taking some driving trips this summer, which is fun in a different way (seeing the country up close)..

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: For the average person who catches Covid, I think it would be almost impossible to predict where and when they caught it, so when you say you were going to ask if anyone had a mask on when they caught it, that seems like an impossible question to answer.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I know. But here, there are some people who always wear a mask and others who never do. I’m betting the people who still consistently mask and distance haven’t caught it.

If I catch it I wouldn’t know for sure where I got it, because I’m inconsistent. I might be able to narrow it down if I found out someone else was sick a day before me and I was near them.

WhyNow's avatar

So… filmfann you are on an Alaskan cruise and you brought Fluther…

Dutchess_III's avatar

WE’RE ALL GONNA GET COVID!....wait. Jellyfish can’t get covid….not even through their smart phone.

JLeslie's avatar

Not everyone will get it. Not everyone got measles before the vaccine, not everyone got chicken pox, there will be a slim few who never get it.

filmfann's avatar

My wife tested positive yesterday.
Today we were released from the ship. We had been gathered in a large dining area. About 80 of us.
We will return to our home in Uncivilization and stay isolated for a few weeks.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@filmfann I’m so sorry to hear that. In Hawaiian, we say, “Malama pono.” It translates as “take good care,” but there’s heartfelt nuances in the Hawaiian that aren’t relayed in the English words.

janbb's avatar

What a shame, @filmfann ! I’m so sorry!

janbb's avatar

Is this the end of the cruise as scheduled for everyone or are the positive people having to get off early?

JLeslie's avatar

I wonder if the ship contained it, or if people continued to pop up sick day after day who were not quarantined with a sick person.

When the ship realized there was covid on board did they start requiring more masks or add additional precautions of any kind?

jca2's avatar

I see on another social media site, 10% of the people on the ship were Covid+.

WhyNow's avatar

I… never went on a cruise… never liked buffet… don’t have any friends…

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