General Question

seawulf575's avatar

Is the televised Jan 6th committee hearings just a distraction?

Asked by seawulf575 (17295points) June 11th, 2022

The Jan 6th committee was formed about a year ago. For that whole time they have been secretive. Suddenly there is a push to publicize the hearings.

The Democrats are in serious trouble in the polls. The public sees Biden’s approval rating is dismal, inflation is at a 41 year high and the economy is in the toilet, illegal immigration is being encouraged and basically nothing of significance has been done right by this administration. They are looking at a massive blowout in November. All the Democrats have had for the past 5 years is “hate Trump”. Is this sudden effort at “transparency” a sham to try distracting people?

Yes, I know there are Republicans on the panel…Republicans that often side with Democrats. The Republicans that don’t agree with the Dems were banned from being on the panel. Will the panel agree to air the transcripts of everything they have discussed so far so the people can see what has and hasn’t been addressed?

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185 Answers

filmfann's avatar

There are differing beliefs regarding what happened.
Some Republicans think Antifa were pretending to be Trump supporters, and did all the violence.
Some Republicans claim this was nothing more than a tourist visit.
Some Republicans claim the election was stolen.
Some Republicans say this was a reasonable response, following a stolen election.
Some Republicans claim this was Nancy Pelosi’s fault, saying she refused additional police support.
Some Republicans claim this televised investigation is payback for the Benghazi hearings.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Some Republicans don’t know what they are talking ! @filmfann

janbb's avatar

@filmfann And yet, we all saw what happened – live on TV.

Demosthenes's avatar

I mean, it’s as much of a distraction as Benghazi was. There’s absolutely a political element to televising it now. That doesn’t mean it’s all BS though.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’ll echo @Demosthenes here. @seawulf575 You’re right about the timing of the hearings. It’s not an accident that it’s corresponding with the midterms. That said, the fact that it’s being timed for partisan political strategy doesn’t negate what happened or the need for accountability.

WhyNow's avatar

The hearings promise new evidence that trump was trying to stay in power by
overturning the election… I haven’t seen it yet. Saying trump is a nasty guy is
not going to shock anybody.

This mirrors the Russian collusion hearings… promising much, showing nothing.
Making the midterms about trump… just won’t work… we’ll see.

WhyNow's avatar

@filmfann Authorizing 20,000 national guardsman might be more than just
‘additional police support’ just saying.

So it comes down to perception… Dems say
Riots… these are mostly peaceful protests!
Jan. 6 riots… almost lost our democracy!!!

Don’t believe your lying eyes… believe what we tell you to believe!
If you say otherwise… we’ll censure and/or arrest you!

chefl's avatar whether this adds to the conversation or not I’m not sure.
I don’t know it this aspect has been bought up I haven’t read the posts above.

seawulf575's avatar

@gorillapaws “That said, the fact that it’s being timed for partisan political strategy doesn’t negate what happened or the need for accountability.” I agree 100% which is why I asked if they will release the transcript of all that has gone before this. I’d like some answers to questions that I suspect are not being asked. Capitol police presence on Jan 6th was less than on any normal day. Yet we know that the Capitol Police, the FBI and DHS were all warned of potential violence. So why was the police presence so lax? Had there been more police presence, there would likely have been no protestors inside that day. They were not an armed mob, they were unarmed and basically peaceful. They did some damage to the building, but not nearly as much as many other protests in this country over the past 5 years.
Not to mention we have all seen the videos of some of the Capitol police not only NOT stopping protestors from entering the Capitol building, but holding the doors open for them and even, in some cases, escorting them in. Why is this? Only one person was actually killed that day. Ashlii Babitt was the unarmed woman that was shot by a police officer. That police officer not only was facing an unarmed woman but had the back up of many armed police, so there was no threat to his life. He shot into a crowd that included many other police officers. That officer was never brought up on charges. In any other setting, that police officer would have been suspended pending an investigation into the shooting. This was not done. Why? Who was Ray Epps? Why was he on video urging people to storm the building on more than one occasion and videoed inside the building on others and nothing ever happened to him? He started off on the FBI most wanted list for this event but was never arrested and was never questioned. Why?

Accountability is an interesting term you used because it points in so many directions. So if this committee is NOT just playing political theater, I offer they ought to go for full transparency. Let the world see what they were and weren’t asking, what evidence they were seeking and suppressing.

chefl's avatar

@seawulf575 The event is news, the biggest event right now. it is needed, if people cae abou the facts, as to who said exactly what.

WhyNow's avatar

@chefl In your heart… do you really believe this… ‘show’ will uncover the facts
we so badly need?

chefl's avatar

@WhyNow I meant it would show the public who is saying what during the hearings. If it is not televised, it can only be worse.

chefl's avatar

….Unless what is needed is the someone( reportes’, or “reporters, or others ) ” from either side, telling you fake news, it is needed, and from the beginning to the end.
Didn’t CNN cut off the most recent Supreme court judge right in the middle of a question her answer, that she was unable to answer, (or CNN pedicted she was goint to fail with her answer)? (editd)

mazingerz88's avatar

Hardly a distraction. Almost 20 million Americans watched to probably get more info on the investigation. Beyond what they had read in print so far and seen in earlier news.

janbb's avatar

As was pointed out somewhere else, there was 11% inflation when Nixon was President and the Watergate hearings were going on, yet people managed to pay attention to both. I guess @HP is right and some elements of the electorate are dumbening.

Zaku's avatar

“Is the televised Jan 6th committee hearings just a distraction?”
– No.

“The public sees Biden’s approval rating is dismal”
– no

”... the economy is in the toilet”
– no

”... illegal immigration is being encouraged”
– no

”... basically nothing of significance has been done right by this administration.”
– wrong

“All the Democrats have had for the past 5 years is “hate Trump”.”
– no

“Is this sudden effort at “transparency” a sham to try distracting people?”
– no

But this post, and the huge dump of right-wing bullshit is clearly designed to distract people from the fact that Trump lied his ass off about having lost the election, organized a mob to try to steal it, and many of the Republicans still in office knew about it, and helped. And they should all be convicted for sedition and conspiracy etc, be tossed out of office, shamed, and every fool who believed and supported them should re-think their thinking.

kritiper's avatar

No. This thing needs to be fixed and the hearings are a great place to start!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@Zaku Ditto, you said it all.

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Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Treason by any other name is still treason.

Caravanfan's avatar

The alt-right party line as advertised by their “impartial’ media outlet says it’s a distraction, so it must be.

WhyNow's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums Here’s where I really don’t get it… Does occupying the Capital
Building make you de facto head of government? Did trump refuse to peacefully step
down? Did trump try to delay peaceful transition of power?

Where was the treason!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Watch the hearings. But you’ll probably still be in denial, so just go watch Fox and be happy.

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 It’s good to know you think the polls matter and how the public views the economy and immigration and other issues is of importance because the January 6th insurrectionists didn’t give a hoot about what the public thought about anything.

WhyNow's avatar

@Caravanfan I’m sorry… I just can’t watch. Does Carlson call himself impartial media?
I saw an interview and he called himself a commentator.

Caravanfan's avatar

@WhyNow No, I was being sarcastic when I said “impartial”.

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AlaskaTundrea's avatar

It’s obvious you don’t believe it is just a distraction or, well, you wouldn’t be here trying to convince us it’s nothing but a distraction. People were injured and haven’t recovered yet, so doubt they’re agree it is meaningless. People died. Their loved ones don’t seem to think it’s a distraction.

LostInParadise's avatar

Distraction? A group of armed rebels broke into the Capitol and tried to stage an insurrection, which the president did not try to interfere with. The public has a right to know what happened so that steps can be taken to prevent such an event in the future, and it is important to know what Trump’s role was.

seawulf575's avatar

@AlaskaTundrea I wasn’t asking if the Jan 6th committee was a distraction, I asked if doing live broadcast of the hearings after refusing anything close to that for a year was the distraction. You and I have entirely different views about Jan 6th, I get that, but that doesn’t change the fact that they have been keeping the hearings under wraps for a year and now, when they are in political peril, want to broadcast it live.

But I will point out a few discrepancies on your comment. There were indeed a few deaths associated with the Jan 6th protest. Several cardiac arrests, several subsequent suicides of the police that had to participate and one police shooting that resulted in a death. Of all of those, the only ones that have a claim on Jan 6th is Ashlii Babbitt’s husband. And he is the one that the Jan 6th committee will not be giving any satisfaction to.

seawulf575's avatar

@LostInParadise Again…the media lies. Armed rebels…armed with protest signs and flags. Not a single stabbing or shooting by any of the protestors. So claiming they were “armed rebels” is disingenuous and misinformation. But it does help push the distraction of the whole thing.

Trump made a speech and called for a peaceful protest to make their voices heard. How is that NOT interfering with the proposed idea of the protestors or, more closely to the Democrat’s claims, inciting insurrection?

The public does have a right to know the details about that day. I have listed a number of questions I have about it. Funny that the Dems are forbidding any questions about any of those things. You’d almost think they don’t want the whole truth, wouldn’t you? And now live broadcast of previously private hearings? Ummm….yeah. I believe that to be a distraction to try deflecting back to their “hate Trump” mantra they have been singing for 5 years.

chefl's avatar

@seawulf575 Ok, I missed the “The Jan 6th committee was formed about a year ago. For that whole time they have been secretive. Suddenly there is a push to publicize the hearings.”
part. Ok. For sure it is better than if they didn’t start publicizing it. Is the expression “Better late than never.”

seawulf575's avatar

@chefl They didn’t want to air it in the beginning because there ARE too many questions they aren’t addressing. And now they are airing it because they have minimized the entire focus to “hate Trump” and they want to use it as a distraction from everything else. That is what I am asking. Why the airing of the hearings now?

chefl's avatar

@seawulf575 so then maybe you can argue that they should publicize the whole thing, now, retroactivelly?

LostInParadise's avatar

@seawulf575 , The rioters broke into the Capitol building with the intent of disrupting the presidential certification process, and Trump did not do anything about it. It was Mike Pence who contacted the Pentagon. It remains to be seen how deeply Trump was involved with what took place.

Many of the protesters had weapons of various sorts. They may not have fired their guns, but but many had guns and knives with them. They definitely used pepper spray. Capitol Police officer Caroline Edwards testified that it was like a war zone

Caravanfan's avatar

@LostInParadise His mind is made up. Don’t confuse him with the facts.

seawulf575's avatar

@chefl Almost. They should have broadcast the whole thing from start to finish. That way the public would be aware of what was and wasn’t actually being asked.

seawulf575's avatar

@LostInParadise Soooo….no shooting, no stabbings. How is this a war zone? This isn’t even as bad as the CHOP insurrection where the mob DID take over public buildings, shot people, beat people, etc, etc, etc. There were two guys arrested for using bear spray on Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick which was claimed to have cost him his life. That story changed quickly when it came to light that they had bear spray and didn’t use it, but used pepper spray instead and that Officer Sicknick died of strokes…not from anything to do with the attack. So you had 2 protesters specifically identified and I saw that 5 others had pepper spray. Out of how many?!? I’ve seen the estimate of 120,000. So that means 0.006% of the protesters had pepper spray. Again, the claim of “armed rebels” falls drastically short of being an honest description. Ask 100 people a cold question to tell you what an “armed rebel” looks like and I will guarantee that most would include the description of a gun somewhere. And it certainly doesn’t qualify as a war zone. Chaotic no doubt, but not a war zone.

And all this leads me right back to the questions I wanted to hear from the Jan 6th committee that they have banned. If this was such a threat (as was reported to the Capitol Police, the FBI, and the DHS) why were there fewer officers than on a normal day at the Capitol?

WhyNow's avatar

@Caravanfan So please! You give us 2 facts. Facts that show this was an insurrection or
sedition or even a violation of the first amendment. We can debate those ‘facts.’

You say trump should have brought the national guard… actually trump could
legally authorize’ the guard but only Bowser could depoly them to the grounds and only
Pelosi could deploy them inside the building. Fact. This to prevent an insurrection… the
system worked.

There was info that something would so trump autherized the guard on the 4th…
two days prior.

There were two hearings before this show. I remember… in one the FBI could not say
how many guns were present. Certianly no long guns were seen but someone saw a
man with a side belt holster… the police gave chase but found no one.

Again I scroll up but could not find facts as you say @Caravanfan so help me!

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AlaskaTundrea's avatar

Wuffy knows the truth. That’s why HE is trying so hard to distract us from it. Our democracy was attacked. People died. He doesn’t care. All his distractions in the world don’t change that fact, he doesn’t care.

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seawulf575's avatar

@Caravanfan Interesting video. I saw the police using mace or pepper spray but didn’t see protesters using it. And this IS an edited video, put together by the Democrats, presented as “evidence” by the Democrats. This was not “armed rebels”. This was not even really a riot. And it did leave out other videos that tell a whole other story that needs to be addressed for full disclosure instead of political whitewashing

The problem with the entire Jan 6th committee is that they suppressed videos like these. They didn’t want to address them. They wanted to make it seem like the police did all they could to block an out of control mob. That is political whitewashing.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Conspiracy theories from Wikipedia AS said, you cant make this up

U.S. Army Special Operations Command map,[16][9] depicting the US military plans during the Jade Helm 15 exercise
The conspiracy theories seem to emanate from the map shown here from the U.S. Army Special Operations Command which divides the region into four colors, with two “hostile” states, two “permissive” states, two states leaning one way or the other, and California divided.[17] Jim Shea of the Hartford Courant wrote that the conspiracy theories included: a “psychological operation aimed at getting people used to seeing military forces on the streets” so that they do not realize when an invasion actually takes place; an international operation aimed to seize people’s guns; recently closed Walmarts used by the military to “stockpile supplies for Chinese troops who will be arriving to disarm Americans”; and a military plan to “round up political dissidents” and “remove key political figures” who may be against the imposition of martial law.[18] Other theories have described Jade Helm 15 as a “secret plot” to impose martial law, confiscate firearms, invade Texas, and institute “total population control.”[19]

The conspiracy theories also included concern about the name of the exercise, with the “jade” possibly referring to China,[20][21] or possibly an acronym for artificial intelligence developed by the U.S. military.[22] Conspiracy theorist and Texas radio host Alex Jones said that “helm” is an acronym for “Homeland Eradication of Local Militants”.[19]

There was some tie-in between the Jade Helm 15 exercise and a resurgence of the FEMA camps conspiracy theory with the exercise raising fear that it was a dry run for forcing citizens into internment camps.[23] These fears were demonstrated to have been unfounded when the exercise was completed and no one was placed into a camp.[24]

Comet or asteroid impact
Some conspiracy theorists have connected the Jade Helm 15 military exercise with an apocalypse caused by a comet or asteroid striking the Earth.[25][26][27] The Jade Helm 15 military exercise had an ending date of September 15, 2015, which is the same month identified by some conspiracy theorists for the catastrophic impact of a comet or asteroid,[28][29][30] based in part on a statement made May 13, 2014 by the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius that the world has “500 days to avoid climate chaos”.[31] The conspiracy theorists claim that Jade Helm 15 is a dress rehearsal for the imposition of martial law[26][32] which would be implemented in the event of a catastrophe of this level of severity. However, the NASA Near Earth Object Program publishes the Sentry Risk Table, which is a list that identifies such threats, and the list does not include any object with a high Torino Scale number (a measure of the severity of the threat) for 2015.[33] Also, a NASA spokesperson said, “NASA knows of no asteroid or comet currently on a collision course with Earth”.[30][26] But some conspiracy theorists claim that the object has been tracked for years,[34] the object name is known but its published coordinates and orbit information are incorrect, and the threat is not publicly listed because of the thought that panic would ensue.[35] The apocalypse failed to happen on September 15, 2015.[36]

The Austin American-Statesman newspaper noted that after plans and maps of the exercise were made public, there was an “explosion of outrage on social media after the release of the map, which labeled Texas, Utah and the southern tip of California as ‘hostile.’”[37] There was also speculation that shuttered Walmart stores would be used for “guerrilla-warfare staging areas and FEMA processing camps”,[38] though this theory was debunked by the website Snopes.[39]

A survey of registered Republicans by Public Policy Polling in May 2015,[40] found that 32% thought that “the Government is trying to take over Texas”, and that half of all Tea Party supporters are concerned with an imminent Texas invasion.[41]

Greg Capers, sheriff of San Jacinto County, published a letter in the Cleveland Advocate (of Cleveland, Texas), in response to numerous phone calls from citizens, in which he described “alternative news sources” that were spreading inaccurate information about the exercise, and encouraged citizens to “utilize legitimate mainstream news sources” for those interested in accurate information.[42]

On April 28, Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor the operation. “During the training operation, it is important that Texans know [that] their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed.”[37][43]

On May 2, 2015, Texas senator Ted Cruz told the South Carolina Republican Party’s annual convention that he had “reached out to the Pentagon to inquire about this exercise.”

We are assured [that] it is a military training exercise. I have no reason to doubt those assurances, but I understand the reason for concern and uncertainty, because when the federal government has not demonstrated itself to be trustworthy in this administration, the natural consequence is that many citizens don’t trust what it is saying.[44][45]

U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert said in a statement on May 5, 2015, that his “office has been inundated with calls referring to the Jade Helm 15 military exercise” with concerns that the U.S. Army is preparing for “modern-day martial law”. He alluded to a notorious remark made by Barack Obama, who claimed that Pennsylvanians were “bitter” and “cling to guns or religion”:[46] “I was rather appalled that the hostile areas amazingly have a Republican majority, ‘cling to their guns and religion,’ and believe in the sanctity of the United States Constitution”. He asserted that “the map of the exercise needs to change, the names on the map need to change, and the tone of the exercise needs to be completely revamped so the federal government is not intentionally practicing war against its own states.”[45][47][48]

In a November 2015 GQ interview, President Obama described Jade Helm as “his favorite conspiracy theory”.[49]

All News Pipeline[50] broke Jade Helm to the world on March 13, 2015, five days before conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones, who began spreading the conspiracy theory on March 19, 2015, by saying on his radio program and on his website that the federal government was preparing to invade Texas.[51] “They’re going to practice breaking into things and stuff. This is going to be hellish,” Jones said. “Now this is just a cover for deploying the military on the streets… This is an invasion… in preparation for the financial collapse and maybe even Obama not leaving office.”[51]

In reaction to the sentiment that the military exercises might in fact be movement against American citizens, Dallas Morning News columnist Jacquielynn Floyd wrote a column titled, “Abbott should counter, not cater to, Texans’ crazy Jade Helm fears,” noting that Abbott’s “response to this nut-studded fruitcake of fear was unfortunate.”[52] On April 29, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest addressed the concerns of critics in the regular press briefing, saying, “I have no idea what he’s thinking,” regarding Abbott’s letter to the Texas Guard. “In no way will the constitutional rights or civil liberties of any American citizen be infringed upon while this exercise is being conducted.”[53][54]

Comedian Jon Stewart addressed the debate around the exercises in a segment on The Daily Show on May 4 called “Fear and Absent Danger”, noting that previous military exercises while Republican Rick Perry was governor did not raise similar concerns.[55][56]

A survey by Public Policy Polling between May 7 and May 10, 2015, found that 32% of 685 Republican primary voters believed “the government is trying to take over Texas”, 40% believed “the government is not trying to take over Texas” and 28% were “unsure”.[57][58]

Russian disinformation
Clint Watts and two others in the FBI began to notice Russian disinformation campaigns starting in April 2014.[59] Watts said that Russian-driven efforts to spread misinformation were involved with Jade Helm 15.[59] In 2017, Facebook shut down a page called “Heart of Texas” which was found to be associated with a Russian company promoting disinformation, including promoting the Jade Helm conspiracy.[60]

On May 3, 2018, The Texas Tribune reported that Michael Hayden, a former director of the CIA and NSA said that the “hysteria” surrounding the training exercise “was fueled by Russians wanting to dominate ‘the information space.’”[61] Hayden said that Russian bots were used to spread misinformation.[62]

See also
Operation Gotham Shield
Toohey, Marty (September 23, 2016). “5 things you should know about Jade Helm 15”. Austin American-Statesman. Retrieved January 10, 2020.
Manny Fernandez (May 6, 2015). “Conspiracy Theories Over Jade Helm Training Exercise Get Some Traction in Texas”. The New York Times. Retrieved May 8, 2015.
The military has not defined “Jade Helm 15” for the public as of January 2016. The acronym JADE stands for “Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution,” “a knowledge-based mixed-initiative system that supports force deployment planning and management. JADE uses case-based and generative planning methods to support the development of large-scale, complex deployment plans in minimal time.” Joint Assistant for Development and Execution (JADE), Abstract, p. 1. Defense Technical Information Center. Retrieved January 8, 2016.
“Request to Conduct Realistic Military Training (RMT) Jade Helm 15”. United States Army Special Operations Command. Retrieved January 8, 2016.
Lamothe, Dan (July 8, 2015). “Jade Helm 15, heavily scrutinized military exercise, to open without media access”. The Washington Post. Retrieved January 8, 2016.
Starr, Barbara (May 4, 2015). “Pentagon claims it won’t be taking over Texas”. CNN. Retrieved May 6, 2015.
Fernandez, Manny (July 15, 2015). “As Jade Helm 15 Military Exercise Begins, Texans Keep Watch ‘Just in Case’”. The New York Times. Retrieved January 8, 2016. Local officials who have been briefed on the exercise say it is modeled after the French resistance to Nazi occupation during World War II. It calls for some military personnel to play the role of the occupiers and for others to work undetected as part of the resistance.
Manny Fernandez (July 15, 2015). “As Jade Helm 15 Military Exercise Be

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seawulf575's avatar

@AlaskaTundrea People did die. People die every day. Almost 7500 people die in the USA every day. Were all 7500 deaths that day due to the protest at the capitol? Because that is what you are implying when you say “people died”. Those who died on Jan 6th include:

Kevin Greeson, 55, who was a protester. He died of a heart attack.
Benjamin Philips, 50, who was a protester. He died of a heart attack.
Roseanne Boyland, 34, who was a protester. Initially the Dems claimed she was crushed by the mob storming the Capitol. The cornoner’s report laid that claim to waste by ruling she died of a drug overdose…a drug that is prescribed for ADD and narcolepsy.
Ashlii Babbitt, 35, who was a protester. Unarmed but shot to death by Capitol Police officer who face not even a suspension for it. Imagine if she had been black and he had been white!!!!
Brian Sicknick, unknown age, who was a Capitol Police Officer. The original story was that he was sprayed with a chemical weapon and it killed him. Again, the official coroners report was that he died of 2 strokes nearly 8 hours after being sprayed with pepper spray and that he died of natural causes.
Howard Liebengood, 51, who was a Capitol Police officer. He committed suicide on Jan 9th. It should be noted that on Jan 10th POTUS Trump ordered the capitol flags be flown at half-staff to honor Sicknick and Liebengood.
Jeffery Smith, 35, who was a Capitol police officer. He committed suicide on Jan 14th
Two other Metro DC officers, Kyle DeFreytag and Gunther Hashida committed suicide 6 months later. They were not active players at the protest.

So your claim that “people died” is accurate. But as far as I can tell, the only one that actually was killed that day was Ashlii Babbitt. And your claim that “our democracy was attacked” is equally weak. People entered the Capitol building. That isn’t our Democracy. Especially when you consider that several hundred were let in by the police. Had they actually taken over the building by force and held congress hostage, that would not have killed our democracy. That would have made them terrorists and STILL would not have killed our democracy. But you are really good at fear mongering with lies and exaggerations.

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seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie go back and watch the video @Caravanfan posted. The one that was entered in as evidence by the Jan 6 committee Democrats. It clearly shows Capitol police spraying chemical agent against the protesters. Go look at minute 3:40 of the video and watch for about 10 or 15 seconds.

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AlaskaTundrea's avatar

@WhyNow There’s a difference between best one can do and the best one cares to do when they realize they’re just wasting time. You obviously have more free time than I do, so I’m out of here. I’ll check back in a week or so and nothing will have changed. People died. You don’t care. Got it.

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seawulf575's avatar

@AlaskaTundrea You keep repeating “People Died” like if you say it enough it will be true. Or is it that you have heard it repeated by the MSM so much that you can’t believe it’s a lie? A misdirection?

I just gave you the list of the people that supposedly died on that day or because of it. All verifiable FACTS. The only person that died because of the protest was Ashlii Babbitt. So will the live showing of the Jan 6 committee address that? It seems to be a key point to you on the left…that people died. So will they publicly and on live TV actually address how an unarmed woman can be shot down by an officer twice her size and have nothing happen?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Only one person was actually killed that day. Ashlii Babitt was the unarmed woman that was shot by a police officer.< why not say what happened she was climbing through a broken window on a door that was barricaded.
THere was innocent people in that room scared for their lives,and you say it was peaceful ?
The crowd was chanting hang Mike Pence, and you keep saying nope all fake.
That Capital cop that died later in Hospital of a stroke it was natural causes, you don’t think being sprayed and hit with a fire ext, might have triggered that?
That peaceful crowd vandalized, and stole stuff as well.
But since they were there on behalf of your orange god it was all good.
@seawulf575 You keep screaming all fake,and it was peaceful but you are not going to convince anyone.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

As an aside – – – I wonder what Trump’s blood pressure is this afternoon ? ?

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longgone's avatar

[Mod says] This question is in General, so unhelpful comments will be removed. Please answer the question without showing disdain for other jellies.

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KNOWITALL's avatar

I doubt it. But some of what I’ve heard confirms Trump was not dealing in our reality, or intentionally egged it on for other reasons.
If I was on the panel I’d likely vote with the Dems, to be quite honest. We can’t have that happen again in that way.

seawulf575's avatar

@KNOWITALL If I was on the committee, I’d have voted to air it publicly from the start. I would have asked for ALL the pertinent facts, not just some of them. We aren’t discussing state secrets here. We aren’t talking about nuclear launch codes. Ostensibly we are talking about an uprising. So why has it been secret so far? Why are certain lines of questioning forbidden? They all play into what happened. And with all this so far, why are we suddenly deciding that live airing of the hearings is the way to go?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^As if you don’t already have an answer all based on your own political biases.

seawulf575's avatar

^^If you notice, I am the one that is asking questions. I am the one that is challenging the status quo. You don’t ask questions if you don’t want answers?

mazingerz88's avatar

You’re not challenging the status quo from an unbiased POV. You are too transparent to be taken seriously. You seem to be implying there’s a conspiracy going on between the Republicans and Democrats in this committee. Like Trump and his delusions about being cheated. Down to his gullible and dangerous fanatics. I suggest you give it a rest. Excise Trump’s poison in your heads. Enjoy life.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We all notice.

You ask questions and then post walls of text with your opinions. That is not asking questions it is getting up on your soapbox.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf575 There could be legit reasons I’m not aware of. All government entities have closed door meetings, so it doesn’t surprise me at all.

chefl's avatar

So, no side has convinced the other? What is causing that?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump followers are sending him $50 to $500 a month to “Stop the Steal !”

Suckers and dummies.

seawulf575's avatar

@KNOWITALL if they ran it behind closed doors, I think they would have been doing the country a disservice. But they started that way. Now, suddenly, they want it publicly televised, something that was forbidden before. THAT is why this question was generated. There don’t appear to be any legit reasons and therefore the only thing I can come up with is that it is being done as a distraction.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 I’m not the one with Trump poison here. I’m questioning the timing of publicly airing a committee hearing that is all about Trump. Trump has not been POTUS for 2 years. SOMEONE is obsessed with him, but it certainly isn’t me.

I remember bringing up Biden bragging about his quid pro quo coercion against Zelenskyy during the impeachment hearings. Know what all you people that claim to not be obsessed about Trump said to me? But Biden isn’t president so it doesn’t matter. By that logic, as soon as Trump left office, pursuing him was meaningless. Biden is POTUS now. So let’s focus on his corruption now. Except you all are still obsessed with Trump. Which brings us back to the original question. Is the timing of airing these hearings done as a distraction to try deflecting from looking at Biden and the Dems?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is being investigated for committing a CRIME !

Inciting a riot and sedition !

I know some people want to overthrow the current President and Democratic government.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Why aren’t you obsessed if not at least concerned with Trump and his minions who were seditious? Because you think they did not do anything wrong I assume.

You may think you’re right about Bidens “quid pro quo” with Zelensky but I think you’re too bias to even see that whole situation as a non-issue compared to what Trump did.

Trump’s dealing with Zelensky is so obvious for what it was. You just hate that there are Americans who believe it’s wrong. You see things the way Trump sees things. That is unfortunate.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulg575 I do agree it’s a distraction from current problems, sure. They want to win the next election and it’s not looking good right now.

chefl's avatar

This thread requires “back to top” and “back to bottom” thing

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 I think I’m not that concerned and certainly not obsessed with Trump and his “minions” because for the last 5 years, all I’ve heard is about how many crimes he committed and all the evil things he did. And 99% of them turned out to be complete bullshit. Russian Collusion…a scam. White Supremacists are very fine people….a complete lie. Even the impeachment…political bullshit. No actual crimes cited as reasons to impeach so high crimes and misdemeanors goes out the window. The people going after Trump cite the whistleblower’s statement as proof which is then entirely discredited as being false when the phone transcripts were released. But they (the Dems) had to push on. EVERY witness they called had no first hand knowledge of anything. It was all hearsay and opinion. And the one witness they DID have that might have had first hand information, the whistleblower, they refused to be even identified, much less to actually testify. No, this is really just one more example of Trump Derangement Syndrome in action. Look at the whole thing. Yes, there were protesters that forced past barricades. There were some that actually broke a few windows. But that has nothing to do with Trump. He specifically told the people to peacefully protest. But you folks that just have nothing other than Hate Trump to fall back on will go with whatever contrived story is made up. Meanwhile, the Democrats creating the J6 committee refuse to let many of the Republicans that were chosen and who wanted to be a part of it . That should be a red flag in itself. Then they start suppressing any evidence or testimony of anything (such as lack of police presence, police escorting protesters in, etc) that doesn’t support their desired outcome. If you are afraid of opposing views and refuse to consider ALL the facts, you are no longer in an honest realm and the outcome is garbage.

The funniest part is that you all think I am defending Trump. I’m not. What I AM doing is defending honesty and fairness. That is NOT what has been shown any time Trump is in the story.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

” And 99% of them turned out to be complete bullshit. Russian Collusion…a scam. White Supremacists are very fine people….(sic) a complete lie.”

Sources please and tucker Asshole doesn’t count !

Didn’t Trump let Ray Stone and Manafort off after being convicted of crimes in support of Trump ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A lot of his inner circle faced jail or other fines and charges.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Defending honesty and fairness? Sounds like total BS when Your Lord Trump is the King of Lies. Gimme a break.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I have presented sources numerous times on these topics. Russia collusion was proven by the much vaunted Mueller investigation. It showed that no Americans were knowingly involved with any efforts by Russia to interfere in the elections. Go back and look at the indictments and convictions…not a one was for conspiracy to interfere in the election.
And now we have Durham showing the entire thing was a creation of the left. White supremacists statement was debunked as soon as the transcript of the question/answer exchange where “very fine people” was stated. Trump specifically said there were very fine people protesting on both sides of the issue. But he then went on…twice… to specify that he was NOT talking about Neo-Nazis or White supremacists and that they should be thoroughly denounced. As I said…bullshit.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 and that is where you and I differ. You call him the king of lies because that is what the media calls him. The leftist talking heads parrot over and over how much he lies. But in truth, most of what they claimed he lied about (especially the big stuff) were not lies. The CLAIMS he lied were the lies.

That being said, when he does do stupid things or childish things I don’t think he’s cool are right. I think he is acting stupidly and childishly. I have no problem with calling a spade a spade, but I don’t go for calling a water hose a spade.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You’re distracting people
with your so called campaign of “defending honesty and fairness.”

Americans know when their leaders are bullshitting them or not and Americans know when they’re playing along and excusing their chosen leaders’ typical political shenanigans that could be inappropriate but also are not earth-shatteringly threatening to the peaceful American way of life.

You are supporting, enabling and defending your sociopath’s malice and filth beyond the normal and acceptable political gamesmanship. Says a lot about who and what you are.

You have agendas. Well, the leader you voted for is the biggest distraction you could have ever chosen for in pushing your agendas. Unless this is what you want, chaos.

seawulf575's avatar

^^Of the two of us, who is so obsessed with Trump? I’m questioning the partiality of the J6 committee. They have made testimonies secret. They have put gag orders on those that testify. Yet suddenly they want to air things out? It doesn’t make sense. Apparently Americans like you DON’T know when their leaders are bullshitting them and Americans like ME do.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I know Trump BSed his entire time in office ! ! ! ! ! !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Who put the gag orders on Dem/libs,or Rep/cons?
Trump did say right at the beginning of his speech march peacefully and patriotically the rest of his speech he went on and on about how they had to be strong and show no weakness,and other things to get that peaceful mob worked up.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Your orange leader is the Master of Bullshit, yet you don’t seem to mind. And about the J6C, you’re going to vote for trump again so wait if he wins and then by all means investigate all you want all the conspiracies swirling around in your head. Fair enough?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 And THAT is exactly what is wrong with the entire thing. The left/Dems take what Trump says at one point and says it means nothing. But then they will try to take one or two words out of context and make them the “keys” or “triggers” that the mob was waiting for. It assumes that the mob does the exact same thing as what the Dems are doing…looking for trigger words. “We are going to march peacefully to the capitol to make our voices heard” is not a trigger. But something like “we will not stop fighting (against cheating) and we will be strong” has both the words “fighting” and “strong” and like zombies in some old horror movie, the mob is suddenly sure it is some secret code for “storm the castle!!!”.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They must have why then run through the capital chanting “HANG MIKE PENCE” guess that was taken out of context?
What I saw on the news I don’t think it was to offer him milk and cookies.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Also why did those Capital cops commit suicide ?
Guilty of something??
Trumps speech to me sounded like he was inciting a riot in the making ,and that is what I took away from it,NOT a peaceful protest.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 They must have?!? That’s it? How about going back up and looking at the videos I posted showing things the J6 committee did not want to discuss. I particularly like the one where the “raging mob” meets a few cops standing in a hallway and they stop to talk to them. The cops tell the “mob” that they can only allow them to go forward if they promise to be peaceful. Yeah, cops do that all the time with mobs that are out of control. And the protesters start yelling back to those behind them “We Need To Be Peaceful!! This Has To Be Peaceful!!”. Oh! and one of those yelling that was the evil QAnon Shaman.

So does that jibe with all the partisan stuff you hear on leftist news? And that brings back the question of why would the J6 want to suppress videos like this and make everything secret and suddenly now want to air it out live?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Then why did the rest of us hear hang Mike Pence?
I didn’t hear or see any of the peace loving Barney clips your right wing news posted.
And what I saw was on Global CANADA, and CBC not your yankee news outlets.
I saw a riotor walking across a bunch of seats with what looked like about 30 or 50 zap strap handcuffs on his belt,saw another carrying some kind of podium over his shoulder.
Others running around, these are the peace loving protestors your defending?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 Well I went back and watched your fright wing video,sure got out of hand after that what went wrong??

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’m quite sure you did hear that. But that doesn’t mean it was the entire thought of the mob. It was the thoughts of a few. And do you really believe Global Canada and CBC aren’t biased? Of course they are. And let’s be honest…getting the radical few makes for better news than the nothing burger the whole thing really was.

I am 100% behind you that entering the Capitol by force is not the right thing. You never hear me say that. But what I AM saying is there is a lot of smoke and mirrors surrounding the “investigation”. And most of it is trying desperately to come up with something concrete that Trump did to spur it on. That isn’t the case. Could he have come up with a loud speaker to try calming things down? Maybe. It is more likely that he didn’t even see what was going on until it was too late. MOST of the protesters did absolutely nothing. They protested…that’s it.

The J6 has not been acting transparently throughout. They have been trying to create a curtain of secrecy for a year. They have worked diligently to ensure no videos or opinions that didn’t support the end point they wanted were allowed to be heard or seen. They have put gag orders and NDAs on people that came to testify. Yet suddenly they want live tv. Why?

filmfann's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Those crowds were chanting “Hug Mike Pence!”
at least that’s what Fatass McCheeto says

SQUEEKY2's avatar

^^ Now that is fake news^^

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes it is a distraction. The real news is global climate change, and the deficit/debt. Also the labor shortage across the globe. Let’s not forget about price inflation, and shortages, for food and fuel, and transportation of goods.

seawulf575's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 All good examples. All examples that I might say the Dems are doing nothing about and some that they actually created. Thus the J6 committee doing live TV of their committee after such secrecy.

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chefl's avatar

But a lot of things can be real news, but so is the Jan 6 hearings, What happened on Jan 6 is the biggest news, and the hearings are too, regardless of with what the opposing sides are saying about it. Do you get make a point of getting your reciept from the store that you have no choice but to buy from because it’s the only store, or do you refuse/ throw it out just because you have seen read bad things about the store? You still take the proof that you bought x at that time on that day, for that price.

chefl's avatar

Not publicizing the hearings is like not taking the receipt from the store. The media (even if there is a lot of fake news) for example, doesn’t only show what they believe is real, factual x y z. Whenever possible, they show live what’s happening at x y z place, time, and day, and then let Joe/Jane public, the law enforcement, the lawyers, the social workers,and the rest examine the content and take it from there. (Edited)

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WhyNow's avatar

Would American democracy cease to function if M Pence refused to ratify the 2020 election?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

YES @chefl it would and Hitler wannabe would take over!

seawulf575's avatar

@chefl If the J6 committee is the biggest news, why did they keep it secret for so long? And if everyone is locked on that, why are the ratings so poor? In the end, most people SEE what is going on in the world due to the failed policies of the Democrats. They are feeling it at the gas pump, at the grocery store, when they go to by baby formula and can’t. They see Biden blaming the consumers, Trump, Putin and everyone else for the problems and then comes out with the solution that we just have to live with it until we can throw more money at things (which will make it worse). So Jan 6th is not really that big a deal despite what those that hate Trump are saying about it. Rational people recognize it for the political witch hunt it is. The Dems have shown us over and over again how they will lie, how they will create a story and then find people that are willing to “testify” to support that story all while they negate and ignore those that oppose their story. Even when the story makes no sense.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“The story makes no sense . . . . ”

. . . because you wanted Trump to triumph on January 6th !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie If Trump truly was the real issue on Jan 6th, then it should be easy enough to prove without suppressing testimony, without suppressing evidence, without restricting questioning to a certain vein. When you have to do all that, you are no longer looking for the truth, you are trying to create a political story.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^^^^^ In your humble opinion ! ! ^^^^^^

WhyNow's avatar

In my humble opinion this goes way beyond trump. Many want Biden to
succeed and trump to fail by making America a has been country. Many
want America to fail and THERE is the real Russia collusion… Dems, Hollywood,
teachers, unions, media, hate groups and on and on. For years the message
being drilled into young minds that American greatness must be destroyed!

Cowboys and the individuality they represent are bad. The sanctity of life
is is a joke only stupid people believe! Likewise the first and second amendments.

Germany is firing up coal plants. EU increasing GDP percentage on weapons.
Marxism being used to beat people growing in strength and emerging in countries.

This is what these hearings are about… turning humans into sheep.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^^^^^^ No basis just you opinion ! ^^^^^^^
trump has failed and he knows it and it shows with long rants on his social media site “TRUTH Social” !

LostInParadise's avatar

@seawulf575 , There is no evidence to suppress. Trump and his lawyers filed numerous appeals in courts contesting the election results. They were defeated in each case. Trump is on tape asking the governor of Georgia, a Trump supporter, to manufacture votes to overturn the results in Georgia. There is a word for that. It is treason. Trump should be locked up.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But @LostinParadise to them that is just fake news, even though it was taped and it clearly Trump asking for more fabricated votes for him, that was all fake.

chefl's avatar

The democrat’s side is not helping on this thread. Please read what @seawulf575, for example, and respond to that. They seem to be saying there are parts that are not being displayed. So, all the other side has to do is agree that everything should be displayed, retroactively , whether there is anything that makes Trump look ok, whether that makes anyone feel good or not.

chefl's avatar

And without the all caps, without the undermining of whichever person, etc..

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@chefl Who is _“They . . . _” ?

Trump who is under investigation or the “Pillow Guy” ?

If they had the proof it would be all over FOX News.

seawulf575's avatar

@LostInParadise There are all sorts of videos that go against the narrative. Those were suppressed. They refused to allow any videos that showed Capitol police allowing protesters in. They refused to show any videos of Capitol police cheerfully escorting protesters through the buildings. The refuse to allow questions that might damage any story they are trying to create. It has been nothing BUT suppression of evidence. And their secretive first year only enhanced their ability to hide things without any blowback from the public. I have stated a number times that it shouldn’t be about whether Trump is right or wrong as the sole function. It SHOULD be about what really happened, what ALL the facts tell us, and what needs to happen to keep it happening again in the future.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ya missed the 3 to 4 MILLION dollars worth of damage and destruction @seawulf575 !

And government laptops and other items the were looted . . .did they sell any to North Korea or PUTIN ?

WhyNow's avatar

@Tropical_Willie You got all the buzzwords that you mindlessly repeat like sheep.
But it’s ok.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Buzzwords like Trump is guilty, are you listening ?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

As much as I want to disagree with @seawulf575 all videos should be seen.
But I want to get across to our peace loving fright wingers just these people inside the Capital building that made them law breakers and rioters, NOT protesters.
THey became law breakers and rioters as soon as they breached the fence on the capital grounds,real protesters stayed behind the fence.

WhyNow's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I hear you. Trump might well be guilty of something!
Does that mean I have to agree with everything you say?

WhyNow's avatar

After years of Russia hearings and no hard evidence, Clinton never conceding,
ripping the country apart along a racial line, knocking down statues, defund, antifa,
calling republicans racists homophobic xenophobes arachnophobic (was that a movie?)
then covid lockdowns, white guilt white supremacy, mass shootings
They needed to vent. The capital riots was a healing process!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Bull shit..the riots were an attempt overturn the democratic process. And you know it.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I’m not disagreeing that there were those that there were “rioters” at this protest. My contention is that it is hard to claim it was an insurrection when you have police letting you into the buildings and even helping to give you tours. In fact they’ve already had one of the “rioters” get found not guilty because of that exact reason. But the J6 doesn’t want to allow any of that kind of information into their hearings. And the airing of the live hearings at this particular time, after a year of secrecy, is nothing more than a political ploy to distract from the horrible results we are seeing from Democrats being in power.

LostInParadise's avatar

Do you have any credible links to the tours being given to rioters?

Testimonies were given by conservative Republican Trump-supporting state officials as well as William Barr and Mike Pence. Why do they all say that the state votes were legitimate? Why do some of Trump’s cronies refuse to testify? What evidence is there that the votes were fraudulent?

seawulf575's avatar

@LostInParadise I already posted a number of videos in this thread that show the police waving protesters into the Capitol that day. But here is another one that shows how “violent” the protesters were that day. I found it to be a pretty good representation of what happened. There was a lot of shouting and posturing, some pushing. But once they were inside the building it was a whole different scene. There was one scene with one police officer and 5 protesters inside the Senate Chambers. He was relaxed, knew he wasn’t in any danger. Was talking with they protesters trying to get them to be more respectful. There were scenes of protesters telling other protesters to be more respectful. When you get to about 9:25 in the video it shows police escorting protesters through the building.

And let’s not forget Matthew Martin who was one of the defendants in the Jan 6th matter. He was acquitted because the government couldn’t prove its case that he was some mad dog rioter. And when the video came out that showed police waving him in, it was pretty much over. What I don’t understand, and the point of this question is why do so many of these things get suppressed by the committee? They are claiming it was an insurrection, that it was an attempted coup…all very serious things. But they don’t want to see all the video, they don’t want free and open testimony, they don’t even want people on the committee that don’t share their view of the whole thing. If they have a case, they have a case. But that case ought to be able to stand up to all the facts, not just ones you want to support that case. Imagine if you were in a store and some guy came in and started shooting up the place. And the police arrested you for being a part of it. They create a whole story of conspiracy and charge you with all sorts of horrible crimes. But then when it goes to trial, the judge suppresses video footage from security cameras that show you were doing nothing. And they suppress any witnesses that might exonerate you. And they overrule any objections to potentially made up evidence by the prosecutors. Would you deem that to be a fair trial? It is my supposition that is exactly what the J6 committee is doing. And now they are airing it publicly not because it is fair, but because they already have suppressed everything that could go against their narrative and they need the distraction.

WhyNow's avatar

We are morphing into a new topic.
Political Porn.

LostInParadise's avatar

I did not see any guided tour in that video, just people ruffling through papers. The committee spoke to Republican governors, Capitol police and William Barr and Mike Pence. Who else is there to talk to? I’d love to hear what Steve Bannon has to say, but he refuses to testify.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Golly if it was such a snuggle fest why are these people refusing to testify??

WhyNow's avatar

^^You mean the riot is a snuggle fest or the J6 show is a snuggle fest?

Google search yielded no answers that Bannon had any participation in J6.

I get it… cast a wide net and catch any republican in any lie and you achieve victory
in two ways 1. Frog march the offending republican in leg irons and more important
2. stretch this reality show until 2024? the end of time?

Is my disdain showing? I try so hard to hide it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Then why did this happen . . . ?
”“Bannon is charged with criminal contempt of Congress for failing to testify or turn over documents in the House select committee investigation—the first case of its kind to result from the landmark congressional investigation. He has pleaded not guilty to the contempt charges.”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah I would like to know if all these wonderful Rep/cons are all innocent then why are they refusing to cooperate ?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Pleading the 5th, doesn’t make you innocent !

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 In a kangaroo court, what is the incentive to testify? J6 has already shown they will suppress anything that doesn’t feed their narrative, that they will try to twist anything into a claim of insurrection. Testifying when you know they are after you is foolishness. Again…the J6 committee has shown their true colors for the last year. This new effort to broadcast their “hearings” is just kabuki theater designed to draw focus away from the failings of the Democrats as a whole and Joe Biden in specific.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

^^^^^ Sorry you don’t believe in the USA and the Laws and Constitution !! ^^^^^

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 so you don’t testify?
WOW just say you feel it’s fake and a Kangaroo court.
Guess that goes for all criminals then?
Or just your precious Rep/con ones?

WhyNow's avatar

This is a kangaroo court. In a real court there would be rebuttals, counter witnesses etc.
according to the constitution. The J6 committee announced an extension of the
hearings because of new evidence. I guess we’ll see.

WhyNow's avatar

I enjoyed AOC’s graphic account of her brush with death (not) on J6.

WhyNow's avatar

Didn’t Steve Colbert have a group of insurrectionists bang on doors of republican
members? These spent a night in jail.

WhyNow's avatar

Maybe the hearings will outlaw the republican party? Send them to ‘reorientation’ camps.

We only need the dem party. What can go wrong!

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Being found in contempt of court is a far lesser charge than what they could create if you DID testify. And testifying gives credibility to the proceedings that they don’t warrant.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So if they testify they would incriminate themselves badly,so better to settle for the lesser charge of contempt, but to you they are still innocent,got it.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

No prob @SQUEEKY2 we can still incarcerate them, Walmart just informed Agent X that they still have plenty of room.

WhyNow's avatar

I’m sorry Mr Squeeky… the second. You’re using a sliding scale form of debate. You seem to be sliding towards legal definitions of testimony when we know these so called hearings
are all about making some people LOOK bad and destroying their reputations and livelyhood.
This is the court of public opinion that you care about… seemingly.

Hatred of anything trump is so great, these now extended hearings will try to ensnare as many as possible just, as stated to make them look guilty and hatred will do the rest.

But really! Is it about hatred or about power? Dems will drag the American people thru
hell just to stay in power! This is an ancient evil of a time when kings ruled life and death.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh Wulfie I found this little tid bit with a 2 second google search.
Witnesses are excluded from court because the judge and lawyers want to be sure that what you say is not influenced by what other witnesses say. Don’t talk about your testimony with anyone until the trial is over.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 let’s review what happened in the Russia Collusion hoax. The push was so hard to find anything on Trump, many of his associates were brought in and charged with things that happened before the campaign even. Yet the inference was that they did something criminally wrong to help Trump get elected. THAT is how the Dems work.

As for the part of witnesses excluded from court, you are probably very right. But this isn’t court. It isn’t a trial. There are no charges. This is supposed to be a fact-finding hearing. It is supposed to find the truth of things. And the people they call in are not being warned against sharing their answers, they are being warned not to talk about what they are being asked. And that is significant. Because it brings us back to the original question. If they are being threatened about discussing what they were being asked, how is it okay to suddenly air the hearing live? That incongruity alone should tell you why people don’t want to be questioned. There is obviously something wrong with the entire process.

WhyNow's avatar

^^I seem to remember Hillary calling trump an illegitimate president in fact outright
saying ‘You know you’re president because of Russian help’ or something like that.
She never conceded, did a book tour etc.

WhyNow's avatar

I stand corrected. I’m sorry. This just feels like ancient history.
Did she tell Biden not to concede?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well then @seawulf575 let’s be glad it’s out in the open now and let’s hear it all, not just your snuggle fest that you say it was.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I bet someone ‘s Blood Pressure is 210 over 130 ! !

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 My stance is that it should have been live broadcasting from the start so that the country could see exactly how this Committee was behaving. Nothing they were discussing should have any aspect of national security secrets. Nothing they are discussing should have any classified material involved with it. But they decided to make it Super Secret Squirrel stuff…until they needed a distraction from the failing of their policies on the country.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Super Secret Squirrel STUFF is that what is going to lead up to Trump being indicted of sedition . . . , well bring it on.

The fat lady is tuning up in the “green room”, she’ll be on stage shortly !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Sooo…you are saying he couldn’t be indicted without the Super Secret Squirrel stuff? In other words, live, transparent investigation wouldn’t have turned up anything to indict him on?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No I think the fat lady will start singing and . . . . she’ll go for witness protection and . . . he’ll get charged !

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