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chyna's avatar

Is anyone else concerned/worried that JIF has stopped production on their peanut butter?

Asked by chyna (51731points) June 15th, 2022 from iPhone

I googled this and there is seemingly nothing in the works to restart production.
Are you missing JIF peanut butter? It’s my breakfast staple!

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38 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Without PB & J, I am liable to hurt myself or someone else.

JLeslie's avatar

Why did they stop? I didn’t even know about it, but my husband does by JIF sometimes.

I’m not concerned at all, but my guess is plenty of loyal customers are not happy about it.

chyna's avatar

I think it had something to do with salmonella in some of the batches.

Brian1946's avatar

If it’s salmonella, they’ll probably resume production once the issue is resolved to the satisfaction of the FDA.

I’m not concerned, because I prefer Santa Cruz organic PB.

JLeslie's avatar

I would think the same as @Brian1946. Why would they close permanently?

chyna's avatar

But, but… it’s been forever.

LadyMarissa's avatar

When it initially started it was a recall. Now, the ONLY thing when I do a search for them halting production, ALL I get is a link to @chyna‘s Q. One article did say that a lot of people were becoming sick, so maybe they decided to cut their losses & halt the inevitable lawsuits as well!!! Maybe this is a problem that they can’t fix so easily. YES, it breaks my heart as I’m a HUGE Jif girl!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Skippy for 70 years.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I grew up on Peter Pan, and then I just bought whatever was on sale. About 5 years ago, I switched to organic peanut butter. I had an occasion to buy conventional last year, and I picked up Skippy. OMG! That stuff is awful! There’s no peanut taste. It’s plastic! I gave that jar away after one bite. Not kidding.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I don’t know who makes WalMart’s peanut butter, but it tastes as good as Skippy.

But the important question:


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^This thread is going downhill fast.

Brian1946's avatar


“I had an occasion to buy conventional last year, and I picked up Skippy. OMG! That stuff is awful! There’s no peanut taste. It’s plastic!”

Skippy probably thought they could get away with using packing peanuts. ;)

LadyMarissa's avatar

@elbanditoroso Unless something has changed, Walmart’s is the bottom of the barrel of Jif. I had forgotten about that. It’s been a while, but WM’s NOT that bad!!!

JLeslie's avatar

My husband has been buying mostly Peter Pan the last year, because it’s cheaper.

smudges's avatar

Jif was my fave, but no stores have it right now – but it’s only been a few weeks, so I figure it’ll come back.
Walmart tastes pretty good, but I don’t like how it spreads – too dry or thick or something, which is why I switched to Jif.
I grew up on Peter Pan and tried it again after trying Jif. Yuk! Thick and dry.
So I bought my first Skippy the other day; haven’t tried it yet. will report back LOL

I used to Lurve my chunky, but it’s gotten to where there’s more peanuts than butter so now I’m a smoooooth gal rather than a chunky one. hehehe

janbb's avatar

I really like Smuckers All Natural PB. It tastes like peanuts.

smudges's avatar

@janbb Isn’t that one of those that you have to stir the oil back into it to make it homogeneous? I don’t like looking at those.

hat's avatar

I’m a huge consumer of peanut butter, but not a fan of these “peanut butters” (Jif, Skippy, etc). They are usually made from peanuts and hydrogenated vegetable oils, sugar, and mono and diglycerides. Try a peanut butter that is made from just peanuts and salt. They will have separation, but you stir it and store it in the refrigerator. It’s a whole different experience. You’ll never go back to the Jif style.

Here is MA, we have Teddie. But there are plenty of real peanut butters that are just peanuts and salt.

smudges's avatar

@hat How on earth does one spread cold peanut butter on soft bread? I’m not against it, my mom ate it all the time, but it kinda looks disgusting, and I can’t get past that oil floating on top. And because it’s cold, it’s not only hard to spread, it’s also hard to stir! Open to suggestions cause I’ve heard it’s healthier.

hat's avatar

^ Disclaimer: I actually gag a little thinking of JIf/Skippy style “peanut butter”. Also, any bread I would consume would be hearty enough to hold up to spreading peanut butter on it. If I have peanut butter on bread, it’s usually toasted and something like this.

Also, the oil floating on top is actually just separation (the oil from the actual peanuts in the peanut butter). Stirring it in and refrigerating it keeps it from re-separating. You stir it once while it’s warm, then refrigerate it. No more stirring needed. The reason those fake peanut butters don’t have oil on top is that they add a bunch of non-peanut oil and other products to keep it from separating. It’s tough to think about, actually.

Anyway, try it. I’ve never met anyone who has tried “natural” peanut butter and gone back to the fake stuff. It’s that good!

smudges's avatar

^^ I love Dave’s Killer bread, but sometimes I just want a soft, fluffy peanut butter sammich using white bread. I know, that prolly gags you too. ;)

I’ll give it a try though. I have friends that will take it if I don’t like it, and friends who will take my brand new jar of Skippy if I do. win/win!

Oh, and I didn’t know that about the stirring. Makes sense.

Zaku's avatar

I’m entirely in agreement with @hat on this.

I do not consider JIF or other industrial peanut butters, full of things other than peanuts, to be acceptable.

No industrial “white bread” either. Almost all the bread I eat comes fresh from an actual local baker, and is at least a thousand times better than industrial bread.

SnipSnip's avatar

There has been a huge recall on Jif PB. There are other brands; no need to be melodramatic.

hat's avatar

@SnipSnip – Everyone has already been talking about the recall here all day. No need to be redundant and melodramatic.

SnipSnip's avatar

I answer questions as they are asked. The other answers don’t affect mine. Sorry if you have been here all day.

hat's avatar

@SnipSnip: “The other answers don’t affect mine.”

That’s embarrassing and melodramatic.

SnipSnip's avatar

You may need a new dictionary.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

C’mon fols, no need to be snarky. It’s peanut butter, not politics.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I hate to be that guy but most of your old staple brands of peanut butter is loaded with sugar and hydrogenated oil. Peanut butter should have exactly one ingredient: peanuts. Perhaps some added salt.
Edit, @hat beat me to it.

JLeslie's avatar

I just looked up the ingredients, because of what some jellies commented, and it does have fully hydrogenated fats. Not even partially hydrogenated

canidmajor's avatar

I just make my own. Peanuts and food processor.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@JLeslie It can be a lot of it too. The way the FDA made the labeling requirements is sneaky. They can report 0 if it’s less than half a gram per serving. So if it’s a bottle of pure hydrogenated oil and the serving size is 0.4 grams it can be labeled as 0 grams of trans fat. If it’s got hydrogenated oil anywhere in the first couple of lines of ingredients I won’t touch it.

zenvelo's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I would say this thread is nuts but peanuts aren’t nuts, they’re legumes.

I prefer almond butter!

Smashley's avatar

Just ditch the nasty stuff. JIF never earned your loyalty, now they’ve betrayed what trust you gave them. DTMFA

Agreed that real peanut butters are in every way superior, unless you’re like, making cupcakes or cheesecake or something, in which case you’re going to hell anyway, so who cares?

SnipSnip's avatar

You’ll notice that the majority of nut butters are now labeled as nut (peanut, almonds, etc) spread. They are no longer allowed to claim to be peanut or almond butter if they have anything added other than salt. I don’t buy many foods with an ingredient list and have long only bought nut butters that are truly just ground nuts with a bit of salt. These products have to be stirred to mix then kept refrigerated so they will not separate again.

LostInParadise's avatar

I have been using low fat powdered peanut butter.

SnipSnip's avatar

@LostInParadise I’ve not heard of this but is there a reason that you don’t mind sharing?

raum's avatar

The nasty stuff and the quality stuff are two different itches to scratch.

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