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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Pope declares WWIII is that official?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) June 16th, 2022

Pope declares wwiii

What are your thoughts? Are we in WWIII now?

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14 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Given that many nations are involved in supporting Ukraine against the Russian Imperialists, and other countries have to take sides on supporting sanctions or supporting Russia, the Pope’s warning that a world war has already begun makes sense.

There is no “official” designation, so that part of your question misunderstands the Pope’s message.

JLoon's avatar

What’s official is that Poping is a job where you get to say stuff that makes people wonder:

“A few years ago it occurred to me to say that we were living a Third World War in pieces. Now, for me, the Third World War has been declared.

“What we have before our eyes is a situation of world war, of global interests, of arms sales and geopolitical appropriation, which is martyring a heroic people,“ the Pope said about Ukrainians.

”It is also true that the Russians thought it would all be over in a week. But they miscalculated. They encountered a courageous people, a people who are struggling to survive and who have a history of struggle,’ he added.”

…Because it’s in the Bible.


elbanditoroso's avatar

Why would anyone believe anything that any religious leader says?

kritiper's avatar

No. It is usually history that records WWs, not anyone in particular.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The person who finally takes Putin out of power will go down in history.

ragingloli's avatar

I give no weight to the ejaculations of the Paedo-in-Chief.

Forever_Free's avatar

His funny hat is doing all the talking.

eyesoreu's avatar

WWIII has always been branded by msm as this nuclear holocaust, Hollywood epic.

Not the case, could be argued several “world wars” have taken place over the decades since the official double feature.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

It’s usually Evangelical types harping on about an eminent World War or some other apocalypse, heralding the Big Reentry of Jaysus the Lard. Apparently, the Vatican now wants a piece of the End Times action. But according to the Big Guy himself, “There will always be wars, and rumors of wars”.

eyesoreu's avatar

@smudges Mainstream media

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli Whose ejaculations do you give weight to then?

ragingloli's avatar

Conan O’brien’s make me laught.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli Me too. Did you know that Conan O’brien started comedy as a writer for the Simpsons? Until he got fired for using a fire extinguisher as a propellant for his office chair?

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