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JLeslie's avatar

Should there have been at least one hearing committee member perceived as sympathetic to Trump?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) June 21st, 2022 from iPhone

I’ll hold my opinion for now.

Do you think more Republicans would be watching if there was one or two congressmen known to support Trump?

I would hope the member would have a conscience and not just tow the party line during the hearing, but what I mean is when the committee was first selected. I don’t know how he or she would have behaved when it came to the actual time of the hearing. No way to know.

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24 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Why ?

It is bi-partisan. Both parties are there.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Other GOP members were offer membership but they were afraid of Trump (Hitler wannabe) would have them and their family shot.

Jeruba's avatar

It’s not a trial. It’s an investigation. There is no obligation to represent, protect, or defend anyone whose name comes up. But as TW says ^^^, they had their chance and turned it down.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Doubtful. Many Republicans still don’t think it was A. Real, B. Actual Republicans and not bussed in hired actors, or C. That Trump did actually lose.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Delusional people are all over the place.

Some should be be in the asylum !

janbb's avatar

A little knowledge is not always a dangerous thing. Here’s the background of how the committee was formed:

JLoon's avatar

To me it’s sort of like asking if penicillin would be more effective if at least a few doctors were in favor of syphilis – But what do I know about politics…

Gotta agree with @Tropical_Willie and @Jeruba, though: It’s not a trial, or a debate, or cheerleader tryouts. An investigation is an inquiry into facts and the law, not a survey of public opinion. Including “sympathetic” views makes as much sense as trusting a cop who thinks armed robbery is no big deal.

What’s interesting is that so much of the testimony and evidence is coming from Republicans at the state level, and from inside the Trump administration. The hard question is what the public will really learn and understand from the outcome, and what will change afterward.

JLeslie's avatar

Thanks to everyone who gave me some history about how the committee was formed. I was missing some information.

It doesn’t change my question regarding would more Republicans be watching if there were Republican Congressmen who were known to support Trump on the committee?

@JLoon So many Republicans testifying and depositions from people in the White House that demonstrate just how horrific Trump was during that time.

Today’s hearings really got to me, but every day has. So many people were threatened, harassed, and terrorized. I think they should file civil law suits.

What will change I wonder? If a leader behaves like this again will people inside the White House be more likely to speak up sooner? Will any Republican congressman step forward sometime soon and change their mind now and stop towing the line? Are they watching? If

mazingerz88's avatar

It won’t work. Anyone symphatetic to trump will end up unsymphatetic to him if he or she does not do what trump fanatics want. To turn the investigation into a circus.

filmfann's avatar

I am grateful this committee doesn’t have a pro-Trump member bent on distractions and counter narrative. Imagine a strutting ass like Jim Jordan ranting and barking.

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann I thought about that, but in my fantasy the Trumper Congressmen tries to trip up one of the witnesses and the witness puts him in his place. It happens multiple times in my mind where they think they are being clever, but it doesn’t work.

HP's avatar

Look at @janbb ‘s link. Out of the crowd of spineless Republican bootlickers, not a one of them wants in on ANY investigation of the seditious snake and his asinine attempt at a coup.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t think it would change a thing!!! Republicans can’t handle the truth & prefer to keep their head buried in the sand so they don’t have to come face to face with what they are supporting!!!

flutherother's avatar

The idea that the truth becomes more truthful when mixed up with some lies seems bizarre to me We need committee members who are sympathetic to the truth not sympathetic to Trump or anyone else for that matter.

HP's avatar

The Republican party is no longer the conservative model for anything conservative. It is now in principal the handmaid of the fat boy and as such must duplicate his preference for a post truth fantasy existence. As such, Congressional Republicans find themselves lagging but slightly behind their leader in duplication of both his absurdity and embarassing ineptitude. They thus stumble down the path worn by the fool himself toward disgracing themselves and their office as have all before them exhibiting allegiance to the fat dumb toxic devil.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Most of the witnesses are life long Republicans. I would think that their testimony should suffice as being credible NO matter who is asking the questions!!!

WhyNow's avatar

Sympathetic to trump and still not in jail?

kritiper's avatar

@WhyNow And put the cart before the horse?? Give it time! The fat lady ain;t singin’ yet…

janbb's avatar

@kritiper Are you talking about Ginnie Thomas? lol

Forever_Free's avatar

It was put out there to other GOP members but they turned it down.

Jeruba's avatar

@JLeslie, here’s more on how that possibly perceived imbalance came about.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jeruba Thanks. I see in your article the Republicans are trying to blame the Democrats for not having enough security. @jaxk brought that up on my other Q. I guess that is a distraction the Republicans are using now.

As much as I have said all along that I thought there should have been more force protecting the Capitol that day, and I personally know Democrats who are glad the breech happened, it’s ridiculous to blame Democrats for the criminal and treasonous activities of these lunatic QAnons, Proud Boys, and Oath Keepers.

I feel the Republicans who have been testifying have had opportunity to defend Trump if they had wanted to. They could have attempted to elaborate while answering questions if they had felt the committee was being very one sided, but they haven’t, because it’s just a fact Trump abused and terrorized them and their families.

The way I think about it is the Republican politicians who are complaining that there should be more Republicans on the committee are actually glad there aren’t Trump sympathetic congressmen on the committee, because then they can say it wasn’t a fair hearing.

Most of the people I know who are criticizing the hearing aren’t watching. They have no knowledge of all the evidence and testimony being brought forward.

HP's avatar

They don’t want to know. It’s the old classic of “if I avoid or ignore it, it will be forgotten or go away. The people have a short attention span”. To which I say good luck with that. As if that malevolent slug with the big mouth might somehow not bring the subject up or cease insisting he was robbed.

WhyNow's avatar

Like Smollett. Yes.

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