Do you think the overturning of Roe v. Wade will hurt the Republicans in the midterms?
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June 25th, 2022
There is a lot of angry women over this ,think they will show it during the midterms?
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18 Answers
Only the anti-abortion Republicans. And the sooner the better!
It won’t help, but may not cost them their corrupt leverage in the short term.
Political hacks in both parties have protected their power from voters and lined their pockets by creating gerrymandered districts, passing restrictive voting rules, and gutting campaign finance reforms.
Real change will take years of tough & determined fighting at every level.
Yep. It is becoming crystal clear that radical republicans won’t stop until women are pregnant in the kitchen at home or wearing burkas in public.
This stupidity has killed the grand old (very old) party.
I hope every woman remembers this when it comes to voting in the midterms.
@SQUEEKY2 I know a few women who are very anti-abortion. The topic is not up for discussion.
Then it won’t change anything for those women,then will it?
On one level, no. Both have probably gone through menopause. One lives in California, so hopefully she won’t get her way.
I think this ruling could be horrible for low income women ,that would want one they will seek back door hacks and worse.
What pisses me off about the pro lifers is they don’t care after the kid is born,and they try to say they are preventing late term abortions, late term abortions only happen if the mothers life is in Jeopardy , not like I am due in two weeks and I have changed my mind type thing.
I hate to tell y’all this but, if you can’t see a red wave coming you need to get your eyes checked. I make no bones about the fact that while I lean Republican I generally disagree across the board with them on social issues. I don’t want the radical ones in office either. I’m surrounded by republicans and I hear what they’re most angry about. The last two years of anti-American, anti-police has lead to idiotic policies at the local level that undermine safety and security. Then you have high gas prices, inflation, poor energy and foreign policy and a general absence of leadership which weakened the democratic base and has energized the right wing. I don’t see them improving much, but this is the swing of the pendulum. You have to know this is coming.
This will hurt the Democrats.
I was an election inspector for the primary election this past Tuesday 6/28. I do not have official numbers but just based upon the number of ballots used there was a groundswell of Democratic participation.
So, yes, it appears the SCOTUS vote spurred Dems to vote.
That is GREAT!!!^^^^^^
Because I greatly fear for your country if the Rep/cons take the midterms.
Not happening @SQUEEKSTER.
Don’t be too sure @Dutchess_III the same thing was said about the Don Father and look at those four years.
Guess it won’t matter in Texas. If they can’t have their one-party dictatorship, they will take their ball and bat (and guns) and go home. Or secede. Which if I recall didn’t work out so well for them the last time.
Well because of him the Dems took the midterms.
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