General Question

KatawaGrey's avatar

Are there any signs of pregnancy that might show up a week or more before a missed period?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) September 18th, 2008
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5 Answers

Judi's avatar

I had to have IV iron shots with my second daughter. The nurse messed up and the shot leaked giving me a very large iron stain on my arm. I knew I was pregnant with my third child when my body absorbed that iron stain overnight!

Ordinary signs might be sore breasts, nausea or exhaustion, but with pregnancy tests so accurate so early these days, and relatively cheap ( I hear you can buy them at the dollar store) why don’t you just find out for sure? When I was having kids you couldn’t even find out with a blood test until 10 days after a missed period.

chyna's avatar

I don’t know why, but I really don’t think I would trust a pregnancy test that I paid a dollar for at the Dollar Tree.

deaddolly's avatar

i felt this pressure in my female region (aka va-j-j). It felt wierd, and I knew I was pregnant.

Judi's avatar

If the dollar tree says yes, then confirm it with a more expensive test. :-) My daughter used one and said it was cheaper because it took more greay matter to understand than a simple “Pee on me” test.

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