I think I read all of the links on this thread, they were very interesting.
In my opinion Maher seems to hit it that it’s the combination of four main reasons: access to guns, mental health, internet, and watching violence. Each element can be expanded upon.
The Ted talk (excellent and very informative) is talking about the mental health component a lot. When I was in my late teens I remember someone saying to me girls tend to get depressed, they turn their sadness inward, and become suicidal, men are more likely than women to turn it outwards and kill others. Not that men don’t commit suicide too, they actually do it much better than women statistically. Women are more likely to attempt suicide, men are more likely to accomplish it.
When I was a teenager my neighbor committed suicide. He was a teenager too, a little older than me. He put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. He was an artist and drew a lot of “dark” drawings and he was into rock and heavy metal music. If the internet had been around in those days I wonder how his depression would have been carried out.
It’s so easy to be depressed as a teenager or young adult. Add in more than the usual sadness and pressures and it’s not hard to see how it can be overwhelming.
The Ted talk says don’t call the FBI, but instead reach out ti the person. This sounded like what @KNOWITALL and I were discussing on a recent Q of mine, that many of the white supremacist children feel ostracized. Seems to me the FBI maybe needs to be able to turn these children over to a program that can really help these kids. This man giving the Ted Talk said as a teenager he called social services for help, and it breaks my heart he was sent back to his destructive mother. He was trying to get help for himself. It was more than his mother though, it was his peers abusing him too.
I think these depressed abused kids are susceptible to trolls and terrorist groups, and those groups know it. In my opinion these depressed men are used as pawns to sacrifice their own life for the cause. I’ve said over and over again some of these groups want to destabilize the US. They have nothing to lose because their life has nothing good in their view, it’s all painful. Suicide will get them out of their pain. Killing others on the way out becomes attractive to some of them. Even January 6th I attribute to this same dynamic.
My solution is teaching empathy to children, finding out what really makes children unhappy and miserable, limiting access to guns, and limiting seeing details of violence in TV shows and movies. None of these things will be done perfectly no matter how hard we try.
@Hawaii_Jake The npr link talked about mental health and internet influences so I’m not sure why you want to put all the blame on access to guns. We have an opportunity right now to say to Republicans, “yes, let’s improve our mental health problems in our nation.” Let’s spend some money on improving social services, providing activities and more counselors for children, etc. I’m with you on limiting access to guns, but I would suggest don’t dig your heels in on only that, because wanting better mental health assistance is actually a liberal outcry for many years when Republicans have ignored it.