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When does an unborn baby become a person?
Brandy Battone of Plano TX was 34 weeks pregnant when she determined the day after the SCOTUS killed Roe that since her baby was now a person that she could drive in the HOV lane of Hwy-75. A cop saw 1 person in the vehicle & pulled her over asking why she was using the HOV lane which required 2 people. She responded that there were 2 people in her vehicle. The cop asked her to show him the 2nd person & she responded “She’s right here” as she rubbed her very pregnant belly. The cop gave her a $215 ticket for driving in the HOV lane without the required number of people. He failed to understand her logic. A local attorney said that although she was thinking creative that he didn’t think that she would win her case. Being in Texas, I’m sure the Good Ol’ Boy network will band together to stop a woman from thinking for herself.
My question is since a baby is considered a person at the sign of the first heartbeat, when does it become a non-person for any other reason???
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