General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Are Triple-A and AARP good sources of travel planning assistance?

Asked by Jeruba (56165points) July 10th, 2022

A lot has changed in the five years since I went anywhere, including changes in my own mobility and physical strength.

So what’s the best way to get knowledgeable trip-planning help, particularly with flights?

And yes, this seems like as big a deal to me as planning to, say, move 100,000 troops from one continent to another, with all their supplies and equipment. I am daunted.

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7 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Triple A is still good, can give you lots of advice on attractions and getting around where ever you want to go. You do have to be a member.

AARP has discounts but not much in the way of guidance.

Best way to plan flights is to use a couple of them to compare aginst each other. Search on line in incognoti mode so that they aren’t tracking you from website to website. I use Kayak and compare against Saved me $150 on the last trip I booked.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

AAA is the most trustworthy site. You may not get the absolute lowest price, but you will get peace of mind. They are thorough and will answer all your questions.

For mobility issues, I suggest you tell the travel agent you want wheelchair assistance every step of the way.

From what I hear, AAA agents will be very patient with you.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Third vote for AAA.

My experience with AARP is their primary motivation is selling you stuff, while AAA seems interested in getting you someplace and you enjoying it.

Jeruba's avatar

Thanks so much for the practical help, guys. I’m going to call my local AAA office tomorrow and request an appointment. I’ve been a member since 1994 and never used this service before.

cookieman's avatar

I’ve also had good luck with AAA. I usually go through online resources (,, etc.) but the folks at AAA have good advice and aren’t just trying to make a sale.

SnipSnip's avatar

They are fair sources for discounted rental cars and hotel rooms.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

When I lived in Los Angeles, the local AAA office was great. My interest was camping, and they had two maps (NorCal and Socal) which showed the facilities of hundreds of campgrounds, from hike-in remote spots to RV bases with electric and sewer setups.

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