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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How would you describe mild chest pain discomfort?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) July 12th, 2022

Like a 0 out of 10 for pain?

Just enough that one can feel their ribs with no pain?

Best I can describe is from bad posture or chilled ribs?

In General serious answers only.

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28 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This is a cause for concern.

Mild pain may signal a big problem later.

I had serious chest pain once, but it turned out to be a pulled chest muscle. I suggest you call a doctor or nurse.

smudges's avatar

Definitely can be caused by bad posture, also from overwork, bending a lot, coughing hard, etc. I’ve had pain from coughing and it’s pretty bad.

Is this for yourself or curiosity? because you ask a lot of health questions that seem on the surface to be about yourself. When in doubt, see your doctor; don’t rely on a forum. Or look up questions on reputable sites, like mayo clinic, cleveland clinic, m d anderson, and numerous others.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@smudges Myself I will call a toll free nurse. Will update when I have new info.

chyna's avatar

I’m glad you are checking with a nurse. Not everyone has the same symptoms when having a heart attack. I had no symptoms, yet I had a heart attack.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update @chyna @smudges @Hawaii_Jake I called the nurse and she recommended that I see a doctor in three day or sooner, and Is not a medical emergency. Thanks for being there for me.

kritiper's avatar

Heartburn. Cut out the spicy food, coffee.

WhyNow's avatar

Time to obey the signs! Do what the docs. say you must!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I had a deep sleep and will make a doctors appointment tomorrow. Probably for Monday. I’m feeling fine.

Poseidon's avatar

Surely if you have any pain or ache at all it must be at least a 1 because a 0 means no pain or ache at all.

If you have any pain or ache in your chest at all it should be checked out by your doctor.

The cause can be attributed to many things most thankfully are not serious and easily treated but there are some chest problems which are extremely serious, one of which is a serious heart problem beginning.

I only had indigestion and that lasted for a couple of days so I went to my doctor and it transpired that I had had a heart attack.

So no matter how slight the pain or discomfort may be in the chest it is imperative that medical advice should be sought.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all My doctor is off. I will see her on August 4th @ 1pm.

JPCarlos's avatar

This is tough to answer since the pain tolerance of people differ. However, mild can range from a simple tingling, irritating feeling like “butterflies” in the stomach, but this time it is in the chest area. It can also manifest as a heavy feeling on the chest, like something is on it. I’ve experienced mild chest pain and discomfort and i usually describe it as a burning sensation. But this is because of the heartburn i experience. People I know also describe this as a sharp piercing sensation like something poked their chests. Of course, the pain has it’s degrees of discomfort. I would say it is severe if the sensation spreads from your chest to your aw, neck and arm. Get checked by a medical professional. Sometimes minor discomfort can mean more. This may point to something more serious. Cardiac arrest is one that comes to mind. I had friends and family who experienced this. Here is a link A Concise Dummy’s Guide on Cardiac Arrest It might give you a better idea. I do hope everything will be ok.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all I am half way through doing my four loads of laundry. If I was going to have a heart attack it would be now.

At the worst today I felt pressure on my chest from going up and down my 3 flights of stairs, and feeling my heartbeat in my neck. Last load of laundry in the washer for today. Then rest.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all I survived. Got a good workout. Will eat something soon. Will Update on August 4th.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update August 10th Wednesday I have a heart scan at 10:15am and I have to return a device the next day at 8am or 10:30am

chyna's avatar

Keep us posted. I’m glad you followed through and are getting this checked out. Good thoughts for the scan and monitor.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Have a portable heart monitor and a blood pressure cuff with me. I return it tomorrow at 8am. August 18th I do a in clinic heart test.

chyna's avatar

Thanks for the update. If you want, let us know the results.

WhyNow's avatar

Wish you the best. You’re a great guy with a great mind.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update I returned the medical devices. The blood pressure monitor hurt 9.5 / 10 every 30 minutes.

Am hoping that the bruises on my arm from the cuff being too tight disappear soon.

Next test on August 18.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Thank you for the update. I’m glad to know you’re caring for yourself.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Seeing doctor on September 8th. I will get my results then.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Dr. Said that my heart is fine. No details.

chyna's avatar

Hip hip hooray!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

That is great ! !

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Wonderful news!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

UPDATE Heart doctor wants to call me on November 8 at 5:45 mountain standard time.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update Heart doctor said that my heart is fine.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m glad to hear that.

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