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SQUEEKY2's avatar

In 2024 who would the Republicans put in place, if for some reason Trump can't or won't run?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23630points) July 12th, 2022

Just wondering?

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42 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Sarah Palin or Dr. Oz. or Santorim. Or anyone who ran against Trump in 2018.

kritiper's avatar

When the time comes, Republican presidential wanna-bes will crawl out of the woodwork en masse. No need to worry about Trump. (He’ll probably be in jail.)

SavoirFaire's avatar

The most likely candidate is Ron DeSantis. He’s doing a lot of the things people do before running for president, he has decent name recognition, and he has high approval among Republican primary voters. He’s also being set up as the next in line by media outlets of all stripes. Anything could happen in the next two years, of course, but he’s probably the best bet given current information.

WhyNow's avatar

It is probably too early to call, but if asked to guess I say Liz Cheney!
Currently the best chance to unite a country so trump weary.

The most terrible candidate would be one who wants to make America a better place
to live. Let’s all hope we find someone to continue Joe Biden’s good work. So my
guess would be Liz Cheney.

janbb's avatar

I think Trump will be too damaged to get the nomination although he’ll try. My guess is also Ron DeSantis who is positioning himself to run. He is an arch-conservative but much smarter than Trump appears to be.

gorillapaws's avatar

Ivanka Trump. or maybe even Camacho.

Demosthenes's avatar

DeSantis, for sure. His slogan is unironically “make America Florida”. He has a point. For example, he opted for essentially no COVID restrictions in his state and the results were similar to that of California, which opted for the strictest restrictions. He pays close attention to what is popular and trending in right wing discourse (COVID is overblown, LGBT people are grooming kids in schools) and quickly passes legislation to address it. For better or for worse, he knows what the people want and he gets shit done. I could absolutely see him being our next president. And unlike Trump, he’s actually intelligent and articulate (and far more ruthless).

janbb's avatar

@Demosthenes I’ve been saying for months, well, maybe weeks, that DeSantis will be the candidate.

WhyNow's avatar

@Demosthenes Are you saying DeSantis is an opportunist saying what he thinks people
want to hear. Or an ideologue saying what he believes?

Demosthenes's avatar

@WhyNow I can’t get in his mind so I don’t know what he believes. In either case, it doesn’t matter whether he believes it or not. What matters is that he is on target in addressing the “issue of the day” among conservatives, and not just with rhetoric. I can’t think of a Democratic candidate who is similarly effective. People are floating Newsom’s name, but Newsom has limited popularity outside of California and is not nearly as big of a personality.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, it is no going to be the Muskrat, since he just got called a Bullshit Artist by Agent Orange.

JLeslie's avatar

DeSantis. I think he has a good chance of winning. FYI, he is running for re-election for governor this November.

@Demosthenes I hope the Democrats done push Newsom through, I think that’s a huge mistake.

Florida had no state level covid restrictions after the first few months, but we had county and city level restrictions for more than a year with the support of DeSantis.

HP's avatar

It is important to understand that just as with the individuals who find their lives in tatters through their association with Trump, the Republican party itself must undergo the fractious consequences erupting from its inability to decouple its embrace of the snake no matter what. What this dictates and must be recognized is that the party itself is no longer the tabernacle of conservative values. Those of its membership with the wit to appreciate it now understand that the issue of liberal versus conservative has been superceded by the more urgent and fixed line of demarcation, the stark border between right and wrong. The fact that so many Republicans either do not recognize that line, or more telling, choose to remain on what they assume the safe side of the border cannot bode well for either the party or the country subjected to its will. The massed and forced desertion from the ranks comprising those understanding the threat to their own integrity serves only to concentrate the cowards like McConnel and the feeble minded like DeSantis. It also means that there isn’t a chance in hell that someone like Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney will be nominated.

janbb's avatar

@HP Could you summarize that in two sentences?

ragingloli's avatar

@janbb It is not going to be a “moderate” like Romney or Cheney, because the GOP has turned full blown fascist.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli By George, I think you’ve got it but the exercise was to see whether @HP could!

HP's avatar

Nope. The word fascist grants the party more legitimacy and cohesion than it in fact deserves.

LostInParadise's avatar

Although he denies, Tucker Carlson has been floated as a possible presidential candidate. Now that is truly scary – someone like Trump but who can speak in complete sentences.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That isn’t scary @LostInParadise it’s truly terrifying .

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@LostInParadise That fucker has no chance.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You know what really scares me @Tropical_Willie I believe a great many in. Your country would actually vote for him.

HP's avatar

I agree. He’s not one bit less plausible than Trump, and he’s a great deal more dangerous.

filmfann's avatar

If the Republicans admit that Trump belongs in jail, they might win in 2028. As it is, the Dems have a great shot in 24, even with the economy.
Both sides are masters of shooting themselves in the foot.

JLeslie's avatar

Tucker Carlson?! WTH?! The US is really unbelievable at this point.

@filmfann Do you think more Republicans will start admitting it? Start acknowledging they were wrong? I think if most Republican politicians did an about face and got on board with Liz Cheney then the topic of Trump would start to disappear and the average Republican would start saying they liked some of Trump’s policies, but never agreed with some of his negative attributes. That’s how they live with themselves and reduce their own psychological stress.

WhyNow's avatar

^ ‘Tucker Carlson?! WTH?! The US is really unbelievable at this point.’

Is the US? Or is it straight white males? Maybe a couple of years in a correct thinking
facility will fix them.

JLeslie's avatar

@WhyNow Obviously, It’s not the entire US, it’s not even all straight white males, and I think there are some white women who agree with every little thing Tucker says. I don’t know if Tucker is a leader, or a puppet, or just an actor in it for money. It’s unnerving that plenty of decent Republicans are so sucked in they just nod yes to anything their favored leaders and opinioncasters (as opposed to newscasters) say.

WhyNow's avatar

^ I am a republican. Probably not a decent one because my girlfriend left me
in 2019. She is Mexican. I feel like I am walking in a sea of molasses.

I listen to Tucker since this site introduced me to him, added to scanning 12 other
sites. I am republican because I believe in a small government and the constitution
basically. And yes, people should be governed by elected officials not the swamp.

I was raised jewish and I believe in the twelve commandments, another document!

I believe in people. Calling people stupid totally triggers me! As you might know.

filmfann's avatar

@WhyNow Were two more commandments added while I was sleeping?

jca2's avatar

@filmfann Thank you. I was ready to google it, thinking there must be some new, trendy ones that I never heard of.

WhyNow's avatar

Shit!! too late to edit?

filmfann's avatar

Possible new commandments:
No wearing white after Labor Day.
No wearing socks with sandals.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann Thou shalt not travel to another state for the purposes of better heath care?

WhyNow's avatar

@filmfann Now I’m sure god hates me! I wear white socks with sandals after labor day.

Strauss's avatar

I’m not sure it matters. The GOP has morphed into the nation’s largest White Supremacist group.

WhyNow's avatar

^^ White Supremacist. That term seems to be losing the effectiveness needed
to keep democrats in power. Isn’t there a better term to connote the true existential
threat these people pose?

ragingloli's avatar

How about “Christofascism”.

HP's avatar

To be fair, the party is incapable of accepting the fact that its destiny is in the hands of white supremacists and fascists. But that is EXACTLY the case. The Fruits of the Southern strategy have ripened to the Proud Boys as indespensable to the party’s base. Just as the party hooked its wagon to Trump, it’s reputation is now in the hands of the criminals who looted the Capitol. It’s a disgraceful reality that deprives the party of all moral legitimacy.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Well, Hitler and Stalin are unavailable, so who knows? Maybe they’ll run Putin, they seem fond of autocrats.

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