Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

How do you respond when a restaurant host seats you in a crowded area when the restaurant is virtually empty?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43890points) July 14th, 2022

I am not talking about near closing time. That is justifiable. I’m talking about a buffet type that has dozens of booths and dozens of empty tables but the host seats all patrons next to each other.
Do you move yourself to another open table?

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12 Answers

janbb's avatar

I would usually ask politely if I could sit at another table. They will usually comply unless they are trying to be fair to servers or an area is closed for some reason.

kritiper's avatar

Waitresses always work a certain area. There may have been no one else on shift to work those other tables.

Demosthenes's avatar

Yeah, I would politely ask to be seated at another table or I would just get up and sit at another table. I have done both in the past without any negative repercussions.

filmfann's avatar

Sitting in a more populated area of a restaurant improves your access to servers.
There is nothing like being forgotten in an empty area of a restaurant.

Forever_Free's avatar

I ask if I can be seated elsewhere.
Unless it is a place that you want to be crazy and cozy with the other guests like Dicks Last Resort

chyna's avatar

I would, and have asked to be seated at another table. Especially if they have seated me next to a boisterous table of little league baseball players.

Forever_Free's avatar

@chyna what’s wrong with little league baseball players?

chyna's avatar

Well, they are pretty cute, but they do get loud.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We immediately request a different area and usually suggest the area that would suit us better. No one has ever refused or hesitated.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Last year we went to a restaurant, asked at the door to be away from the other tables, server / hostess. She said sure placed in a booth between the bar and the other groups. She was tending bar too. She got a 20% tip in cash. I guess they were shorthanded due to COVID-19!

SnipSnip's avatar

I would go sit where I want to.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Doesn’t matter to me, a table is a table. I’d be more interested in the grub. Unless my wife and I want some privacy but those days are long over for us with all of the grands.

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