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JLeslie's avatar

I think I invented a new word: opinioncaster. What do you think of it?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) July 14th, 2022 from iPhone

Have you heard it used before?

Opinioncaster rather than newscaster, for all these talking heads on cable “news” posing as journalists.

Do you like it? Would you use it?

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14 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I believe the word “pundit” is already an adequate descriptor of these people.

rebbel's avatar

Or “Talking Head”.

JLeslie's avatar

I use talking head a lot. I liked my word because I think ignorant people don’t know the definition of pundit and don’t understand that their favored talking heads are just giving their opinions.

elbanditoroso's avatar

What a horrible term! Bastardization of two perfectly fine concepts.

Call the person a “bullshitter” and I will be assuaged.

gondwanalon's avatar

I think “opinioncaster” is a kind way of calling newscasters what they are (layers, spinners and SOB’s).

Brian1946's avatar

I think it’s a neologistic portmanteau.

cookieman's avatar

I like it. I agree that most folks have no idea what a pundit is and would never look it up. Your word is more clear.

SnipSnip's avatar

I’ll stick with commentator, opinion writer, editorial staff, analyst, etc.

smudges's avatar

Sorry, I don’t think anyone would figure out what the meaning is. I couldn’t guess until you explained. Reminds me of spellcaster.

janbb's avatar

How about the old term bloviator?

LostInParadise's avatar

Too many syllables in opinioncaster. How about viewcaster?

LuckyGuy's avatar

I like the term. I have also heard “blamethrower”.

Strauss's avatar

At least you’re not saying “pundant”

JLeslie's avatar

Thanks everyone. I agree it’s probably too many syllables. I found it interesting how negative some people were about the word.

@SnipSnip I was thinking TV not print. Your terms seem very print oriented to me.

@elbanditoroso I actually was hoping it would be a word they would call themselves. I doubt they would say, “I’m a bullshitter,” but I wish they would.

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