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janbb's avatar

What is equivalent in your world to the joy of a warm shower after a glorious afternoon at the beach?

Asked by janbb (63391points) July 14th, 2022


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31 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A premium hot dog and warmed bun with mayonnaise and mustard, and two glasses of cool watermelon juice.

Caravanfan's avatar

A birdie on a disc golf basket.

SnipSnip's avatar

A cool shower after being at the beach.

janbb's avatar

@SnipSnip True, I didn’t say hot!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

A cool shower after a sweaty day working in my yard in 100 plus degree heat.

chyna's avatar

A warm brownie with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup.

Zaku's avatar

Being in the woods, a park, or other lovely outdoor place when the weather is quite comfortable. And/or being with delightful people and/or animals. Great food and drink is really good too.

zenvelo's avatar

A swim, on a hut day, in a mountain lake, especially one with a waterfall.

Blackberry's avatar

Moving out of a small racist town into a larger city full of different backgrounds.

No more being stared at, or going to dead restaurants and bars on a night out, and no more crappy food.

I’m just another random person in a sea of liveliness and activity.

ragingloli's avatar

Yeah, warm and golden.

filmfann's avatar

Sitting in the Starbucks in the local bookstore, drinking a hot chocolate, eating an onion bagel with cream cheese, while reading the latest New Yorker.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A long, cool shower after an an afternoon of “2 man” beach volleyball in 100⁰ heat.
Then a cool, flowing skirt and a glass of wine on the terrace.
A sunburn always makes you feel like you worked harder than you did!

kritiper's avatar

The shower drain not becoming clogged with beach sand.

cookieman's avatar

Enjoying a warm cookie in a well air conditioned room while petting a dog. Naked.

The dog, not me.

Maybe me.

janbb's avatar

^^ Oy – the image!

HP's avatar

Chilly nights snuggled under blankets against the wife.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Cooking and eating the fish from said day at beach.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Sitting on a National Park bench in awe of my surroundings everyday.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Much like @cookieman. A nap with both dogs on a hot day in my cool, dark bedroom.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Looking out over Lake Ontario and seeing the Aurora Borealis slowly wafting like green curtains in the breeze.
A well timed poop also ranks right up there on my list.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

For this summer, I redid my patio. I purchased new furniture—dining set, umbrella, and lounge chairs—and got on my hands-and-knees to scrub the flagstones clean.

Eating meals out there, or leisurely reading one of the lounges, is my own, latest slice of paradise on earth.

kruger_d's avatar

Coffee and pastries in an outdoor cafe, preferably in Europe.

cookieman's avatar

@kruger_d: I’d join you for that. I have great memories of coffee and pastry, steak frites, seafood risotto, and papadelle bolognese eaten in outdoor cafés in Italy, France, Switzerland, and Belgium. Mmmmm.

janbb's avatar

^^ I’m hoping to get back to Europe next year but not in the summer if it’s hot there like this one.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

These days my great pleasure is relaxing outside on the lawn after an arduous 10-hour workday.

We’re enjoying the long days of summer, where it’s light past 8PM in Milwaukee. My apartment building is enclosed in a copse of tall trees. Even on 90F+ days the yard is comfortable, shady and breezy in the evening.

After work, feeling achy and tired (in a good way) I take a folding chair downstairs to relax, carrying a bag with a couple of beers and a book.

My bird friends put on a show. My feeders attract sparrows (by the dozen), woodpeckers and goldfinches. Robins hop around among the shrubs looking for bugs. When the sun sets, the birds retire and fireflies take the stage.

Then it’s too dark to read. I close the book, fold the chair and haul my kit back upstairs.

Nighty night.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay That sounds lovely. I have a similar setup except I must sit on the screened in porch or the mosquitos and deer flies would get me. Right now we have robins, gray catbirds, wrens, goldfinches, blue jays, wood peckers (downy, hairy, and piliated). But when the evening comes I must be behind a screen.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s 105⁰ here .

janbb's avatar

94 here. I took a walk with someone on the boardwalk midday and nearly passed out when I got home!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@LuckyGuy Mosquitos don’t bother me much. It is surprising, weird and welcome. I’m uphill from a small river and marshes. Maybe the skitters find enough to eat down below, and don’t bother coming up to the windy heights.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think we must have developed a tolerance or something @Call_Me_Jay. They don’t bother me any more either.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Mosquitos like me fine, just not in my yard this summer. I think it’s lucky weather.

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