General Question

Jeruba's avatar

Have you been getting heaps of .ru and .sa spam?

Asked by Jeruba (56253points) July 16th, 2022

A few weeks ago, I received one spam email saying something like “Get paid to write social media content.” I noted the .ru (Russia) sender address and sent it straight to trash.

The number of similar incoming mounted over the next few days, all similar subject lines. I created a filter to trash them. Shortly after that, I started getting the same crop of messages from .sa (Saudi Arabia) senders. It appeared that spammers in both places of origin were sharing content.

This bothered me unreasonably more than spam from either source alone would have done.

The number of incoming .ru and .sa spam is increasing by the day. Maybe it’s my imagination, but I think my computer is also running slower.

Is anything like this happening to you?

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3 Answers

janbb's avatar

Not to me although it’s possible that my Spam filter is removing them.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Not me personally, but Fluther has seen an uptick from both of those domains lately.

Still mostly India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, though.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Jeruba “It appeared that spammers in both places of origin were sharing content.

This bothered me unreasonably more than spam from either source alone would have done.”

It’s certainly possible that it’s just one spammer using different domains. So everything could have originated from a spammer living in Kalamazoo using domains from .ru and .sa. It could be that your info is on a list being passed around (or sold on) the dark web. There have been a ton of large-scale data breaches with info dumps over the past decade.

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