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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Should the Republican officials offer an apology to the ten year old, after publicly saying her rape was a hoax and a lie?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23572points) July 19th, 2022

Some have deleted their tweets, and said the assaulter has to be punished, but not one has offered an apology for the hell they put that girl and her family through.
Think they should offer an a apology?

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16 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Or would that be admitting their abortion law is flawed, and needs to be amended?

Blackberry's avatar

Seeing as it took congress until like 2010 to formally apologize for slavery….that’s gonna be a no.
America is “kill first, apologize much later.”

They’ll apologize in 100 years when they realize making people do cocaine and pills to do 40 hours of overtime to pay the bills wasn’t a great idea.

Demosthenes's avatar

Well, maybe she should sue like the Covington kid did.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I would like to see these officials sued so bad. @Demosthenes

JLoon's avatar

Any apology from those asshole hypocrites would be meaningless. After 30 years of spewing propaganda about “small government” and “individual freedom” they wipe out personal choice and put politicians in charge of your family and your body.

If they want to make this right let them amend or repeal the hateful and oppresive laws that they’ve passed.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Couldn’t agree more @JLoon . THANKS!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You know that FOX news splashed the Doctors face on their show, saying she didn’t file the paper work and looking at charges, well behold that doctor did file the paper work and now is threatening suing , all this for giving a 10 year old rape victim a abortion.

I hope this bites these idiots come election day.
I learned to spell FAKE NEWS today and it’s spelled FOX.

YARNLADY's avatar

The guy who said it is now taking credit for the arrest of the bad guy by claiming the publicity he generated did the job.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 They should but they won’t. The small handful who can see writing on the wall, so to speak, will just stay mum and avoid comment. But don’t look for an apology.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@JLoon They only favor small government when it’s convenient for them. Otherwise it’s all talk.

ragingloli's avatar

They should, but they will not.
First, they denied that it happened. Then they told the kid, she should see the pregnancy as an “opportunity”. Now they paint a target on the doctor that helped the kid.
In Texas, there are now a lot of women with ectopic pregnancies, where the egg implants inside the fallopian tubes, which will invariably result in a rupture, internal bleeding, and death, are denied treatment.
You have a woman who was forced to carry around a dead fetus inside of her for 2 weeks, which can easily result in infection and sterility, because of the abortion ban.
Republicans do not give a shit about the chaos and suffering they are causing.

Brian1946's avatar

I wonder what would happen if all the women who want or need to end their pregnancies, permanently left their respective forced-birth states.

Would the men-women ratio in those states increase to 2–1?

Would homicidally horny, heat-packing, forced-birth bros be shooting each other, as they fight over the shrinking pool of women who can stand them?

Zaku's avatar

They should apologize AND resign, AND be charged and/or sued, AND not be put in any other position of authority nor of trust, nor of influence.

KNOWITALL's avatar

They should apologize and correct the state law.

jca2's avatar

They should apologize and be sued for slander. True justice would be if they resigned in shame. None of the three things I mentioned will happen, unfortunately. That’s the divided world that we live in.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL When I mention Rape,incest, or the mother’s health you always say those cases are very rare and I say OK but when they do show up like in the case of this 10 year old there should be no question abortion is the way to go.

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