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Brian1946's avatar

What reading materials do you have in your bathroom?

Asked by Brian1946 (32774points) July 21st, 2022

I think for this question, details might be TMI.

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21 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Mostly maps (Great Britain, Germany, France, Paris (city), etc.) They are fascinating and no matter where you open them to, there is something interesting to learn.

I also have a book about the Periodic Table – 2 pages for each element. So an easy read while sitting.

Today Helium, tomorrow Radium…

JLeslie's avatar

No reading materials for me. Once in a while I bring my phone in with me, but not usually.

My husband has a few Panorama magazines (Porsche club).

canidmajor's avatar

I haul my ereader in with me to het a few more pages of my book read.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Shamppo bottles,moisturizers,etc
Taking a bath is for relaxing not only the body but the mind too.

Jeruba's avatar

Like @canidmajor, I’m apt to carry my Kindle along to continue my current reading. If my current book is paper and not on the tablet, then I just pick a random section of the Bible or Wikipedia or a puzzle page or other pick-up-put-down e-page for a few minutes’ attention.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It would seem sacreligious to read the Bible while defacating.

Jeruba's avatar

It isn’t sacrilegious (i.e., a sacrilege) to read the Bible, and who said it’s while defecating? Anyway, I answered the question truthfully.

Brian1946's avatar

One of the most incipient public health hazards is the bathroom book! ;-o

YARNLADY's avatar

We just take our tablet or phone in.

smudges's avatar

Crossword puzzle book is there or I take my phone with me.

jca2's avatar

I’m in and out of the bathroom in about two minutes, every time so I don’t have anything to read in there. I try to avoid taking my phone near the toilet because one time I was talking on the phone and accidentally dropped it into the toilet. The water was clean but the phone only lasted about another few weeks before its time was up.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I used to have a book on crystals. The last book was an ultimate guide to skin picking.

Mimishu1995's avatar

There was a period of my life when choosing something to read is a form of art. I occasionally had to hold it up to find the right thing to read. Then I had my phone and it started to get more of my attention than the usual book. And besides, I realized that the phone is much smaller and less chonky, reducing the risk of getting dirty.

There was a book that was only for the purpose of reading in the toilet. That book then became a cushion for other reading materials, including my phone. Then it was gone altogether when my family installed a shelf next to the toilet.

eyesoreu's avatar

Bottles/tins of various products, shampoo, shaving foam etc.
Plenty to read there, particularly on the back.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

The most recent issues of The New Yorker.

Demosthenes's avatar

Don’t keep any reading material in the bathroom. That’s what my phone is for. I’ll just browse the internet or play a game…I will answer texts but no phone calls. :P

smudges's avatar

Oh! I forgot this one because it got misplaced – “The Big Book of Search & Find”!

It says there are over 1,000 things to find. It’s an 8×11 which is good for holding on the lap. It’s fun. my sister says she’ll get so into whatever she’s reading that her butt goes to sleep

You, too can get one for just $8.99 at!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

None. I’m not there to read, I’m there on personal business. So to speak.

kritiper's avatar

Crossword puzzles or Sudoku.

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