@seawulf575 “But we are talking about matters of national security with Hillary. She was Secretary of State and shouldn’t be ignorant of national security protocol.”
– That much, yes.
“To make that excuse shows you are willing to accept, and actively support incompetence and threats to our nation…as long as they involve people on the left.”
– No, it doesn’t show that at all! I don’t give a crap that Hillary is “on the left”, I wouldn’t mind her going to prison for something that made good sense, and I actually find her pretty terrible after seeing how she campaigned against Sanders in 2016. I think she’s a dangerous pro-oligarchy establishment politician (so, actually, not “on the left”) who had an unfortunate amount of support from actual smart-but-not-skeptical-enough progressives. I wish she hadn’t been able to run in 2016, so Sanders could have been president.
– And I don’t “accept, and actively support incompetence and threats to our nation”! That should be, and was, shut down, and punished if necessary and appropriate. I would have found the punishment politically convenient if it had happened at the right time, even, but I think it’s an overly draconian idea to imprison people for ignorance, especially if it turns out to be a minor thing. (I don’t know, what the classified info was, nor whether anyone actually intercepted it so there were actual consequences or not – do you?)
“Additionally, the law specifically stated that violations regardless of why are punishable by fines or imprisonment or both. So to use the excuse she didn’t have intent is likewise making excuses.”
– Punish-able yes, but not required punishment without discretion. I assume if this was actually a serious problem, you would be able to say much more than this, but AFAIK there’s nothing more to say, which suggests to me she didn’t know, and it didn’t really cause much of a problem, so the AG seems reasonable to me to not have pressed it.
“Compare that to the sailor that took a couple pictures of the engineroom of his ship. He was prosecuted to the limit of the law even though he didn’t have any intent of doing wrong. Our elected leaders should not be held to a lower standard than the people.”
– Ok, yeah. I agree, though I think I’d more likely be being more lenient with people, rather than insisting every violation always needs to be punished. I don’t know enough about that case’s details to know whether he deserved it.
“Another aspect of Hillary is that when she was asked for her e-mails, she made the decision to delete 30,000 of them. That is willful destruction of evidence. If a company is being investigated for wrong doing and their e-mails are requested, they are required to give all of them…not just the ones they deem are relevant. What if Trump had done something like this? Would you still be saying that incompetence was acceptable? Would you be making excuses? Here’s the answer…no you wouldn’t. I can say that with certainty because of the way the left is reacting to this. Your arguments against the Secret Service are exactly the opposite of what you are arguing about Hillary.”
– No. I actually don’t know the details of the email situation you’re talking about. If your description is fair and accurate, then sure, lock her up. Fine with me.