How do you like this site?
Asked by
RayaHope (
July 25th, 2022
I am new here and would like to get to know you all.
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21 Answers
First, let me say welcome to Fluther. It’s kind of a quirky site that was created many years ago. It has a pretty small but loyal group of users. I’ve received some great advice over the years and answers to questions that are hard to answer with a search engine. We all bring our unique life experiences, knowledge and expertise to help each other out. I hope you stick around and have a great experience here.
Thank you very much. I hope to learn as much as I can and maybe someday help others out too. I think I may like this site with such a warm welcome from you :)
@RayaHope: Welcome to the lagoon!! It’s very nice to meet you.
I second what @gorillapaws said. There are a good bunch of helpful, well-meaning Jellies here from around the world.
It’s almost like a living fossil as far as design, features, and interactivity. Even the most loyal members (including moderators) will tell you the site is dead. But maybe it’s more like a coma…
• There’s no moblie app.
• No capability to post still or moving images.
• No customization for individual accounts.
• No way to share or import content from other platforms.
• Chatroom & other interactive features barely function.
• Primitive site security.
BUT – Some of those weakness look like strengths when you realize there are no intrusive algorithms tracking your posts and profiling your behavior, no swarm of targeted ads, no ridgid verfication/access process that compromises privacy, and absolutely no pressure to compete for “likes”, subscribers, or followers.
I found this place by accident, joined out of curiousity, and stay just for fun. It’s an escape that doesn’t drain my energy or turn me into a robot. I have no idea if I’m liked or popular or trending – and I don’t care. Most of the people I interact with here seem to feel the same way.
So don’t expect that anything you put up here will go viral or make you an influencer. You’re on a deserted island. Enjoy the beach.
Thanks for the welcome everyone!! I will do my best to blend in with my new “jelly” friends lol
I’ve been here for quite a long time, and I quite enjoy it. It’s always been a nicely different place (more thoughtful and intelligent; less commercial and hyper) place to discuss things.
@JLoon You won’t catch me saying Fluther is “dead”.
On your specific points, yeah I tend to think of them as non-issues or strengths, specifically:
* I see no reason to want a mobile app for Fluther.
* No way to have images show up is inconvenient, but it means the conversations aren’t visual assaults. People can link to images, making them opt-in/out.
* There are some account options – icons, personal bio statement, topics of interest, following, blocking . . . are you missing some other features?
* Share/import content from other platforms? Again, I don’t think I want a flashy feature for that here, and links are allowed.
* Ok, yeah, the chatroom is a joke and best avoided.
* What more impressive site security would we want?
The site ebbs and flows. Some days it’s fun, some days it’s nonstop arguments, just like most social media platforms.
Like a kitten with a ball of wool.
I have many fond memories. And many not so fond. I like to remember the good.
It grew old for me after spending fourteen years here. People get to know you and like to derail your questions by reminding you of things you said ten years ago. (As if people don’t grow and change.) They won’t stay on topic of the OP. I prefer to get non-biased answers for my questions and that just doesn’t happen here with a small group who have known each other for over a decade.
I now drop in occasionally but life is just too busy to spend the time I once did.
@Jonsblond I wish you could stay around longer because apparently, we need all the people/jellys we can get. It is amazing that you have been here that long. I just found out about this place a couple of days ago by accident.
I have always enjoyed it, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. Gets a bit too political at times but otherwise a lot of fun. And great members for the most part. Stick around and enjoy.
Welcome. I find the rules on Fluther are fair and help along in providing exchanges of ideas and perceptions without it getting too ugly. People who come on here to fight don’t usually last long because they end up getting moderated a lot.
I found I’ve grown a lot in viewing or participating in these chats.
Often times there are ideas or situations that you never really thought about because you or anyone near you has ever been through it. So seeing someone on Fluther explain how something affects them and why can open your eyes to the world around you a little bit more. Which is always a good thing.
I think most of us come on here in hopes of being better for it.
There is a lighter side as well. Cooking ideas, work out ideas, or even questions about sports teams or what music makes you dance. Those kinds of things.
The most disliked question I feel you will find is what do you think this boy or girl I like means when they said you’re cute. No one on here is a mind reader. And homework questions. In the past, we have had young people try to post homework questions on here looking for the answers. Some on here don’t mind answering how someone can get the answer and how to work a formula, but they won’t give them the answer usually.
Politics and religious questions can get hairy. Politically I think most of us are in the middle of the row. Of course, you will have the extreme right or left claim we are all the opposite of what they are.
Nice summation, @Pandora.
I would add
• that some seriously real questions have attracted knowledgeable answers that really helped,
• that there’s plenty of humor to go around, but not as first answers to questions in General,
• that sooner or later a typical thread (especially in Social) ends up being about food, and
• that if you plan to stick around, you probably want to know about the Fluther memes. I hope someone has a link to the most recent list. Some of them are forgotten now, but we still throw lurve parties and celebrate with pancakes.
Welcome, @RayaHope.
@Jeruba Thank you so much for the warm welcome! @Pandora what can I say but an amazing answer and insight. All of you are so kind, I think I will love it here.
@RayaHope Thank you. That’s very sweet of you. I hope you enjoy the site. :)
Oh, and one other thing, @RayaHope: so much of what is good about this site depends on our small team of moderators, following the model and example set by our founders and our late, beloved community manager. They deserve our appreciation every day.
I’m saddened to hear that a community manager has passed away :( I do respect the people behind the scenes they do hard work to make things like this happen. Thank you for pointing this out to me :)
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