Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What do you think about Disney getting rid of gender salutations?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) July 26th, 2022 from iPhone

Disney will no longer be saying things like, “good morning ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls…” Instead they will be saying, “good evening dreamers of all ages.”

Do you think it shouldn’t be a news item? Is this sort of thing as a news item getting tiresome to you?

Do you like the change, do you dislike it?

Will this be like the fake war on Christmas? Will there actually be a percentage of people who take offense to just dropping the ladies and gentlemen part?

Any other thoughts?

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24 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I think that an effort to be inclusive, in this context, is a good one, and, frankly, “dreamers of all ages” seems a more appropriate (and incidentally briefer, and therefore more appealing) greeting for Disney.

As a news item, I am happier to see that than the stories of random shootings.

If people are upset by this, silly them. It is simple and absolutely harmless. And yes, of course some people will choose to be offended.

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zenvelo's avatar

If Disney had done this without any kind of announcement, and just told new cast members the script, they could have phased this in and no one would have noticed.

The right wing anti-Disney folks will get all butt hurt over this as “woke grooming” and Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis will proclain danger to children, even though Gaetz prefers children as sex partners and DeSantis wants kids to die from either covid or gun shots.

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jca2's avatar

I think that it’s not a bad thing.

I also think that in today’s society, it seems like (seems like to me) that someone is always getting upset and/or offended at something. There are/would be people offended at the term “ladies and gentlemen” and there will be people offended at “Dreamers of all ages.” Someone’s always going to be pissed, no matter what.

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eyesoreu's avatar

Welcome to the future…

Sleeping Beauty:
Starring Dwaynetta Johnson as
the lethargic princess

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Blackberry's avatar

This is the new reality at this point. I’m ok with everyone being included.

When I see people being really upset about this, it makes me wonder if these would be the same people being upset they couldn’t have racist postcards anymore, or upset that Hispanic people were moving into their neighborhood.

I’m not being hurt at all by someone calling me dreamer instead of sir.

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Demosthenes's avatar

I mean, woke capital is dumb but I also don’t care enough to be outraged by it.

JLeslie's avatar

I like it. I’m not sure if Disney released it to the press, or if the press just found out about it. My guess is Disney purposefully put it out there. I don’t really think it’s a news item except for the state of our country and culture at this time, which is kind of sad.

I guess it loses some formality by getting rid of ladies and gentlemen, but it’s 90 degrees with the audience hot and sweaty and dressed in tank tops and flip flops. It’s not very formal to begin with. I prefer Disney being informal and full of character hugs and fun and inclusive.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Demosthenes That’s pretty much how I feel about it.

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Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I see nothing wrong with it. Disney doesn’t concern me much anyway.

Forever_Free's avatar

I don’t give a rats arse what Disney does.

raum's avatar

I’m glad that it’s happening. Small steps from big corporations can make a bigger impact than you’d think. But there are more pressing issues to cover in the news.

RayaHope's avatar

I think it is a step in the right direction. I’m just a little put off about all the gender stuff these days. Why is a person’s sexuality such an issue? Can’t we all be treated as humans, just people living on this small planet? Treat everyone equally and stop pigeonholing us.

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