Do you worry about surfaces regarding infectious disease?
Asked by
JLeslie (
July 26th, 2022
from iPhone
At the beginning of covid we were warned surfaces might be a source of catching covid. Some people were wiping down groceries or letting mail sit a few days before opening.
Are you still taking extra precautions regarding surfaces? If so what? Is it only because of covid, or other disease you are trying to prevent? Did you do any of these things before covid?
What about shaking hands, door handles, etc.
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17 Answers
I never wiped down my groceries or avoided touching the mail during Covid, or since.
I don’t take any precautions regarding surfaces in the house. In public places, I learned long ago from my mom, who took the train to the city every day for work, not to put my hands to my face after touching the train or other public places.
I shook someone’s hand yesterday. I didn’t think twice about it. I probably wash my hands more than the average person, because I can’t stand when my hands feel sticky or grimy or smell like food. I don’t use antibacterials on my hands.
I don’t want to become a germophobe. I keep disinfectant in my bathroom and on my desk and wash my hands as often as possible. That’s far as I’m willing to go.
I wipe down grocery cart handles with the wipes conveniently provided by Wegmans and Tops.
I keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in the car and use it when I return to my car after going out or when traveling through an airport.
I used to get colds annually. I haven’t had any illnesses of any kind since Covid began in 2020. Was that pure luck or did sanitation have something to do with it? If I had to bet, I’m going with sanitation.
Nah, not any more. I was pretty diligent in 2020, but I’m pretty cavalier about surfaces now.
I don’t worry about surfaces any more. I’ve been more careful with Covid about touch or hugs although I have hugged some people.
I’ve had very few colds since I started living alone 11 years ago and none since Covid although I do have Covid now.
Using hand sanitizer whenever I go anywhere is pretty much burned into me now.
I use the wipes provided in the grocery syore whetehr using a cart or a basket. Shopping carts are particularly concerning because of diapered kids being placed in them, and also the kids have a tendency to have their mouths and nasal secretions all over the handle.
But it isn’t a concern for “infectious diseases” like small pox or polio, it is more a matter of general hygiene.
I don’t worry, I act. Seems the best way to do life.
I wash my hands after being out somewhere, which is something I’ve been doing for years, since before COVID. COVID hasn’t changed any of my habits in this regard.
@Demosthenes I do the same. I’ve been doing it for at least 40 years.
I also wash when I go into a bathroom and again when I leave. The guys at the office thought that was unusual. During work meeting bathroom breaks, I was usually the last person to leave the bathroom. It was a little embarrassing when the guys were standing around waiting for me so we could go to lunch together. I did it anyway despite the ribbing.
Also, I was always prepared with the classic: “Man! That urinal water was cold – and deep!”
@LuckyGuy Women are a little grossed out when men only take 30 seconds in the bathroom. We figure they aren’t washing their hands, and studies show many men don’t.
I always do. Not sure why other men wouldn’t. Eww!
I can be a bit of a germaphobe about some things. I wash my hands many times a day. As soon as I get home from school, shopping, or anything I always wash my hands and make sure I don’t touch my face until I do. I use a tissue or my sleeve to open doors if I’m away from home whenever possible. But I have been like this before covid and I rarely get sick.
@RayaHope – Covid is airborne, so you need to add one more thing: a mask. But you can cut out the tissue/sleeve thing, since you wash your hands a lot anyway.
I flew round trip across the country 3 times in the last 2.5 years. That’s 12 airplanes and 18 airports. I wore a mask airport to airport – no Covid. Then I went to a destination wedding where no one wore masks – got Covid the first morning.
@RocketGuy I’m so sorry you got covid :( I hope you’re feeling better now. But I am concerned about getting more than just covid which is why I watch what doors I open and things. I do wear a mask when I’m out even though I have had all my shots.
Some. I believe diseases can live for a very short time outside a nourishing host. And it varies from disease to disease. But that is why I wash my hands if I am worrying about it.
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