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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Did you know that Nichelle Nichols, Lt. Uhura on ‘Star Trek,’ has died at 89?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) August 1st, 2022

Of natural causes.

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21 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

I just saw this. It sounds like she lead a really excellent life and went peacefully of natural causes. What a talented actress and remarkable woman. Her kiss with Shatner was one of the first interracial kisses ever broadcast. May she Rest In Peace.

LadyMarissa's avatar

She passed on Saturday night & I heard it on Sunday afternoon. She had dementia & died peacefully at home with her family. She was ALWAYS a very classy lady whose roles were of an intelligent woman!!! The kiss heard around the world was done with style & grace as well!!!

canidmajor's avatar

She was a true pioneer and accomplished so much with such grace.
Return to starstuff, Nyota Uhura. <3

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It’s very sad but not unexpected.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes she was great, and brave. She was going to quit until MLK told her how her role was important to the black community. I admire her very much.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Forgetting about the racial part for a moment -

this is another example of people / icons from my youth – that are getting old and dying. We grew up with these people on TV – Nimoy, Shatner, Nichelle Nichols, even George Takei.

They’re now either dead or well into their 80s and looking frail.

Sure, it’s the cycle of life, but it saddens me and makes me feel old.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Now I do know.
It seems that William Shatner will be the last to pass on.

elbanditoroso's avatar

He is waiting to be beamed up

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

George Takei is still alive. He played Sulu.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

“Walter Koenig (Pavel Chekov)” is Alive too.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. Bill Russell and Pat Carol also died.

WhyNow's avatar

RIP sad she was never promoted beyond Lt.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I had heard about Bill Russell, but not Pat Carroll. Pat was kind of like Betty White…I can’t remember a day when she wasn’t in my life!!! When I was young, she was on almost EVERY comedy there was!!!

@elbanditoroso Yes, we’re at he age that everybody we enjoyed are on their way out. With Nichols, I was shocked at how much older than me that she was. I always assumed we were about the same age…reality was that she was considerably older…she retained her looks well!!!

cookieman's avatar

I saw all three t this morning (Nichelle, Pat, and Bill) and thought, “WTF?!”

LadyMarissa's avatar

I heard someone say last night that there had been 8 celebrity deaths in the last 9 weeks. I know we’ve had many, but I didn’t think it was that many. I meant to do some research on that when I got up this morning, but my day managed to get away from me!!! Maybe I’ll find some time this afternoon!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

She was a singer and dancer for Duke Ellington’s big band when she a was a teenager in the late 1940s.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I’ve learned that since she passed; however, while new to the Star Trek scene, she was a fresh NEW face that appeared to be around my age. Back then, the studios didn’t release a lot of personal info & I didn’t have the internet to fall back on. IF I wanted to know anything I “had to” go to our local library to research it & that was considered a nerdy thing to do by my peers & I just didn’t care that much!!!

filmfann's avatar

She was an important part of the cultural reset of the Sixties.

Zaku's avatar

@WhyNow Uhura was promoted to Lieutenant Commander by the time of the first Star Trek film, to Commander by the 2nd film, and eventually to Captain and put in command of the USS Leondegrance according to Memory Aplha .

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