If you could time travel to anywhere on Earth at any time, where and when and why?
Asked by
RayaHope (
August 2nd, 2022
I hear a lot about time travel and was wondering where and when I would go if I could. I think I’d like to go into the future for about a hundred years to see how things today turn out. See how I turned out and my accomplishments and if I had any children and what they are doing.
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22 Answers
I think I would go (briefly) to the past, preferably the Mountain Man era, circa 1810–1840 or so. See North America unblemished the way Native Americans saw it. Kind of along the lines of Kit Carson or Jim Bridger.
@Nomore_Tantrums That sounds great but wasn’t the white man already here at that time on the east coast and heading west already carving up the northwest territory as far as Ohio?
@RayaHope They were, but it really didn’t go full swing until just pre Civil War with the wagon trains and the Oregon and Santa Fe trails. Pre 1840 there were still a lot of open country areas only populated by Native Americans. Good point though. Maybe I should have gone farther back. Stupid time machine.
Maybe as far back as Daniel Boone 1700s. No farther though. : )
Yo, I said Daniel Boone, not Tyranasauras Rex! And 1700s, not 17 million BC. Who the hell is driving this thing? ; )
Or he’s been in to the ‘shrooms a bit much.
Time and Relative Dimensions in Space (T.A.R.D.I.S.) from Doctor Who.
I am happy where I am now. I try not to fool around with time travel.
I’ll travel back in time to kill baby Hitler.
I’d travel back to June, 1888 and sterilize Hitler’s parents (Barack & Beyonce?). ;-p
Personally If possilbe I would go back in time to 1964 when at age 16 years old we were
first introduced to our paternal Grandfather who hoarded all the photo albums and information on our origins ( Family History)., then hid them under ground ( hewed out a cave under his
bedroom) and NEVER told anyone !
Could had save me 25 years plus researching.
( still working on it at 1630 year now but blocked..need Male line DNA to go further).
Have only minimal photos of relations because his house was destroyed after he passed on
and a huge contruction building built on it…dug down 18 feet..so guess where those precious
photographs/ information are now…dump!
Exactly and thats why I continually bring that up as a warning to gather all Family Hisroty now before it too is lonst forever.
I hope that perhaps the Grandmother had sent out photographs to others and that is the only hope of finding copies if there were any sent.
@Inspired_2write Oh I wish you luck in finding those. It is so sad to me that an entire life of a person could exist in only a few photos and once they’re gone, they’re gone :(
I was going through my mom’s house, getting it ready for sale. She had stashed >60 years worth of photos in almost every cabinet in the house. I packaged and sent >50 lb of the pictures and albums to my brother for storage. I took about 25 lb home. Pics of my grandparents + pics of young mom and dad, as well as of uncles and aunts.
@RocketGuy WOW I bet it was interesting going through those and seeing so many relatives so young and stuff. The scenery and things like their homes and old cars when they were new.
I was reminded of all the family drama, and even discovered some family secrets, among her old paperwork. I found good pics of my uncle and cousin, who had become estranged through some drama, and mailed them to her.
@RocketGuy I just love looking through old family albums. My parents get tired of me asking “Who is that who is this?” “When was this?” etc.
@RayaHope – you’re like my daughter and me. We can sit down to look through old stuff and wonder about what it was like back in the old days.
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