Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Will someone make me a meme that says Way to go Kansas! ?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 3rd, 2022

I want to use it as my profile pic. I asked on FB but just got hit with a blast of anti-Rebublican posts.
Jesus. Let me bask in the relief on THIS issue for a little while before we go back to war.
I’d do it myself but I’m still discomberated from the last 2 years.

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23 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

I Googled “Way to go Kansas”, but all I got were driving directions to your state. :p

I’d like to make you a meme, but I think you’re more valuable as a person. ;)

I just went to John Brown’s Wiki page, and he had such awesome hair!
If I didn’t have to prepare for a grocery-shopping trip, I’d try to make a meme using his photo.

freguarUK's avatar

@Dutchess_III. You should go to Kansas and live in silence for a month, eavesdropping on citizens’ conversations day after day. And then openly question people for a week. Or is just mirage wish…

Lightlyseared's avatar

What has Kansas done?

HP's avatar

Kansas, is the first unconditionally conservative place to hault the current anti choice juggernaut. The stunning turnout in the vote defeating the proposed amendment enabling the state to smother women’s access to abortion is a major conservative upset and troubling indicator for future political wrangling.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yesterday we voted 60% to 30% to keep women’s right to an abortion up to 22 weeks @

HP's avatar

It’s almost monumental, like the Mongol defeat at the gates of Vienna. And as significant as the upset, is the massive turnout for once reflecting the ACTUAL positions of the population.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep Stanlyman!

WhyNow's avatar

I really love that news picture of a mother crying and hugging her two daughters.
You can have an abortion! I’ll find it…

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s an email from Blue Amp Action:

“The Democratic governor of Kansas faced death threats to put it all on the line to defeat an abortion ban referendum. The ban was rejected by 18 points, a bigger margin than Trump’s win for the presidency. We need to keep Gov. Kelly in office.

The State of Kansas overwhelmingly rejected the fringe forced birth position this week, and it didn’t happen by chance: Gov. Laura Kelly made it happen.

It was actually incredible. Kansas is a red state, to be sure, but luckily they already had abortion rights enshrined in their Constitution. So the right-wing troglodytes put a referendum on the ballot- purposely on a primary day when turnout would be low so they thought they could get their flying monkeys to the polls and turn Kansas women into forced-birth baby containers.

Well, their plan went very wrong. Turnout was up around 15%! And in a state Trump won by 15 points, the abortion ban was rejected by a whopping 18 points! Not just a defeat, but if you’ll excuse the British expression, an arse kicking.
But this WOULD NOT have happened if Governor Laura Kelly, a Democratic Governor in a very red state, didn’t put it all on the line to come fighting for rejecting the forced-birth referendum. This, my friends, is what COURAGE looks like.

Yet, Kelly’s radically-right-wing, forced-birth GOP opponent, who wanted to let our grandparents die of COVID rather than wear masks, thinks Christians should discriminate against other religions & lifestyles and will force young molested & raped girls to give birth- even providing parental rights to their rapists & molestors- can still win in a state as red as KS.

There will be a ton of dark money attacking Governor Kelly to lie about who she is, because truth is their enemy. Laura Kelly just saved lives and livelihoods at risk to her career (& personal risk, as she’s received non-stop death threats).”

janbb's avatar

I saw a good meme on FB about this. It was the Good Witch with Dorothy and she was saying, “Yes Dorothy, it’s safe to go back to Kansas now.” Perhaps you could steal that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I went a different way.

HP's avatar

The Brownback lesson was one that Kansans are unlikely to soon forget. It really is rather astonishing the wreckage these people must inflict before voters wake up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I won’t forget that jerk for sure.

Brian1946's avatar

Rachel Sweet, campaign manager for Kansans for Constitutional Freedom, was instrumental in defeating the Value Them Both amendment.

WhyNow's avatar

I can’t find that pic of the crying mom celebrating the pro abortion vote
by hugging her two daughters. In the words of Alanis Morissette… isn’t it
ironic? I wonder if her two daughters were thinking ‘were we meant to be aborted?’

Dutchess_III's avatar

If they had meant to be aborted they would have been. No woman “accidentally” carries a pregnancy to term.
What point were you trying to make with that comment @WhyNow?

WhyNow's avatar

@Dutchess_III Your words should be comforting to the pre teen daughters.

My point? Abortion is strictly and only a political issue to the left. They don’t
care about anybody’s rights!!!

HP's avatar

Can you believe it? I mean honest to God, what’s to become of us, if we have drag these people along?

WhyNow's avatar

Please allow me to try again… Please. Duchess asked for a meme to celebrate Kansas
voting to keep abortion. Great. While scanning that joyous news I saw a crying mother
hugging her two young daughters in rapture over the the win for abortion.

I thought that just seemed ironic. But it would be a good meme.

The answers I got was ‘what’ and ‘why do we let this guy talk?.’

So… OK if that’s the best you got. OK

Dutchess_III's avatar

Abortion and existing children are not comparable.

WhyNow's avatar

^^ I absolutely got your often repeated point. You will never understand mine.
Next time one of those girls displease their mommy, what will go through their mind?
“Oh mommy do you now wish you aborted me” Or will they forget the look of rapture
in their mothers’ face. I am done with this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^^ What “Oft repeated point” are you talking about?

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