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Demosthenes's avatar

Are you seeing attempts to ban books in schools or libraries where you live?

Asked by Demosthenes (15401points) August 5th, 2022

Banning books has not been an issue where I live so far, but it is becoming more of an issue in small towns across America. Demands to ban books are up significantly this year compared to last. Most of the books under fire have LGBT themes. A library in a small town in Michigan recently shut down after it refused to ban books. I’m afraid we will probably see more of this going forward.

What is the situation where you live?

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69 Answers

RayaHope's avatar

I think banning ANY books should be criminal. It’s not right to try and re-write history and suppress thoughts and ideas. Changing things like that will be very destructive.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Schools, yes.

Public Libraries – not yet, but I’m sure it’s coming. I’m aware of one library in Mississippi where anti-LGBT citizens went to the county commissioners to complain about what the library was purchasing dealing with transgender people.

(Biloxi, I think)

HP's avatar

The fever hasn’t arrived here (yet). And for those stranded in the redlands susceptible to such outbreaks, hang on! This sort of nonsense can’t last.

janbb's avatar

I haven’t heard of any specific book bannings here in NJ but some of the school boards have elected MAGA types so it may be coming.

jca2's avatar

Where I live, it’s fairly liberal, even though the political left/right is about 50/50. I haven’t heard of anything like that happening here. I know there are parts of the country where they’re probably planning stuff like that.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 There are thousands of parts of the country where they are already banning books. Banning books from school and public libraries is nothing new but it is on the upswing right now. I think the Texas legislature or state Board of Ed came up with a list of 850 books that they want removed from libraries.

@Demosthenes It’s not just or even mainly LBGT books but also books about sexuality, race, history, etc.

As a side note, public libraries are fighting back. The Brooklyn Public Library has started a program whereby teens and others from anywhere in the country can get a library card from them and take out e-books to read.

HP's avatar

It’s really depressing to watch the arise of practices settled as asinine in this country for more than a century.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Many school districts are banning The Bluest Eye, All Bots Aren’t Blue, and Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic.

The school won’t have them but our library will.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Instead of banning any books just catagorize some as adult or older adolsecent..age appropriate books set aside in the library .

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Demosthenes's avatar

@Inspired_2write Most libraries do organize books by age level. There will be a separate children’s, teen, and adult section.

Inspired_2write's avatar

In our library we have separate areas ( upstairs adult books).
No one under age can go upstairs.
Downstairs children and pre adolescent areas.

JLeslie's avatar

I am probably not up-to-date, but I know in Florida there was a big thing about text books being rejected, but I don’t think I would call that banning. It was review time, and dozens of books were up for being the new text books, and only some are going to make it through.

I don’t know if books were actually removed from libraries anywhere. I wonder how much of the news about this is for show? Banning some books from elementary schools; did the schools even ever have those books? School libraries are only going to have age-appropriate books anyway. Elementary school libraries are small and are not going to have college level books for the most part.

Who starts the new reports about it? The politicians love it. Liberals get upset, conservatives are protecting their children, more clicks on facebook, more viewers watching the cable news shows.

Banning books is horrible, don’t misunderstand me, I am against it. Choosing books for school is common practice and necessary. The word banning has a history and triggers us.

I haven’t heard of any public libraries banning books.

ragingloli's avatar

A town in Michigan just voted to remove funding from their library over their refusal to ban LGBT books:
How is that for “cancel culture”?

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Don’t think Austin will go for that. Other areas of Texas, toss up.

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HP's avatar

It’s just so exasperating and frustrating to the point you want to SCREAM. How can you possibly in this day and age believe it justified to persecute people for the way God (if you believe in HIM) made them? I will swear to my grave that one of the luckiest things that ever befell this inordinately lucky town I live in is the concentration of gay folks that distinguishes this place. NOBODY here wastes time on this nonsense—NOBODY.

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raum's avatar

I’ve read the Bible and Mein Kampf. Don’t really espouse the ideas behind either. But I think both are pretty important and belong in every library.

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Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Just a thought in passing, I wonder how many of these geniuses who want books banned have ever read them? Do they even read at all? Let’s ban guns, they can ban books, everyone is happy.

JLeslie's avatar

100 years ago banning books would drastically limit what people had access to regarding different thoughts and exposure to what it’s like in different places.

Now, we are in the age of media, internet, travel, and air conditioning. You have to control all mediums of information and movement of the population to really isolate people from other thoughts.

Even in this modern age in the US people are silo’d somewhat, but there is still a lot of exposure.

The very religious sects go after books and school curriculum, because they want to limit exposure for their brainwashing. It’s why they want school vouchers, why they promote home schooling, and why they encourage or require high school graduates to do missionary work or proselytize rather than go to college. These groups say the public schools are doing brainwashing, but they are projecting. They are lying. They have a specific goal for school to only reinforce what the children are taught at home and church. They say schools will be better with vouchers, because there will be competition, but they actually want to limit competition.

What you listen to and read does matter. It does have influence. Especially, if it is limited to one train of thought. There will still be a portion of people who think outside of the box no matter what they are exposed to, but a large part of the group will follow blindly.

Side note: I actually am fine with home schooling and private school as options for children. What I’m against is purposely limiting information access.

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janbb's avatar

There should be an award for the most modded question ever!

RayaHope's avatar

Holy moly, I think I was in there somewhere…yikes!

Brian1946's avatar

I’m fairly sure that the most moderated question in Flooder history is segdeha’s CIA thread. It has 1,137 modded quips! :-0


This is one of those rare times where I wasn’t in there. ;p

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Some one got butt hurt me thinks.

RayaHope's avatar

@Brian1946 OMFG! I almost never say ‘F’ing…@eambos is the sole survivor. Did he get the million? lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s insane! What could they possibly be modding off ?? ??

Brian1946's avatar


“What could they possibly be modding off ?”

I wish I knew, but that was posted almost 2 years before I joined.

Offhand, about the only active jellies who might know are jca and zaku.

janbb's avatar

That modding was for humorous effect.

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