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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have a weird medical question? (NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) August 8th, 2022

If your medical appointment is soon but you have to pee really bad; Do you pee normally? Or do you collect some in a container? Just in case you can’t go with the normal urine test?

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11 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I go as normal. There’s always a little left over for the specimen jar.

Zaku's avatar

Pee, but stop yourself before completely draining your bladder.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

If you are at the Doctor’s office the Lab may provide a specimen cup before you see the Doctor. MY Doctor has that posted in the waiting room.

Smashley's avatar

If you haven’t yet, pee now! Then drink some water, you’ll be fine for the test.

kritiper's avatar

No matter how soon it has been since you went, you can always produce more when required.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We aren’t allowed to bring in an outside container and are encouraged to go as normal.

Jeruba's avatar

Uh, not so for me, @kritiper. I have at times been completely empty, having gone too recently. They sent me home with a jar in a little bag.

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KRD's avatar

Ask and see if they need some samples; if they need one, get one of those containers and go in there and if not, let it all out.

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nightwolf5's avatar

It’s depends how bad. I try to save it for the appointment if at all possible. I’ve been there and they want me too, but that I don’t have to pee for the test. So I know the feeling. I’ve actually had to go back just for the urine part before.

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