So how does Facebook determine what they think people will like?
Got a video last night (obviously Far Right) trashing Beto O’Rourke and praising Abbot. The header said “You might like this”. In a pigs eye.
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18 Answers
I left a comment for the morons and moved on. Something about, Yeah I have no problem watching people freeze as long as Abbot can increase energy prices and stuff his donors pockets. Hopefully the FB powers that be will get the picture. Ass hats.
Algorithms and spying on what you like and who you talk to and what you talk about.
I sure don’t talk to right wingers and Abbot can suck an egg.
~Maybe you asked about Abbott and Costello?
Yeah folks the Abbot and Cruztello show. Brought to you tonight from Cancun!
Not sure if this Q wants a serious answer but… besides the usual algorithms there are
something called software mites. Smallest piece of code that can retain it’s purpose…
so to speak.
All they do after being implanted is count. they are never removed never found.
They are not start bat and there are no rules governing them. You could have thousands
they will not harm your software one bit. Triggered correctly and they can paint a picture
that shows more about you then you know about yourself.
I do want a serious answer because that shit seriously pissed me off. They can take their boy Abbott and stuff him up their ass for my money.
A serious answer would be the algorithm reacts to nouns and verbs used. Doesn’t matter if it is positive or negative. I would recommend not mentioning Abbott’s name anymore, even on Fluther.
What is it about Abbott that triggers you so bad. Besides abortion.
It is nor just like . . . .BUT dislike 1 1 1
They don’t. They promote posts that get reactions. Positive or negative.
@WhyNow Maybe it’s the people in my state who froze to death (yes really) when the power grid went down two winters ago. And not only has nothing been done, we still had rolling outages in this heat a few weeks ago, but energy prices have increased. Abbot sucks.
^^ Does it have anything to do with switching to wind turbines?
It had to do with the breakdown and failure or power plants. And wiring in some cases. Three members of the energy board were fired but too little too late. People are dead.
You left a comment! Now facebook knows you will spend time on that time of item. Facebook calculates how much time you spend on an item and if you comment on an item and then sends you more items that are similar.
You can go to the right corner and click on not wanting to see things that are similar.
I don’t want to see anything praising that ass clown Greg Abbott. TY for the tip @JLeslie
Windmills in TX had no anti-freezing heaters because it saved $ and it “never” gets that cold. So when they froze, they stopped producing power. => do something poorly, so when it fails you can say it was a bad idea.
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