Was Trump going to give the purloined documents at Mar-a-lago to Putin?
Since now it is out that the classified documents had to do with nuclear technology and weapons…
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39 Answers
I think in his own way he loves this country. Can’t see him selling our nuclear secrets to anyone.
He’d fucking doesn’t care about the USA ! He’d sell to the highest bidder !
In his own way ! ! ! !
I wouldn’t put it past him.
They were intended for the Saudis.
As what a prize in his golf tournament?
He didn’t need to give them to Putin when he could receive double the reward as they were. He made copies for Putin which have already been paid for & picked up by Russian agents. Then he taunted the DOJ into doing their duty to protect our country knowing the tidiots would be enraged. So 45 is smugly sitting there laughing because we we’ve got him when he knows that there is soooo much more!!!
He would sell his children if he can keep it a secret. No conscience sociopath. Trump loves America? He likes not love those white people who voted for him. He would sell anything to anyone if he can get away with it. This is the kind of human garbage Republicans want in the White House.
He would NEVER give them to Putin!
—He would SELL them to Putin!—
Nothing surprises me when it comes to the O-Holy Orange One.
He does NOT love this country…he ONLY want to control it!!!
I don’t know how many times he has to say that before people will start to believe him!!!
The FBI has the originals now. No telling how many copies he previously sold or gave away as “favors”.
He was served a subpoena back in June asking him nicely to return what he had STOLEN. As usual, he got his jollies playing silly little games & ONLY returned part of what he had taken; so, the DOJ decided to play hardball!!!
Such a sick depraved mind of this man.
History will forever strike the term “45th President of the United States”.
So, it comes out of the released search warrant that the liar Trump is being investigated for espionage! How’s that Trump lovers?! He’s a liar and a spy! I got this from the Guardian. Read it for yourself. Every Trump voter is complicit! They abetted espionage!
Oh com’on @Hawaii_Jake We all know that he loves America and wouldn’t do anything to destroy us
@SEKA for the right price he would sell anything ,including Ivanka.
Can’t argue that one. I forgot the sign for sarcasm
@Hawaii_Jake Saudis already gave Jared 2 billion and Mnuchin 1 billion.
don and jared no longer speak to each other. don is persona non grata in his household
He’d sell his OWN soul IF the price was right!!!
@KNOWITALL is awfully quiet now. Where are the Trump apologists? What lies is Fox News feeding them this time that they will parrot like the sheep they are? They’re pathetic.
Oh Fox is saying anything illegal must have been planted by FBI Rep/cons can not face the truth their God is corrupt.
I hope they are contemplating some of their choices
Except Trump’s lawyer and the Secret Service were there while search was gathering the TS / SCI documents, twenty boxes I think his lawyer would have notice!
He is toast.
Or Miami to Rome to Mumbai to Moscow.
I wonder if the DOJ will pull his passport ? ? ?
What gets me @Tropical_Willie is to his base he simply can do no wrong,they believe everyone else is corrupt and poor Donny is just an innocent victim,that had a bunch of secret government documents in his home.
But his base will believe they were planted, they could see Trump rapeing their wives and they wouldn’t fault him at all, as corrupt as Trump is ,his base truly scares the shit out of me.
We can only hope for the sake of the whole planet.^^
Beat you he fires his lawyer !
. . . .and stiffs his lawyer for his bill too!
I am wondering what intel, programs, personnel now have to be assumed compromised. We have lost a lot even if he revealed nothing.
We will see at the end. I heard he had a payroll list of undercover CIA agents. Perfect for blowing their covers.
Oh I bet his buddy Putin would pay big for that list,along with China or Korea .
He had declassified the nuclear codes; so, IF we ask fast enough, you can request them without needing a security clearance!!!
China, Korea, nor Russia needs to pay for the list. They can request a copy be sent to them because they are now considered public knowledge.
Here’s a thought:
A while back a lot was reported about Trump always tearing up documents, and even flushing some down the toilet.
What if he were setting up a reason why some documents were missing?
@Hawaii_Jake I’m here, just letting you all enjoy your moment. God knows Biden’s given me a LOT. Please enjoy.
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