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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you ever tire from the spin, deflection, and whataboutism in politics?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23572points) August 12th, 2022

I know both sides do it, and depending on what side your on it always seems the other side does it more.
Does it seem that way to you as well?

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21 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

It does. Defending corrupt elites that could care less about us is pointless.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But @KNOWITALL we still defend them if they are on our side,we over look their corruptness and lies, and point out everything the other side does,as a way of deflecting.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes, and Trump has “weaponized” between 1 million and 5 million US citizens, look at Ohio and FBI office. Now they want a civil war because of the sercch warrant

SQUEEKY2's avatar

TRump is like a speeding driver that complains when the cops pull him over, what are you picking on me for?

SEKA's avatar

trump is a male Karen if ever I’ve seen one

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 We have to or we’d not ever vote again. So we rationalize, we overlook, we excuse.
Our government is corrupt.

SEKA's avatar

Our govt wasnt corrupt until the 2016 election

Blackberry's avatar

Yea….15 years ago.
People get blamed for being apathetic, yet many people conveniently realize that we’re trapped by the anaconda already and are just getting squeezed.

What else would you like us to do?
And don’t say vote…..we already do, even with the active campaigns to prevent us from voting.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I’m tired of politics in general. I need a serious break.

seawulf575's avatar

Amazing. @SQUEEKY2 apparently most of the jellies on this thread have completely embraced spin, deflection and whataboutism. Their answers say it all.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 You forgot to say in my opinion !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Is it your opinion too? Wow. I guess I should have included that, but didn’t want to speak for you.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You don’t provide sources and say you know the answer !

Trump is toast !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 Really coming from a person whenever your hero is in trouble you always spin it as the dems fault,and all because they simply hate Trump.
And if that doesn’t you will always bring the email fiasco up,them evil about spin good grief.
Your hero had classified government documents at his home, and was caught now lets see what comes out of it.
In the meantime you might as well bring Hunter up again.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie SOURCES!!! You always make claims but you don’t provide sources!!

RayaHope's avatar

OMG yes! It gets so tiresome hearing the silly arguments, like the pot calling the kettle black, to cite an old saying. Why do we keep beating ourselves up about the stuff we can’t change and the falseness of it all?

jca2's avatar

I worked for a union on a local level, for ten years and I got to see the worst of politics on what is a relatively small scale. I said, and still say, I don’t see why anybody would want to be a politician. You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t, there’s always a target on your back, and you don’t know who your friends are. Who needs that? It’s a thankless job. Politicians will say they “like to help people.” Well, you can help people without being a politician.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Talk about the King of spin first ole Trump was saying if the FBI find anything it was planted, now he saying that he declassified it before removing it.

jca2's avatar

I would think if anything is classified, and someone were going to declassify it, there would be a formal procedure and the declassification of the specific documents would be logged somewhere. Let’s see what he comes up with. I am betting he has nothing indicating it was officially declassified.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump did have the power to declassify documents ,BUT there is a formal procedure he just couldn’t declare it declassified.
And even he did not have the power to declassify documents on nuclear weapons.

SABOTEUR's avatar

It’s all a farce. American politics has nothing to do with democratic values…it’s about lining the pockets and protecting the interests of the fabulously wealthy. Even the best intentioned politicians become disillusioned when they realize real change involves more than a true heart and a promise.

Add to that the business of disinformation, ignorance and hatred and you begin to wonder what kind of fool you play within the farce.

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