Meta Question

Brian1946's avatar

How much do you appreciate the jellies who joined after you did?

Asked by Brian1946 (32817points) August 12th, 2022

Although there are some previous jellies who have apparently left and I’d love to see return, I’m very happy with a lot of those who joined after I did, especially since March, 2013.

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9 Answers

longgone's avatar

March?! Damn, so close.

I very much appreciate new jellies and old jellies. I still feel new myself. You’re right that we’ve been lucky enough to gather up some excellent fresh minds! And sometimes, the new ones are old favourites in shiny new packaging – which is also fun!

jca2's avatar

I’ve been here since 2007, so mostly everyone joined after I did, except for a few. I appreciate everyone. Everyone is valuable and adds to the Pool. Varied viewpoints are what make things interesting.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’ve been here since 2009. Was TalljasperMan before 2015. I appreciate the new, and longer standing Jellies.

RayaHope's avatar

I really can’t comment because I just joined a couple of weeks ago. But I can say that I have learned some stuff and have met some very amazing people here. I really love this site and hope it stays around for a long time :)

Mimishu1995's avatar

There have been a couple of jellies who joined after me and were great people to be around. I don’t see a lot of them around these days, and I hope they are ok…

rebbel's avatar

I think that more have joined after I did, than before I did.
I only love those few that joined before me, all the others can suck…....

Love you all!!
I really have no idea, apart from a dozen, who joined when.
So that date is not playing any role in me liking, or not, a certain Jelly.

cookieman's avatar

I love any Jelly, old or new, who contributes thoughtfully, can be fun, and appreciates a good cookie.

I have been excited to see some new Jellies recently.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I find many new jellies very fun and interesting, yes. It’s nice to learn about them, their lives and pov’s.

kritiper's avatar

Too many to keep track of. And I never tried.

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