General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Do US highways route over ferry boats?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33704points) August 18th, 2022

Take a look at this Google Map: here

You should see Cape May on the far upper right.

Look at the US9 road signs in the middle of the bay – obviously there is no bridge.

Does this mean that the Cape May ferry is actually a part of a US road (US9) ?

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12 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I don’t know about that one, but in Washington State, the extensive ferry system is part of the state highway system.

zenvelo's avatar

In 1962, the Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA) was created by the Legislatures of the States of Delaware and New Jersey and by Act of the U.S. Congress. The new Authority took over the Delaware Memorial Bridge in 1963, and was given authority and responsibility to manage all “crossings” over the Delaware River and Bay between the two states.

Thus, if one is to travel on US 9 from start to finish, a portion of your trip would be on the Cape May ferry.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Fascinating: live and learn. I wonder if the DRBA subsidizes the cost of the ferry.

JLeslie's avatar

Good question. The US Highway government website acknowledges ferries being an important part of the Highway transportation system.

I’m not sure if that the same as what you are asking, that’s it’s part of the US Highway system, but it’s certainly at minimum a connector.

I’m guessing in NY the ferry system has government subsidies either local or federal if it needs money to function. It’s a big commuter route in NYC.

A long time ago I looked up municipal buses and if they worked in the red or the black, and it was mostly in the red, with some above water. Light rail trains usually need some subsidy also. I’m guessing many of the large ferries also receive money being acknowledged as an integral part of the road system.

Forever_Free's avatar

There are no Interstates that have ferry connections. State highways do and it varies from state to state whether they are listed as highways and funded by the state.

The ferry between Manitowoc WI and Ludington MI is part of US 10

Great informative question.

JLeslie's avatar

There are state highways and US highways, not to be confused with interstate highways.

KRD's avatar

I have never seen one.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

US Route 12 in North Carolina – -Ocracoke Island.

JLeslie's avatar

@KRD Never seen a ferry?

KRD's avatar

@JLeslie no I mean a highway crossing a river or a interstate.

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