Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

If you were given $5,000 US that you must give away, who would you give it to? See details.

Asked by JLeslie (65974points) August 20th, 2022 from iPhone

The money has to go to a person or people who helped you in some way, or did a lot of work for you, and they were never given any monetary compensation, or not given enough.

Someone you wish you had tipped more, or someone if you had had more money you would paid them more or something.

It’s not for your parents or children just because they’re family and you want to help. It’s not really to “help” as much as it just feeling the person deserved more.

It can be one person, or multiple different people with completely different situations. One could be from 20 years ago and another yesterday.

Has the situation gnawed at you over time. Maybe you don’t think of it often, but you do think about it.

All the giveaways total up to the $5k combined.

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16 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would give the 5K to Fluther to get the search button and chat fixed.

HP's avatar

The list is too long. And the money? Five grand might be just enough to surprise the hoarde of individuals between here and the bridge holding those signs at the stoplights and exits.

RayaHope's avatar

I would give the money to our local animal shelter where we adopted our two cats from. They are so overloaded with so many cats and dogs and they have a “no-kill” policy which I love. No poor little animal should be in their situation and it breaks my heart that I can’t do more.

KRD's avatar

I would give the money to charity and animal rescue teams.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I’d give it to the school for supplies, etc.

filmfann's avatar

Who have I undervalued in the past, and would like to give money to?
I can think of a few teachers who deserve it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My moms two friends who helped me keep her at home up to the last two months of her life. They refused it but I probably should have gifted them anyway.

cookieman's avatar

My daughter’s math tutor from 8th through 11th grade. She way undercharged us and she now works as an underpaid math teacher the next town over.

Sure, we fed her all the time, but she use the money I suspect.

HP's avatar

The plight of teachers, and the implications of that plight should frighten us all. It’s deprssingly obvious that Americans are dumb enough already.

Inspired_2write's avatar

The food bank in thanks for being there in the rought and tough times of my life.

kritiper's avatar

My grandmother. For taking me in and giving me someplace to live until I finished my junior and senior years of high school.

Forever_Free's avatar

I do this once a year on average. I give it anonymously.
Over the years it has gone to:
Hospitals, Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Catholic Charities, Animal Shelters, Elderly housing Centers, Elementary Schools, High Schools, Land Trust Organizations, Conservation Committees, etc

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Today I would give the money to a Planned Parenthood location in a forced-birth state to help them provide health care for women in need.

mazingerz88's avatar

Only if he would accept the money in person, to eventually give it to a charity of his choosing. President Joe Biden. For kicking out a piece of excrement from the WH.

RayaHope's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Perfect answer :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

I don’t mean to sound like a suck up but I’d give it to the mods here. They deserve it.

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