General Question

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Sakes alive! I just realized Jack Adams...

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) September 19th, 2008

quit using his time and date stamp. Can anyone find when he last used the stamp? Correct responses get Lurve!

Edit: Is it against TOS to offer Lurve for an answer?

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21 Answers

whatthefluther's avatar

Its been many days and I noticed its absence immediately (and I was apparently in the minority of those that felt it was harmless).

Nimis's avatar

Is this a silly question, but…how would a time stamp be harmful exactly?
I feel like there was some big ol’ discussion I missed out on….

Lightlyseared's avatar

This question from a week ago. He stops half way down the discussion.

I thought the whole point was to give lurve for the answer to your question

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I believe you are correct LiteSear and Lurve has been granted. How in the world did you locate this?

I was kind of kidding about the TOS thingy, but one never knows, do one?

whatthefluther's avatar

@nimis…the question/discussion was removed by fluther moderators but many flutherers strongly objected to Jack using a timestamp…perhaps those flutherers will be kind enough to share their objections via PM to you (and I say PM because I don’t want to see that crap again)

Nimis's avatar

WTF: It’s still here!
(Someone was kind enough to PM me the link to the thread. Thanks!)

whatthefluther's avatar

@nimis…that’s not the one. There was a subsequent question, or should I say something that looked more like a personal attack, that was removed.

Nimis's avatar

WTF: Ooh…that doesn’t sound so nice. =(

whatthefluther's avatar

@nimis…jellies are capable of stinging

whatthefluther's avatar

@nimis…and in all fairness, I must admit some prejudice: you see, Jack is buying me a chicken dinner!

Nimis's avatar

Note to self: WTF can be bribed with Knott’s chicken.
Good to know. Good to know.

sccrowell's avatar

Hmmmm… Didn’t take much, did it? I hope they serve good chicken!

Nimis's avatar

Sccro: I don’t know. It sounds like really good chicken.

sccrowell's avatar

Hmmmm, we can only hope! Oh! btw, (off topic) you gave some really great answers a few minutes ago… I believe you’ll know what I mean…

augustlan's avatar

You know, it bugged me at first, but I had become so used to it that I didn’t even notice it was gone! Shows how observant I am.

JackAdams's avatar

I have NOT stopped using a time/date stamp for my questions and answers.

I still do that with every one, except for messages posted by PM.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

You may be doing it, but it isn’t showing up on the posts, such as the one above.

JackAdams's avatar

I know. The above message was posted at/on September 19, 2008, 10:37 PM EDT, but due to new software recently installed on my computer (and which works only on my computer) only someone using my computer (and familiar with the software) is able to see that notation.

So, I have the satisfaction of knowing when all of my public posts were made, but without “bothering” others with such undesired information.

I am The King of “Compromise.”

sccrowell's avatar

Okay, so I’m alittle late in answering the questioning. What’s the problem with having a date and time stamp! I myself think it’s great! Too bad my iPhone can’t do it automatically. I’d do it!

sccrowell's avatar

Someone was a kiljoy or Killjoy…

JackAdams's avatar

Trust me on this:

You do NOT want to go on record, saying that a time/date stamp is a good idea.

You will be eviscerated by The Collective, most of whom do not like me, because of my earlier time/date stamps.

Some who have complimented me on them, have never been heard from, again.

Tread carefully…

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