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canidmajor's avatar

Older Jellies (in the 40+ age range, please) have you fairly recently revisited old interests? (please see details)

Asked by canidmajor (21723points) August 22nd, 2022

Have you picked up an old hobby that you focused on long ago, revisited the memories of a former career, metaphorically unpacked an old, important box?
For example, in my 20s, my life was wooden boats. I was a broker, and I had a business doing repair and cosmetic work on them, then I kind of adopted one that limped into our boatyard and refurbished it.
I went to the wooden boat shows, I subscribed to Wooden Boat magazine, I coordinated availability stats all over the country for interested parties.
Then my life went in a different direction, and all that drifted off.

Recently I found a business card from those days and I am getting a lot of joy picking up my interest again. I’ll never immerse like that again, but I enjoy reading about them, seeing them in marinas, and talking to people about them.

What about you?

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14 Answers

janbb's avatar

I’m always reading but my interest in time travel and certain fantasy books has been rekindled by sharing them with my grandsons.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@canidmajor That is a very specific niche interest. I hope you embrace it again. I was serious about fishing as a high schooler, I’m recently revisiting that hobby with more than just a casual interest. From then until just a little while ago it was once a month or so, now it’s whenever I can. My hobbies ebb and flow though. I have had just about any hobby you can think of over the years. I’m also still doing tube amplifier design and builds. It’s a convergence of my interests in woodworking, electronics and playing guitar. I had to put a hold on that because of supply chain issues though.

chyna's avatar

I’ve been thinking about going back to a gym which I used to do for years.

Caravanfan's avatar

I’ve pretty much never stopped being interested in my old interests. Except the Beatles. I don’t like the Beatles any more.

Pandora's avatar

I use to listen to latin music a lot as a kid and I’ve gone back to doing that again especially when sitting using the computer or working. It often brings back a lot of good childhood memories and it always makes working around the house so much easier and less stressful.

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raum's avatar

I was actually looking at places to take an intaglio class the other day. Think it’s been more than ten years since I’ve done any type of printmaking. But intaglio is definitely my happy place.

canidmajor's avatar

@raum I enjoyed looking that up and reading about it.
If you’re planning on counterfeiting currency, be discreet about it and buy me lunch one day!

canidmajor's avatar

And I’d love to see examples of your work someday!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve refinished furniture in the past.
Now I’m down to painting a piece of furniture.

raum's avatar

@canidmajor I’ve never actually learned guilloche! But I’d still love to buy you lunch one day. ;)

Brian1946's avatar

@raum You should meet each other half way and have lunch in Kansas. ;D

YARNLADY's avatar

A friend asked me to make her some coasters, which I stopped doing years ago, but I made them. I didn’t enjoy it. I tried taking up square dancing again, but that wasn’t verv fun either.

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