Social Question

Should I voice my feelings or wait it out?
I’ve been talking to this guy for about a month. We’ve only been on two dates but text daily, talk on the phone almost every day and try to make plans when possible. He mostly does the contacting and plan-making but these past few days I feel he’s avoided calling me and he’s hardly texting back. We had a conversation about “where is thos going” (he brought it up) because he typically has sex by now. He’s stressed out bc that’s a relief for him I guess and no, I’m not going to do it because of that.
He is 36 with two kids (he’s busy that’s why I mention it) and I’m 28 and qwe live about an hour away.
In the past I’ve been hurt pretty bad in similar ways so I tend to assume the worst. I’m not sure what’s going through his head… part of me wants to voice my concern and let him know how I’m feeling and part of me is scared it’s going to scare him off or that I’m reading too much into it. The right guy won’t be turned away so easily and it’s eating me up inside.
How do I bring up that I want to talk about it without alerting him? Should I seem standoffish next time he reaches out? I am kind of upset he hasn’t called the past few times he said he would. I’m running everything through my mind and I’m torn on how to handle this… I hate waiting but don’t want to bother or annoy.
Please be kind.