General Question

janbb's avatar

Anyone have personal experience with choosing an implant or a bridge after a tooth extraction?

Asked by janbb (63369points) August 24th, 2022

Looks like I’m probably facing this decision and am curious to hear if anyone else has chosen one over the other and how it worked out. i had one implant some years ago and it was painful and expensive so curious about alternatives.

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11 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’ve had both.

I got a bridge to cover a lost second molar. The rear molar had a crown that broke. It made perfect sense to replace it and fill the empty space. Once the bridge is in place, you have to use a floss threader to get floss between the top of the bridge and the gum. I do this daily. It keeps the gum healthy evidently. I like the bridge.

I have an implant in the front where it was less expensive than a bridge. In the front, a bridge must cover a minimum of 4 teeth.

The cost of the bridge and the implant were similar.

I’m sorry you’re implant was painful. Mine was a normal amount of pain. The reports are that doctors take women’s pain less seriously than men’s. Perhaps you could talk to your dentist and explain you had pain with the implant, and you don’t want a repeat. It may also be good to get a new dentist.

I’m happy to answer more questions.

Forever_Free's avatar

Ask a player in the NHL. They know!
I think it may depend on what tooth it is. typically a bridge will need anchoring teeth. Some are better than others.
I would vote on an implant if it is nothing in you view of your smile.

RocketGuy's avatar

I have an implant. It was a pain in the butt to put in, due to the multiple visits needed. It wasn’t very painful, though because the doctor was very generous with the meds.

janbb's avatar

@RocketGuy As I remember from my first, the pain was mainly from the extraction but I’m not sure. Was that true for you?

jca2's avatar

I have three implants. The pain was minimal and the recovery was great. I always recommend implants to people who are considering their options for replacing teeth. I tell them once you get past the surgery and the visits for the post and the crown, they don’t rot, you can eat what you want, they don’t come out at night, and they’re just like regular teeth.

My first two implants were done at Columbia Dental School (Columbia Presbyterian, NYC) and those were in the mid 1990s, and the third was done about 15 years ago by my endodontist.

RocketGuy's avatar

@janbb – for me, the molar was cracked down below the gum line. Dr. had to extract it (not painful due to meds), fill it with bone graft materials, then sew the gums over it. Gums were sensitive but at least he put some kind of rubberized glue over it. He later had to pull off the rubber and cut off the stitches. Gums still sensitive, so no crunchy foods. After the bone graft filled in, he went in and put in the post (more pain meds so not much pain). More waiting. Finally the artificial tooth. It’s a little painful when he torques down the nut. He offered Novocain, but that would have been worse. The most painful parts were the injections for the pain meds. Pokes the needle right onto the nerve! Damn that hurts!

jca2's avatar

When I had my surgeries for my implants, and when I have had teeth extracted, I tell the dentist I don’t care if he has to give me ten shots, I don’t want to feel a thing. He’s liberal with the shots, and I’m happy because I don’t feel a thing. If I even start to feel something, I tell him to give me more Novacain.

janbb's avatar

Great news is that the tooth pain is resolving and I don’t need a bridge or an implant! The root canal seems to have resolved it.

RocketGuy's avatar

Yeah, I had a tooth like that.

Forever_Free's avatar

@janbb Glad to hear that. Cookies and Ice cream for everyone!

janbb's avatar

^^ Works for me!

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