Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think that I'll get flack for wearing this to swim in?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) August 25th, 2022

I bought a pair of men’s swim trunks. They have flamingos on them.
I found a p?air of men’s swim trunks at Walmart last year
On Amazon I found a shirt, also in men’s, made of the same material, nylon, and it has flamingos on it.
Do you think I’ll get some flack
1) Wearing “street clothes”.
2) Wearing men’s clothes.

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49 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

YOUR choice your world ! !

Nope . . . I inherited my mom’s “trunks” from my youngest sister’s pregnancy !

canidmajor's avatar

Yeah, a bit, but being an older lady (c’mon, you have grands, we all know you’re not 25 anymore!) means you can revel in the eccentric. It is a factor of aging that I enjoy a lot and plan to escalate as I add more years.

Have fun, you can really get away with everything now.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Why would you ? What you wear is your business. Of course you run the risk of running into a local Karen having a slow busy body day.

gorillapaws's avatar

I say wear whatever the hell you want to! If someone doesn’t like it, they can screw off.

RayaHope's avatar

I guess that’s okay, but why would you want to? Wouldn’t men’s clothes be too baggy and cover you up too much?

RocketGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_III – you look good enough that anything you wear will look good.

gondwanalon's avatar

Anything goes nowadays. Whatever rattles your cage.
And there are people who will give you “flack” no matter what you do wear or say.
Good health!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Do your own thing as the hippies used to say.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well there are certain rules at swimming pools about what you can and can’t wear. No cotton for example.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@RayaHope why do you not call them too baggy and not revealing enough when men wear them?

SnipSnip's avatar

I would say if you’re at the lake, jump in. Find a real suit if you’re going to a private club or a friend’s pool. A hotel might even ask you to change if they don’t realize your garb is actually made for swimming.

RayaHope's avatar

@Dutchess_III Well men are bigger and taller and kinda fill there clothes out better I guess. I tried my brothers clothes once and looked like a homeless person because they did not fit right at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Let’s saybI AM swimming at a friend’s or at a club @snip. Why would they take exception to what I wear?

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III: I had the same thoughts as @SnipSnip. Some pools and clubs have rules for clothing, and rules for clothing in the pool. Some places want you to look neat, or no street clothes, or no cutoff jeans or whatever. We don’t know for sure, and there’s no use arguing about it. Find out if the place you are going has specific rules for swimming clothes. Or maybe if everyone is looking chic and you’re looking messy, you may feel self conscious. Just another way of looking at it.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Go ahead, be a sell out. I still say do your own thing. I mean you’re talking about going to a pool not a formal affair at Buckingham Palace.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’d feel self conscious wearing a skin tight, flesh revealing bathing suit @jc. What reason could there be that I can’t I wear men’s swim trunks and a loose nylon shirt? (Cut offs are made of cotton which can mess up the filtration system of a pool. Bathing suits are nylon.)

Brian1946's avatar


“Well there are certain rules at swimming pools about what you can and can’t wear. No cotton for example.”

Why do they have rules against cotton? Is because of fabric detritus clogging the filters?

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III: I told you to check the website of the place or call and see if there’s a dress code. I understand you might feel self conscious wearing a regular bathing suit but some places will specify that shorts or other “street” attire is not acceptable as swimwear. I don’t make the rules. I’m just telling you what you might encounter. It depends. Is it a public swimming pool, a beach, a country club, a beach club? Different types of places have different rules.

jca2's avatar

Here’s an example of a place where you can’t wear street clothes in the pool:

Dutchess_III's avatar

But my swimming attire is not street clothes @jca.

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III: In some places, anything other than a traditional bathing suit is street clothes. You and me debating this is not helping. I’m not arguing about it because it’s just speculation. Maybe what you have to wear is acceptable, maybe not. I told you to find out from the place itself if there’s a dress code.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is a logic question.


Dutchess_III's avatar

I guess I’ll find out next summer!

Zaku's avatar

I wouldn’t give you flak. I’d hope no one else would, either, but I can’t vouch for others.

raum's avatar

If the shirt is the same material as swim trunks, I’m sure they could easily pass as swim attire.

Are you asking about health and safety reasons why regular clothes aren’t allowed in the pool?

Or are you asking about style? (Womens swim trunks are definitely a thing. And flamingoes are a fun motif.)

flutherother's avatar

Pics or it never happened.

JLeslie's avatar

You asked basically the same thing a month or so ago, and my answer stays the same, I don’t think it is a problem at all.

If you are going to feel self conscious (I wouldn’t) you can buy a swim bottom or swim suit with a skirt and wear the shirt over, but again, I’d wear the shorts without thinking twice about it.

I live in the land of year round swimming (Florida) so maybe it’s different here. If you came to my pool like that I wouldn’t blink an eye.

When I lived in Tennessee I saw women dressed literally head to toe in the pool, because they were Muslim and couldn’t show any skin.

chyna's avatar

@JLeslie When I had a meet up with a few other jellies many years ago, we went to a lake and saw the same thing. A Muslim covered head to toe playing in the lake. It must’ve been miserable for her, as it was a hot day. Her small children were in bathing suits though.
@Dutchess_III Wear what makes you comfortable.

JLeslie's avatar

Cotton can get heavy when wet, so some pools don’t allow it for that reason, plus the filtration reason as stated above.

If anything, pools have rules about showing too much skin not the opposite. My gym in TN didn’t allow any stomachs showing, let alone a butt cheek or breast.

I agree with @jca2 you can always call and ask or see online if your pool has a website if there are rules for attire. If it were me I’d just show up, I wouldn’t think to question it. If men can wear it why not women?

I see lap swimmers in full bodysuit attire swimming in the winter.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What Q did I ask a month ago, @JLeslie? Link please.

Forever_Free's avatar

No. If you said it was a Speedo and a white “wife beater” then I would say yes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll be giving someone a call and give them a heads up.
Logic would say there is no problem. But people might be tempted to look askance at me for not wearing typical women’s wear.

RayaHope's avatar

@Forever_Free “wife beater” that sounds terrible. He should be put in jail.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Maybe it wasn’t a Q you wrote, but something you wrote in the middle of a thread?

I tried to Google search, but the search sucks, I only came up with this very old Q.

What I’m referencing was a recent conversation on fluther.

It must not have been a Q you wrote, just a conversation. My mistake.

gorillapaws's avatar

@RayaHope ”‘wife beater’ that sounds terrible. He should be put in jail.”

A “wife beater” is the nickname for a white cotton tank top for men. It got it’s name because when you would watch episodes of COPS on tv, the scumbag who was beating his wife was inevitably drunk and wearing one of those shirts.

RayaHope's avatar

^^ I feel silly now, I’m so glad you explained this to me. I guess I took it to literally again or is it figuratively? idk

Brian1946's avatar


I think the association of the white tank top with wife beaters, is loosely based on the character Stanley Kowalski, who is portrayed in A Streetcar Named Desire.

RayaHope's avatar

Hi @Brian1946 The name sounds kinda x-rated are you sure I can see that?

Brian1946's avatar

Hey, wazzup @RayaHope? :p

The link is not to the movie itself, but just its page in IMDb.

Anyway, I’m sure you could see it, because it’s rated M/PG.

seawulf575's avatar

Do you really care if someone gives you flack? Wear what you want. If they have a problem with what you wear, that is their problem not yours.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t want to break any rules at the pool.

RocketGuy's avatar

One would think pool rules would want you to wear something that looks like a bathing suit and covers all your naughty bits.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Looks like a bathing suit.” There in lies the rub. What does “looks like a bathing suit” mean for a woman @RocketGuy? Somehow I don’t think men’s swim trunks and a loose polyester shirt would fit that stereotype for a woman.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

For crying out loud Dutchy you’re a survivor of the 70s. Wear what you want to and screw the rules. All they can do is ask to leave if they don’t like your swim duds. You’d think by now that women would have a right to go swimming without being semi nude. Give it a shot, wear your men’s duds, see what happens. I don’t think they’ll haul you away to jail for wearing men’s shorts to a swimming pool. Run it up the flag pole and see who salutes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve never been a screw the rules kind of person. Not even in the 70s.
I’m going to call someone ahead of time.

JLeslie's avatar

Let us know what they say.

I agree with following the rules. You have to follow the rules or they won’t let you in, or if you get in you might get kicked out by someone else enforcing the rules.

If they have a website it might have the dress code.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@Dutchess_III probably a better idea than listening to me. I’m a bad influence. Ditto @JLeslie Let us know how it goes down. Just curious.

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