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janbb's avatar

Do you still have an ironing board and if so, how often do you use it?

Asked by janbb (63345points) August 28th, 2022

Just took out mine for probably the first time this year. It has been with me since I first bought my old house in the 70s and we found it in the basement. It’s probably from the 1940s as it was left from the previous owner. I rarely iron anything now but it sure works well when needed.

Anyone else have ironing board stories to tell?

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18 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

No cumbersome irioning board, so I use a towel and my kitchen countertop instead.
Have to iron the cotton pillowcases after washing them. ( annoying).

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We have three, all in my wife’s sewing room. One folding and two specialty boards. She uses them while quilting and sewing.
Last time I used an iron board was for a uniform I wearing for a special event and I was staying in a motel.

canidmajor's avatar

I have one, but it is cumbersome and out of the way, so recently I have used towels and the dining room table instead.
Every five years or so I bust out the monster, spend half an hour figuring out where to put it, then I have to shove a coin in an odd groove so it won’t collapse.
I much prefer looking unkempt.

HP's avatar

We have one. I don’t believe I’ve seen it in years. I don’t know where it’s stored. It just appears in the wife’s sewing room all set up with the equally rare iron. Two of the wonders in the workings of our household universe—our Haley’s comet. There are a bunch of strange devices that appear, particularly in the kitchen. I now routinely wash the dishes and meticulously clean the kitchen from sheer boredom, but K P is impeded by the appearance of all sorts of contraptions on the counters and in the dish drying racks. I used to ask about their functions and where they are usually sequestered, but have learned to simply set them aside if they’re in the way, then put them back for them to disappear as mysteriously as they arrived.

chyna's avatar

I have one set up in the basement. So it is all ready if I need it. Trouble is, it’s stacked with so much stuff, I can’t get to it. On the few occasions I needed to use it, I go down, look at all the stuff I have to move and the just use the fluff cycle on the dryer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We have one. I haven’t used it in years. But Rick used in pretty regularly when he was in outside sales. It’s in storage now, along with the rest of my life.

raum's avatar

We have one. It’s a smaller one though. We got rid of the full size one a few years back.

I actually use it more for crafts than I do for clothing. Once in a blue moon, usually for a wedding or funeral, we’ll pull it out.

rebbel's avatar

Note to self: don’t start an iron board shop.
People keep them for decades, and hardly ever use them.

raum's avatar

@rebbel Though vintage ironing boards sell like hotcakes. :P

janbb's avatar

@raum Wanna buy mine? It’s all wood.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I use mine once or twice a year. I will iron my Pride flag in October for the parade.

I just bought a gorgeous second hand shirt on Ebay. It’s a linen cotton blend, and it’s black and decorated with little knots of brightly colored string. It’s hand wash only and hang to dry. I expect to have to iron it. It’s worth it. Really a gorgeous shirt.

Zaku's avatar

In theory yes. In practice, not in quite a few years. Maybe once per decade or so, or more to the point, per very formal event I need to go to.

Forever_Free's avatar

Yes. I have the very one that my Mother owned when she was 20. I love the design and get a workout just lifting it.
Prior to Covid, I used it 5 days a week to press my shirts and pants for work.
Today maybe once every other month. I did use it last week for an iron on patch for some beloved shorts that were thread bare.

jca2's avatar

I have one buried deep in the closet. I try not to use it because it’s such a pain to take it out. If I need to iron (rare occasions) I will use the bed. If I’m in a hotel and need to iron, I will use the bed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mine’s in storage.

SnipSnip's avatar

Sure I do. My work doesn’t always require being nicely dressed but there are times when it does. I don’t wear synthetics so my clothing usually has to be ironed unless I send it out,

I use the iron also when sewing and always when I wash curtains.

smudges's avatar

Yes, I have one, but don’t use it too often. I also have a small mat that’s about 12” x 16”. It’s coated with heat resistant material and is safe to use on any hard surface, although I wouldn’t chance it on my nice wood tables. It’s very handy for sewing and crafts because it can just be folded up and put in a drawer.

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