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elbanditoroso's avatar

Could the ubiquitous use of wind turbines (large-scale wind farm power) cause an interplantary incident?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) August 28th, 2022

Forty-one US states have wind turbines running and producing power. Tens of thousands of wind turbines are running every day – the average height of a wind turbine is around 308 feet (94 meters).

There are tens of thousands of additional turbines all around the world.

If alien spacecraft are encircling the earth, they won’t have access to FAA Maps and other aircraft navigation tools.

Low flying alien spacecraft could (would) run the risk of crashing into the turbine windvanes and damaging their craft and the alien pilots within.

Is the world putting itself at risk with these wind turbines? Byt potentially harming alien spacecraft, are we perpetuating the risk of an interplanetary fracas?

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17 Answers

janbb's avatar

I can live with that concern.

rebbel's avatar

That’s assuming they’ve made it unscathed through layers and layers of space debris.

HP's avatar

And skyscrapers, countless commercial and military aircraft, drones, balloons, flocks of birds, high tension lines, etc. Any technology that arrives here in craft making fools of our best interceptors with unbelievable maneuvers at velocities in excess of hypersonic speeds has nothing to fear from windmills.

ragingloli's avatar

Opponents of renewable energy use that same argument for birds, namely that they fly into the turbines and die. They do not.
If aliens were to crash into wind turbines, it would mean they are dumber than birds.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

OMG you’re right the whole world should shift back to clean burning coal,we all know that is safer.
Doesn’t that sound like a MTG moment?

HP's avatar

That’s really rich. A technological marvel of a civilization with craft piloted by those of them prone toward flying into windmills.

JLoon's avatar

I think the bigger danger is that aliens are intercepting rerun broadcasts of Jersey Shore and The Apprentice.

If they’re watching that shit we’re already on their extermination list.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Somehow I think the aliens will be fine.

@ragingloli I have been there when they come around and pick the carcasses up in a particularly hard hit area. They find quite a few bats as well, like twice as many. They do kill birds, but it’s a negligible amount compared to the bird deaths caused by common house cats.

RayaHope's avatar

@JLoon LOL!!!
I think this is one thing I’m NOT going to lose sleep over. I think if an extraterrestrial can navigate interdimensional travel and concur space time, they can avoid windmills.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Hope you guys are right!

kritiper's avatar

If they are so inept, let them suffer the consequences.

Forever_Free's avatar

There has been several landing in my meadow for years. I overheard one conversation that seemed to indicate that wind turbines are nothing more that rather large anal probes.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thank you for giving us a good reason to stop wind turbines and converting all our power plants to “clean coal”. While we’re at it, let’s stop extracting sulfur and heavy metals from the coal so the resulting smog and pollution will cover the planet with thick clouds to protect us from prying alien eyes. ~

I figure any interplanetary space craft will have radar powerful enough to see and avoid spinning blades, electrical wires, and any other objects in its path. Or, it will be armed with a M.T.G. Jewish Space laser capable of obliterating anything along a future rail line route.

Forever_Free's avatar

@LuckyGuy “Clean Coal” is the next “plastics industry”. I can’t wait to be able to paddle down a river that has PCB’s and Clean Coal remnants.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Forever_Free You already do. Coal combustion byproducts are used in a lot of commercial applications. Cement components, drywall, electronics, bowling balls and….plastics. Particularly used to make plastics lighter.

Forever_Free's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Yes, I know. It was a joke.

RocketGuy's avatar

If aliens get swatted down be windmills, we get to pick up pieces of alien technology to reverse engineer. Harvest advanced technology while harvesting wind energy! Win-win!

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