Did Gorbachev think this was funny?
Asked by
filmfann (
August 30th, 2022
Vaya con Dios to former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
I know he was a fan of American Jazz music. Did he appreciate American humor?
Did he find this clip from The Naked Gun amusing?
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6 Answers
I’d like to know myself. It was pretty hilarious.
He might have.
What I heard though, is that because of his “Marxist” beliefs, he went Mag 10 on the Mirthquake-o-meter when he watched anything with Harpo, Chico, and Groucho. ;)
It was so stupid he had to have laughed. America’s enemies of the 80’s all getting beaten up in stupid ways.
Of course he did. He did the cameo appearance himself. Check the credits.
Reagan wasn’t the only actor holding office during that time.
@Forever_Free David Lloyd Austin portrayed Gorbachev. Why do you make me look this up?
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