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raum's avatar

What stung my hand?

Asked by raum (13677points) August 30th, 2022 from iPhone

I was sitting on an upholstered banquette. When my hand ran across something that made me jerk my hand away.

It felt like a small shard of glass. Which would have made sense since one of my kids broke their iPad and I was removing the case in the same spot earlier today. But I looked at my hand and didn’t see any glass.

About an hour later, I noticed a small round ball under my skin that was itchy. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be the teensiest thorn/stinger/thingy.

I pulled it out with a pair of tweezers. But it was the teensiest wispiest thing I’d ever seen. Barely perceptible at all.

I guess my question is…is there a bug with the teensiest stinger, that leaves an itchy bump under the skin? Or is it something non-bug that got me?

Pulling the stinger(?) out made it less itchy. Bump is still there. More curious than anything else.

(I’m in California.)

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