Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are some of your pick-off lines?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25105points) August 31st, 2022

A pick-off line is how one shoots down a pick-up line.

One of my friends told creepy men to “slime away!”

Humor welcome:

You can make one up if you don’t have any.

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14 Answers

RayaHope's avatar

“Did your mom have any kids that lived?”

Oh that is a horrible thing to say…

ragingloli's avatar

The follow up to that is “I bet they regret that.”

Inspired_2write's avatar

“What do you do?” ( I assume that women ask them all the time , so they asked me this)
My reply to them ” Whatever I damn well want too!”
They had no comeback to that and asked(?) if they could use it too?
( as if I have a monopoly on it…geesh..immature youths)

Forever_Free's avatar

Ignoring and saying nothing is most effective.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I gotta go.

ragingloli's avatar

“Ever had a knife in your dick?”

LadyMarissa's avatar

Say nothing, roll the eyes, & walk away!!!

rebbel's avatar

I’ve been waiting for some answers to roll in, to try and get a better understanding of the question, but unfortunately I still have no idea what it’s all aboot.
Pick-off lines?
Pick-up lines?

ragingloli's avatar

If someone walked up to you, all flirty, and said “I would love to pummel your prostate into paste with my pointy pecker.”, what would you say to him to make him go away?

rebbel's avatar

@ragingloli Ahhhhhhh, like so.
Thank you for clearing that up!

“I don’t like the pointy bit, for the rest I’m game.”

“Could you first please tell me what you identify as, and which pronouns I should use?”

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Don’t know about pick off lines, but I always hated people with big egos who would trash other people. Sometimes I’d stick my nose into a situation I probably didn’t belong in. I would say things like, Hey, you with the face! Oops, sorry my mistake! Or, is that a nose or did someone glue a fucking banana to your face? People like that have no problem hurting someone else’s feelings but I noticed when they get a dose of their own shit they don’t usually take it to well. Fug ‘em. Mostly ony school days though. I’d still do it today of some ass clown pissed me off enough. They can’t consider another person’s feelings then I don’t care a fig for them. My bad

eyesoreu's avatar

Piss off you ugly bitch.

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