Why is the GOP having such an issue with student loan forgiveness?
Asked by
August 31st, 2022
While a lot of them have had massive PPP loan forgiveness?
Mat Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor Greene are just 2 off the top that are complaining about the student loan forgiveness while they had their PPP loans forgave.
Why ok for them but not the students?
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28 Answers
Because the people that have student loans tend to vote Democratic.
Because they are different from the rabble. They deserve to have their loans forgiven, because they have somehow earned it.
Just like Ayn Rand had no problem taking social security money, while preaching the opposite for others.
Just like Mother Theresa enjoyed the highest medical care, while forcing those under her “care” to suffer in pain and sickness without any treatment because it made them “closer to god”.
They are the exceptions, the special ones to whom the rules do not apply.
They also have zero empathy for other people, and an active disdain for people they see ‘beneath them’.
You can see that attitude from the slanderous justifications they come up with why those “lesser” than them are undeserving of help or assistance.
They call them lazy, slackers, moochers, woke soy-latte drinkers, that chose worthless SJW degrees and now can not find a job. They accuse them of not working hard enough, of being irresponsible and wasteful with their money, and it is entirely their own fault that medical bills are bankrupting them.
There was a great aspect of the film “Knives Out” that also illustrates their self delusion.
One of the characters runs a publishing firm, but only publishes books written by his father.
One is in real estate, which started with a house gifted to her by her father.
One runs a failing skin care company, and uses money given to her from her dead husband’s father for the purpose of funding her daughters’ education, to keep the business afloat.
But they all believe themselves to be “self-made”.
WOW!!! SUPER GREAT ANSWER^^^^ @ragingloli
But you forgot it’s still all Hillary’s fault.
Here’s the deal. Today’s conservatives now view the educated as the enemy. It’s just THAT simple. Ignorance is now a cornerstone of conservatism, and you need only listen to conservative rhetoric to appreciate this. If you qualify for admission to an accredited institution, what are the chances that you will elect Marjorie Taylor Green? When Republicans refer to their “base”, it’s a term subject to dual interpretations. You need only observe the slide in the conservative utilization of the language to see that they understand that the principle of the dumber the better is a winner in contemporary America. The acid test, of course being the installation of our first criminal clown President along with the dominance of FOX. Ask yourself, how many of those folks storming the capitol will qualify for student loan relief. When conservatives use the word “elite” they aren’t talking about corporate moguls or people like Trump. They mean people not prone to accept “Mexico will pay for it” as a logical possibility. And of course, if the educated are the enemy, both logic and particularly science with its pronouncements are not to be trusted.
Actually it simply goes against our ‘pay your own way’ slogan. Taking the stimulus checks and thing’s like rent forgiveness, were met with the same feeling but we couldn’t opt out.
Many truly feel you’re hindering the kids, by teaching them to rely on govt, and hurting the economy both. That’s what I’m hearing, and some economists are torn on repercussions, as well.
I personally think it’s a great first step and am hoping for the best, and a permanent lowering of tuition.
@SQUEEKY2 I had to pay my way, it sucked and I didn’t do as well worrying about money, so I certainly wouldn’t wish that for another generation. Fingers crossed.
When I was young, I fell for right-wing rhetoric and it made me think lesser of myself, until I grew up and realized most of them are projecting, deflecting and delusional and/or flat out lying.
When I got older and realized white people all over the world were dodging child support payments, taking government hand outs, secretly using their parents money, not tipping etc, I understood just how powerful rhetoric and propaganda are.
These people have set up a massive campaign of “they’re the bad ones, not us” for the past 100 years and unfortunately it works.
Don’t forget the famous protest sign from an old Republican in a wheelchair saying “get your government hands off my Medicaid!”
You think it’s just the GOP?
“Just like Mother Theresa enjoyed the highest medical care, while forcing those under her “care” to suffer in pain and sickness without any treatment because it made them “closer to god””.
Are you serious? Here is some perspective.
Credit where credit is due regarding what she did for Calcutta
People were dying on the street. People left the bodies there like trash. No respect
She started taking the bodies because wtf Calcutta pick your bodies up. Have some respect.
People still kept dying in the street. Alone. So she took them in. They would die with somebody with them. Like a hospice nurse, she had a building full of these people. Like holy f#*k how can you have that many people who would previously just die in the street?
The controversy begins when she starts getting donations for her foundation. When she made a statement to impart something upon these dying people. What would you say to a room full of death?
Calcutta still a sad place where people die in the streets had there been no Mother Teresa to fill the niche of human trash collection. No roof or anything. Just crawl up and die and rot in the streets
Agreed she was low level with small world view. She did what she could. Don’ t fault her for her level of care when she became sick.
No one told her to sharpen the hell up. Open a hospital or something… That part makes my blood boil. Everyone was complicit in not providing care or taking it to a humanitarian effort beyond her.
Oh, and if you are going to call someone out, spell their name correctly.
Because it is just more unfunded spending by the Dems. The order is not that the banks will just lose out on the loans and the fools that signed the contract are being let off. So who does that leave? The government by way of our taxes or by running up more national debt. Either way we have to pay for it.
I have to wonder what most of these people did with their degrees anyway.
AH The real reason^^ it was a program from the democrats so Baaaad got it.
But you poor thing with the increase to your tax burden, then enlighten us why your hero Rep/cons being forgiven on their PPP loans is a good thing?
Which are far greater than the student loans.
@SQUEEKY2 It wouldn’t matter if it was Dem or Repub, but it was a Dem policy. Many of their policies revolve around spending money they don’t have…passing the extra cost onto our kids and grandkids.
So you’re not going to answer why was it ok your heros had their massive PPP loans forgiven but not the students?
And spending money you don’t have was it that way when your Don Father gave the wealthy a 1.25 trillion dollar tax cut, that the working slob would have to pay for?
@SQUEEKY2 As @KNOWITALL said, we didn’t have a choice with the PPP…they just sent it out. AND, it wasn’t just Repubs…Dems voted for that as well. I think it was the entirely wrong thing to do. Shutting down the economy was the wrong thing to do. I said it at the time and I still say it. Paying people to stay home not only drove up the debt, but it also started making people decide they didn’t want to work…period.
As for the $1.25T tax cut, I look at that as something of a wash. I don’t like spending the money, but it was an investment and it provided all sorts of benefits for the country. Tax cuts (not just for the rich…THIS working slob saw a benefit as well), the incentive for building and expanding businesses which increased employment and added to the tax revenues. Now I know you aren’t suggesting the PPP or the college scam did anything near as much for the country as that did, are you? But then, you are north of our border so you may not actually know what the impacts were.
@seawulf575 PPP. loans were not stimulus checks, they had to be applied for, and applied for forgiveness.
Greene and Gaetz had theirs forgiven Greens was almost $200,000 ,and Gaetz was larger yet some of your heros had these loans in the millions and had them forgiven but thats ok.
A 10 or 20grand student debt now that’s going to bankrupt you.
You always scream we hate the Republicans and The Don Father, but it’s your hate that shines through with anything Democrat.
@SQUEEKY2 Ahh…the PPP. Sorry. I was thinking stimulus, you are correct. But the real difference between the PPP and the education forgiveness is that you had to actually show that the loan was being used to support employees to be eligible for forgiveness. They were Small Business Association (SBA) loans.
And I still don’t go for it. During Covid-19, the government did, and coerced others to do, so much damage to our economy it isn’t funny. It would have been better to just leave things alone.
Totally agree^^ man you might have even hit the 2 million dead because of covid.
No need to take health measures just let the dying drop where they fall, money and the economy has to be top priority you can always breed more humans.
@SQUEEKY2 You know we have been over and over this in the past and just don’t agree. You believe the vaccine was the thing to do and I didn’t. Now we see that most of the cases are people that were vaccinated. I could tote out article after article showing the vaccines and boosters may be actually hurting people instead of helping them. But really, what’s the point? First off it is off topic. Secondly, you wouldn’t read them anyway. Thirdly, someone would bring out a YouTube video with a different viewpoint and you would all swarm to that instead of scientific papers.
But remember while you are claiming 2 million deaths without the vaccines: (a) you have no actual evidence of that and (b) the deaths continue with the vaccinated now leading the way. We are likely over 2 million deaths. And that doesn’t count the numerous effects that present after 2 weeks and are not attributed as a vaccine issue…myocarditis and other circulatory issues as a prime example.
@seawulf_575 My doc always recommended I get them until this year. He said no more, too many dead.
@seawulf575 @KNOWITALL You’re totally wrong about the PPP loans. People had to apply for them with an extensive application form. I have friends the restaurant business who complain about the paperwork that was involved. They weren’t “just sent out.” Maybe you’re confusing that with the stimulus checks which were means tested too but then sent out.
And meanwhile, the Inflation Reduction Act and other measures are being taken by the Dems to reduce the deficit which cutting taxes on the rich never did.
The point of the student debt forgiveness is not only to help people who need it get a leg up but also to stimulate the economy with increased buying power by them.
@janbb I didnt mention PPP loans once. Sigh.
@KNOWITALL I apologize to you then. I was going by @seawulf575‘s statement “As @KNOWITALL said, we didn’t have a choice with the PPP…they just sent it out. AND, it wasn’t just Repubs.” I should have read what you wrote before relying on a third party’s statement.
Not looking to pick an argument with you.
@janbb I already acknowledged that I had mistaken for stimulus checks. But I also gave a citation showing what it took to get a forgiveness for that.
As for all the efforts the Dems are taking, they are increasing the deficit, not reducing it. Yes, they come up with wonderful names like “Inflation Reduction Act” but they actually are the opposite. You don’t reduce inflation or the deficit by spending more money you don’t have.
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