Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why don't zombies eat each others brains?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) August 31st, 2022

When they are around each other?

Humor welcome:

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13 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Depends on the type of zombie. Not all types of zombies even eat brains.

Those that do probably prefer or only go for living non-zombie brains. If there have been types of zombies that attacked each other, they wouldn’t tend to last very long, wouldn’t be very able to form hordes, since they’d go after each other, etc.

raum's avatar

They may be dead, but they can still be discriminating with their culinary choices.

Given that it’s not a very common practice to preserve zombie brains, I’m guessing they prefer their brains fresh and not rotting.

filmfann's avatar

There are vegetarian zombies.
They eat Brussels Sprouts.

rebbel's avatar

Due to a lack of Chianti?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Dietary restriction in the Zombie Bible.

“Thou shalt not eat brains of any soul, living or dead.”

chyna's avatar

I don’t think zombies have brains.

zenvelo's avatar

They want fresh health foods, not something that has already been gnawed on.

kritiper's avatar

No ketchup.

RayaHope's avatar

I don’t think they have any. Have you seem a zombie lately? They stumble around barely able to walk and always missing body parts. ewww

mazingerz88's avatar

They still need their brains to go find a voting booth so they can vote for trump.

RayaHope's avatar

@mazingerz88 Zing! too funny! :D

Inspired_2write's avatar

They haven’t the brains to think that they could.

eyesoreu's avatar

Because, they’re thick as shit.

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