Have you noticed a lot of Republicans are changing their views on abortion ?
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September 7th, 2022
From an all out ban under any circumstance to just a ban on late term pregnancies, wonder why? Think it might have to do with the midterms?
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19 Answers
How Nobel of them, most Doctors won’t do a late term abortion, and will only consider it if the mother’s health or life is in great jeopardy!
I don’t know that they’re “changing their views” as much as they realize that they need to back down some…or LOSE; so as usual, they are willing to PRETEND that they are changing until they get in office then WATCH OUT!!!
They wouldn’t (GASP)lie would they??
Some are certainly recognizing the very real backlash to the abortion bans and that it may cost them in the midterms. Ireland’s abortion ban was overturned after stories about women dying from pregnancy complications (with doctors afraid to treat them for fear of being accused of performing an abortion) came to the fore. A similar thing may happen here.
They realize they’re losing female votes over the abortion issue. Link
@LadyMarissa by some pundits they may have already lost and can’t back out of SCOTUS decision. Half or more of the voters are NOT anti-abortion some say 60% or more. SCOTUS supported the right wing side of the GOP, oh well we know how many GOP congress members get replaced in two months
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It had to happen with so many Republican women being pro-choice and their husbands not wanting to fight with them on the subject. I mean, not all Republicans are idiots.
I don’t know if many of them are changing their views since republicans are kinda like a stick in the mud when it comes to any kind of change. I’m sure it’s votes related and NOT the safety of the woman. I just wish people would realize what some women will have to go through if abortions are illegal. Very long out-of-state trips and dangerous “self-treating” and alleyway “doctors” shame and embarrassment. This should be a NON-issue.
@RayaHope “THEY” aren’t changing their minds they were never in right-wing GOP action !
The GOP right-wingers are breaking the party up in TRUMPERS and smart people.
^^ I sure hope they get more smart people and send the trumpers packing.
@SQUEEKY2 I live on the SC/GA border in GA, but I hear a LOT of SC news. SC is a deeply red state having reps in the majority of most government functions. I woke up to this news this morning. They are fighting so bad amongst themselves that the Dems have STOPPED voting & just letting them go at it!!! It appears to me that many a right wing politician is fearing that they will lose their job IF they vote for women losing their rights!!! This vote simply covered exceptions of rape & incest & the reps couldn’t compromise with each other!!!
Wow. From @LadyMarissa‘s link: ”The amendment (to take out exception for rape ect.) failed by vote of 23–6. None of the Democrats voted.”
The Republicans are tearing themselves apart.
@Dutchess_III They aren’t willing to create another sin (harm/death due to back alley abortions) for trying to end a sin (abortion).
Then its on THEIR soul at Judgement to answer for rather than the person getting the abortion. Hard pass.
I wish we could just leave religion out of it.
This is actually not that NEW a thing. This is one of the reason alot of people think that Roe actually SLOWED the acceptance of abortion in the US. By taking the debate out of regular politics and making it controlled by judicial fiat, there’s no capacity to compromise, no reason for the sides to talk to one another.
Most western countries that aren’t the US implemented abortion laws via democratic processes and most of them ended up with it being legal up until some reasonable middle date. Not so early that a woman doesn’t have time to deicde, not so late that you’re killing basically a fully developed baby. And that’s a pretty reasonable approach to the problem.
Roe made the debate more extreme and more of a culture war issue than it needed to be. People on both sides of the aisle thought so. Ruth Bader Ginsburg famously agreed with this sentiment several years before her passing.
The GOP position on abortion however had been gradually getting less extreme even before Dobbs. It was just hard to see.
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