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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why do chicken breasts cost more than other parts of the chicken?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) September 7th, 2022

Like drums and wings?

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13 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Supply and demand and charging what the market will bear. Basic capitalism.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@JLeslie One would think that chicken wings would be in high demand, and low supply. No one I know eats BBQ chicken breasts at a tailgate party. They serve BBQ chicken wings in a bar and in the 100’s. When I was a young adult I would eat 100’s of chicken wings and a pitcher of coke each, but would never eat a chicken breast.

When I worked at KFC the customer would get an extra keel charge for extra breasts.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wings are FOUR times the cost per pound.of thighs with skin and bones !

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Ok thanks. In Canada wings are $15/KG Breasts are so expensive that I don’t even check the price anymore. Drums are cheap too… before Covid they were $0.99 a KG.

Zaku's avatar

Breasts are also almost solid meat, and have the lowest fat content.

Wings have very little meat on them.

JLeslie's avatar

Raw wings are $3.20 to $4.00 a pound where I live.

Raw bone in chicken breast are $2.00 to $2.50 a pound.

Dutchess_III's avatar

There is a lot more meat on a breast than any of then other parts.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Wings actually cost a LOT MORE per pound for the actual meat. When you buy a pound of wings, you’re buying a pound of bones with some flavor!!! When you buy a pound of breasts, you’re buying mostly meat with a little bit of bone. So, pound per pound of meat, wings are more expensive!!!

The stores know this & do their best to use it to their advantage!!!

mazingerz88's avatar

Because it’s “white” meat? Awww…

Forever_Free's avatar

Welcome to Economics 101.
Please take a seat and open to Chapter 2 – Elasticity vs. Inelasticity of Demand

elbanditoroso's avatar

Meat density per square inch (MDPSI) is a measure of how much edible foodstuff in available for a given piece of food (steak, burger, chicken, etc.).

The MDPSI for breast meat is higher because almost all of it can be eaten. Wings and THighs have inedible bones, meaning that the MDPSI is considerably lower.

SnipSnip's avatar

Because people will pay the difference to get the good white meat. Market rules.

RocketGuy's avatar

People like white meat so much, so they charge more. I love dark meat, so appreciate the lower price. Win for me!

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